Losing your phone can be catastrophic for your information security. Cell phones can also be used to prank a friend by pretending to receive a call from an "important person" who needs to talk to him. This method also helps you test your phone's loudness level. There are many options to do with proper settings, external apps and coordination.
Method 1 of 4: Using Apps to Make Phone Ring

Step 1. Download the app on the mobile device
You can use an app that makes it look as if a call is coming in on your phone. Search the app store on your iPhone, Blackberry, Android or other mobile device using the keyword "fake call". There are applications available free or paid. Make sure you read user reviews to determine the feature that best suits your needs because the variety between applications is quite diverse.
You can also find apps for prank calls that offer a certain personality, such as a celebrity, character, or even your lover. This app isn't as versatile as the previous apps, but it's great for themed events, like holidays or birthdays

Step 2. Set up the app
You have several options, such as creating a fake identity for the mystery caller, using contacts from the contact list, recording audio and scheduling calls. Plan the time of receiving calls so that the application is used in appropriate situations.
- This app lets you create a name, phone number and photo to create a fake caller ID.
- When receiving a call, the interface will be similar to the original phone call interface. You can also choose between other phone interfaces if it doesn't match your device. In some apps, you can create your own interface. Make it as close to your original interface as possible. If the person being bullied knows your cell phone well, the joke can be exposed.
- You can use various audio clips containing various topics or personality types that the app provides, or create your own using a compatible audio file. This app can't record conversations so you need to use another app to record voice.
- This app lets you instantly activate calls. If you want the call to be activated at a later time or at a certain hour, set it in the scheduling section of the app. Apps can be run in the background or when the phone is in sleep mode to mimic a real incoming call.

Step 3. Activate calling
Be sure to rehearse the situation beforehand. Try practicing and memorizing the call to create a compelling situation. Make sure this app is not visible if you are going to give your phone to someone else.
Your phone will still receive regular incoming calls from other phones and potentially spoil the prepared prank. Make sure not to schedule a fake call when you are actually waiting for a real call to arrive
Method 2 of 4: Calling from Another Phone

Step 1. Find another phone
You can use landline, public, or borrow from someone else. Make sure you ask permission first before using someone else's phone.

Step 2. Call your phone
If an immediate call fails or goes to voicemail, it's possible that your phone is not getting a signal and needs to be tried again later, or it's turned off and making no sound.

Step 3. Listen to the phone
If your phone rings but you don't hear a dial tone, the phone is probably in silent or vibrate mode. Listen for the faint buzzing of your phone as you move around the house or area until you can hear it clearly. When your phone is in vibrate mode, you can hear it tapping on other objects, such as a table.
Try looking in an area where you are often. It is possible that the device has fallen under a table, furniture, or is buried under other objects so that the sound of the phone is difficult to hear
Method 3 of 4: Testing Phone Ringer on Phone

Step 1. Go to the “Settings” app on your phone
If the app isn't at the bottom of the home screen, you can find it in the “All Apps” section of your phone

Step 2. Configure phone audio
This step varies depending on the type of phone.
- For iPhone users, select the “Sounds and Vibration Patterns” section. Scroll down to find the “Ringtone” (ringtone) option which shows the currently selected ringtone. Tap the ringtone to review it or tap “Apply” to save changes.
- For Android users, this option may be under “Sounds” or “Sound & Notification” (sounds and notifications). Select “Phone ringtone” to select a ringtone then tap “Preview” to play the tone or tap “Apply” to save changes.

Step 3. Test the ringtone audio
You can adjust the loudness level of the phone when receiving a call.
- For iPhone users, tap the “Sounds” option, then set the “Ringer and Alerts” slider to apply changes and keep the ringtone at a certain loudness level.
- For Android users, select “Volumes” (volume) then set the “Ringtone & notifications” slider to test ringtones.
Method 4 of 4: Configuring Tracking Service on Phone

Step 1. Configure the tracking program on various devices
Depending on the type of phone you have, most manufacturers provide a free option to track your phone, but this has to be set up first. You will be able to send calls or notifications to the phone that will make a sound.
- iPhone users need a phone that supports iOS9 and has iWork for iOS in order for the tracking software to work. Using a web browser, create and configure an iCloud account on the icloud.com site. Sign in to your iCloud account, or if you don't have one, create a new one for free.
- Android users need access to the Android Device Manager on their phone. You can access settings in one of two places. You can go to the “Settings” app and scroll down, then tap on “Google”, followed by “Security” (security). You can use the “Google Settings” app (Google settings) then tap “Security”.

Step 2. Configure the phone for tracking
The following steps vary depending on the type of phone you are using.
- iPhone users must access the iCloud app. Open the iCloud program on your iPhone. There, scroll down and turn on “Find My iPhone” (find my iPhone). You will receive a new request. Tap “Allow” to continue.
- Android users must allow their phones to be tracked remotely. Under “Android Device Manager”, tap on “Remotely Locate This Device” (track the device remotely). Go into the “Settings” app, which is separate from the “Google Settings” app. Scroll down and tap “Location” and make sure all location services are enabled.

Step 3. Test the phone ringtone
You will need to use another device such as a computer.
- iPhone users must either sign in to the iCloud.com site or access “Find My iPhone” on another iPhone or iPad via the iCloud app. Click or tap on “Find My iPhone” which will bring up a map with the phone's current location. You can choose to “Play Sound” or “Send Message” to turn on iPhone sound.
- Android users need to visit android.com/devicemanager via a browser to make sure the device is visible on the map. Tap or click the “Ring” option so that the device makes a sound. Make sure this other device is logged in to the same Google account as the phone you want to search for.
- When using special services to search for mobile phones, your mobile device must be set up first. If you try to use this service to find your phone, the program may not be able to recognize your phone.
- Your phone will remain silent if “Do Not Disturb” mode is active. Check the icon or other indicator on the screen, or check if the “Do Not Disturb” mode is active in the phone settings.
- Your phone will not make a sound if the battery is almost empty or the phone is off, which makes it difficult for programs to track.