Good Way of Talking (with Pictures)

Good Way of Talking (with Pictures)
Good Way of Talking (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


The ability to speak in a person suggests a good and solid education and a cultured mind. People will be more likely to listen to you and respect your intelligence. If you think before you speak and apply clearer, more concise words to your daily life, you will be the most articulate person in your environment, both when giving presentations and telling funny stories to friends.


Part 1 of 3: To Sound Smarter

Be Articulate Step 1
Be Articulate Step 1

Step 1. Know the subject you are talking about

Talk about things you are good at to get people to understand or about topics that add something to the discussion. Talking just because you want to participate or want to be heard will add nothing to your speaking skill level. Let other people talk about something they are good at and engage in the discussion through meaningful questions. Do your own research and get to know alternative perspectives, but be willing to stop talking if the topic has shifted to a theme that is beyond your knowledge.

If you're not good at the subject but still want to talk, you'll need to do some more research to sound like you know what you're talking about

Be Articulate Step 2
Be Articulate Step 2

Step 2. Think before you speak

This helps reduce verbal pauses and prevents nonsensical speech. Don't worry if this pause will slow you down a bit. In fact, pausing before giving an answer will make you seem wiser and smarter than someone who just spouts a series of nonsense words right after the question is asked.

If someone asks you something and you want to think about it first, don't be afraid to say, “Come back in a few minutes. I have to think about it.” You'll sound much more prepared once you've had time to think

Be Articulate Step 3
Be Articulate Step 3

Step 3. Develop your vocabulary

Using a variety of words that have the same meaning will create more interest and color. If you don't understand the word you're reading, look up its meaning in a dictionary or thesaurus. The easiest way to develop vocabulary is to read, read, and read. Knowing synonyms can help, but you need to use them correctly, not words you've only ever seen in a dictionary.

You can make vocabulary cards and learn from them. Make it a goal to learn ten new words a week

Be Articulate Step 4
Be Articulate Step 4

Step 4. Use the correct words

Avoid slang and abbreviations. Instead of "hey", use "hello". Instead of "yes", use "yes". Never use “eim” or “ho-oh” except in the context of a story or event. If you are presenting a formal or even semi-formal presentation, good, correct and intelligent words are very important. Avoid using too many abbreviations (say “I can't” instead of “I can't”) and speak as much as possible in complete sentences, except for effect.

Be Articulate Step 5
Be Articulate Step 5

Step 5. Use correct grammar

Grammar mistakes are most common in conversations that require you to use English. So learn the proper use of I, me, him, his, he, no, not. These words are often misused as in the case of double negatives and mentioning people. If you repeat facts that have already been stated, say "as I said", not "like I said". Here are some tricks you need to know:

  • You should say, "He and I were discussed…" not "Him and I were discussed…"
  • You should say, "You can give your report to her or me", not "You can give your report to her or I".
  • You have to say, "Such as…" not "Like…"
Be Articulate Step 6
Be Articulate Step 6

Step 6. Radiate confidence

If you want to sound articulate and intelligent, you have to appear confident when you speak. Make eye contact with the audience, make yourself sound like you really mean what's being said, and speak at a volume loud enough for people to hear. If you seem comfortable with the message and believe in every word you say, rather than questioning yourself, other people are more likely to believe it too.

Make your sentences sound firm and clear. Don't end the sentence with a question or raise your voice a bit, as this will sound like you're asking for affirmation

Be Articulate Step 7
Be Articulate Step 7

Step 7. Improve your posture

Posture will really help you sound smarter. Stand up straight and don't slouch no matter what, whether standing, walking, or sitting. Don't cross your arms in front of your chest, let your arms hang at your sides and use them to make a point. Extend your neck a little. Standing up straight will make your words sound more assertive and will make people believe that you really know what you're talking about.

Be Articulate Step 8
Be Articulate Step 8

Step 8. Make careful preparations

If you want to sound smart, you can't just spit out the latest idea at a group of people or close friends without thinking about how to frame the idea beforehand. So you have to prepare for what to say, either at a class presentation or when talking to your boyfriend about relationship issues. Practice what you need to say as often as needed until you feel comfortable.

Practice and practice are important, but trying to make your words sound natural is also important. Therefore, you must master the subject matter enough to change the mood if necessary

Part 2 of 3: Speak Better

Be Articulate Step 9
Be Articulate Step 9

Step 1. Speak concisely

Saying a lot in a few words can make some people shut up or stop listening. Add the content of the discussion that is concise and concise but not vague. Talking a lot before getting to the point will ensure half the audience loses interest. State your intentions up front so people know what you're going to say next.

If you have to give a speech for a limited time, don't share the 30 ideas you have in mind. Choose the three most important ideas, and break them down

Be Articulate Step 10
Be Articulate Step 10

Step 2. Reduce verbal pauses

Words like em, uh, I see, and the like will reduce and belittle what you say. The addition is distracting and breaks the flow of the sentence. A nonverbal pause would be better. When searching for words, well-placed nonverbal pauses will have a dramatic or learned thought effect. This confirms your control over what is said.

Speak more slowly, eliminate distractions, and make eye contact will also help maintain your message

Be Articulate Step 11
Be Articulate Step 11

Step 3. Speak more slowly

Another way to speak more clearly is to speak more slowly. You may feel that if you speak quickly and say everything you want to say, you can get it over with and make people understand your point more clearly. However, if you slow down a bit, think about what you want to say, and say the words in a way that won't make you sound like you're mumbling or confuse your audience, your speech will be better.

  • You don't have to speak so slowly that it feels like you're taking a break between each word, but rather take pauses between sentences to prepare for the next.
  • If you speak too quickly, you may say something you will regret or make no sense at all, and you will have to go back to making the audience understand what you really mean. It could be avoided by speaking more slowly.
Be Articulate Step 12
Be Articulate Step 12

Step 4. Use your hands

If your hands are in your pockets, you're more likely to stutter, forget what to say, or confuse the audience. That's because hand gestures can help clarify meaning and involve the whole body in the process of speaking. Communication is not only conveyed through the mouth, but from posture, eye contact, movement, and body language. All in one package. So, next time you talk, get your hands out of your pockets. Even if you don't use it much, you'll feel more comfortable if you move it around a bit.

Hands in your pockets will also make you look less confident, so the message conveyed seems weak

Be Articulate Step 13
Be Articulate Step 13

Step 5. Reduce distractions

Another way to speak better is to focus completely on the message being conveyed. You might say "em" or "uh" or forget what to say because your phone keeps vibrating, because you're late, or you're worried about a meeting you have to attend later. So stay focused on your delivery "as you say it" as much as possible.

If you focus solely on the content of the message, you will be able to convey it more clearly, and the audience will pay more attention

Part 3 of 3: Taking the Extra Step

Be Articulate Step 14
Be Articulate Step 14

Step 1. Develop knowledge

If you want to continue to hone your speaking skills, you must always be learning. Read contemporary and classic fiction to dive into the world of literature. Read nonfiction and newspapers for the latest news. Watch the news so you know what's going on in the world, and how relevant issues are delivered. Talk to smart people and get in the habit of communicating wisely.

Reading an extra book per month or reading the newspaper every day may not make you good at speaking right away, but you will be able to see the impact on your speech and cognitive abilities in the long run

Be Articulate Step 15
Be Articulate Step 15

Step 2. Get to know your audience

Another way to get better at speaking is to know who is listening. If you are giving a presentation on poetry to a group of writers, you can assume that they understand the vocabulary and concepts you are using. But if you teach how to write poetry to 5th graders, it means that the words used and the level of explanation given must be distinguished.

Genius alone won't help when talking to a bunch of 9 year olds. To have professional speaking skills, you must adapt your words and manner of speaking to your audience whenever necessary

Be Articulate Step 16
Be Articulate Step 16

Step 3. Tell me something

When you tell a story, you tend to eliminate any verbal fillers or doubts because you know what's being said and are able to move more smoothly from one sentence to the next. If there's a story that illustrates your point well, use it in a speech or when you're talking to other people to make the words more lively and fluid because you're talking about something you're comfortable with.

Of course you have to practice storytelling beforehand so that it is perfect even though you have memorized it from the inside out

Be Articulate Step 17
Be Articulate Step 17

Step 4. Get inspired by famous speeches and speakers

Browse YouTube or other online resources for some great speakers, like Martin Luther King or Steve Jobs, and see if you can learn something from them. You can also read some great speeches, such as "The Gettysburg Address," to see if you can learn how to impress and inspire others. You can also watch speakers on the news who speak well and wisely, and see what you can learn from them.

Take notes as you watch or read. You can learn a lot about ways to be good at speaking just by watching other people who speak well

Be Articulate Step 18
Be Articulate Step 18

Step 5. Make your content more engaging

Another way to impress a crowd or co-worker and get a message across is to make sure it's worth listening to. An amazing and inspiring story about your successful completion of a marathon with a sprained ankle may not be perfect, but if you can make it interesting, people won't care if you pause, stuttering. or use verbal fillers. So the next time you're nervous about having to speak, don't just focus on how to get the message across, but how to make it interesting.

In order to make your content more interesting, you need to not only reduce verbiage, but also determine what will most captivate your audience

Be Articulate Step 19
Be Articulate Step 19

Step 6. Join a speech club

A speech club will bring you together with people who share your interests and provide you with the time and place you need to give a speech, captivate an audience, and learn to speak better. If you're shy or afraid to speak in front of an audience, speech clubs provide a boost to make you more confident and articulate.


  • Know the latest news as well as history. It's not mandatory, but it helps in intelligent conversation. What's the point of being able to speak if you have nothing to talk about?
  • Choose a word from the dictionary and use it as often as possible in a day.
  • If you are unable to do anything related to good speech such as can't eliminate verbal pauses, can't think before speaking, have a weak vocabulary, can't speak without slang or vulgarity, don't despair! It is enough to read any professional writings such as books, newspapers or articles by voice hard, you can master all the qualities that a well-spoken person should have!

    However, the key to becoming a good speaker is finding the right words and pronunciations that you don't recognize, and smoothing your pronunciation through practice. read aloud. Just like physical exercise, your voice will be stronger and through practice, your brain will get used to speaking well. Practicing a voice is as much fun as an artist developing and honing a unique style, but knowledge and consistency are king. By reading, you will amplify your voice and at the same time acquire knowledge. There are great role models out there, but in the end You must try! Through talking or reading aloud, the important thing is to practice.

  • Know the difference between being well-spoken and just trying to sound educated. Using complicated words = educated. Using words that everyone understands = good at speaking. Adding unrelated statistics = educated. Knowing relevant small details = good at speaking.
  • If you're having trouble stopping saying "em" out loud, just think about it.
  • Hang out with people who make you comfortable. In this way, you will be able to speak more fluently.
  • Don't focus on your feelings (nervous, worried, etc.), but on the message you want to convey.


  • Avoid dirty words. Harsh language never elevates your opinion of yourself, except among teenagers.
  • Don't beat around the bush. If there's nothing you can say, just sit down. No one ever complains about a meeting ending quickly.
