In fact, individuality is a very valuable treasure for every person. As a result, it's only natural that you feel threatened when you feel that the treasure will or has been snatched away by someone else! Unfortunately, imitation is common among many people for various reasons. So that it doesn't make you feel too upset or unsafe, try to understand the reasons behind it. Whatever your view on the issue, actually the act of imitation also takes its own place in the process of developing a person's self to become an independent individual.
Method 1 of 3: View Imitation as Flattery

Step 1. Think of the reasons behind the act of imitating it
Maybe he's doing it because he likes your style, your personality, or some other aspect of you. Try to stay positive and be a good role model, instead of belittling or belittling them.
- It's possible that he doesn't even notice that he's been copying you. In other words, the action is a form of subconscious admiration.
- Think of the people who have been your role models. Then, think about whether or not there is a personal aspect of them that you are currently adopting. If the person found out about your behavior, how would you like them to react? The difference is, as a celebrity, these people may not be able to meet directly with the people who are affected, unlike you who may have to frequently meet people who imitate you.

Step 2. Raise the topic implicitly
Acknowledging the fact that someone is copying your style won't diminish your uniqueness in the slightest! Acknowledging uniqueness is like accepting the fact that you are an independent individual, and that confidence you can transmit to that person implicitly.
Compliment the aspects he's copying, especially when he's not copying you. For example, if you feel like she's always copying the way you pair pumps with jeans, try complimenting her when she wears flat heels. Be aware that copying her may be a sign of her high insecurity and lack of confidence

Step 3. Try changing your style or behavior
Focus on what you can change, not what you can't control. After all, adopting a new style can provide an opportunity for you to evaluate what really matters in your dress style and identity.
- Keep your preferences tight. If he's constantly copying your style or behavior, try making changes over a period of time to encourage him to look for other inspiration.
- Look for other fashion role models and deconstruct all the elements you want to adopt. If you want, you can also invite him to discuss the style that is most suitable for each party, you know!

Step 4. Treat others as you would like to be treated
A person who enjoys imitating others may have very strong insecurities. Therefore, try to increase his confidence by always being positive in his presence. With your help, surely his self-esteem and identity will be stronger. After that, your confidence will also increase!
- Mimicking may be a phase of their development or a sign that the person is feeling empty. Realize the power of friendship and communication!
- Get help from people in your circle of friends. Just because he's copying you doesn't mean you need to act alone in the situation! Instead, try to involve other people so that it helps them to build their identity by referring to a larger sample size.

Step 5. Offer help to people who copy your work at school and/or work
If your work is hijacked or copied by someone else, it's likely that the person didn't really understand the instructions, or had trouble managing their personal schedule and couldn't complete the job on time. As a result, he will depend on you. If that's the case, politely explain that his behavior could get you both in trouble, and most importantly, he won't gain any knowledge by simply cheating. Since everyone has a different level of intelligence, be patient if other people have difficulty understanding material that you find easy.
There is an old saying that says, “By giving a man fish, you have fed him for the day; by teaching him to fish, you have fed him for a lifetime.” This means that instead of allowing someone access to your work, try to get to the root of the problem to find the reason behind copying it. For example, he may not be good at understanding or scheduling things. Either way, try to identify the reason for the negative behavior from repeating itself
Method 2 of 3: Communicating Your Objections

Step 1. Think about what bothered you so much about his behavior
Try to analyze the thoughts that arise rationally, honestly, and openly. If you want, you can also speak your mind out loud to a trusted friend or relative. Try taking your emotional sleep for a few days to make sure it's accurate and logical.
- If a friend is caught copying your style of dress, you most likely feel that their behavior has taken away your freedom of expression.
- If copying is done at school or at work, you're more likely to feel threatened and unappreciated if someone steals your work ethic or gets value from a personal project you're working on. Be aware of the feelings that arise to help you find relevant solutions.

Step 2. Manage your thoughts and make a plan for communicating instead of arguing
Write down what you want to convey so that your argument can sound more constructive, coherent, and rational. In addition, also think about the results you want to achieve and determine a strategy to achieve those results. If you want, you can also write down all the negative emotions that come up in a journal or a special email.
- Start by putting all the thoughts and emotions that come up in a special chart or mind map.
- Try to anticipate the various emotions that may arise in the conversation, and use the external support you have to manage those emotions. For example, talk to a close friend or relative before confronting someone who lives near you, or talk to a coworker if the confrontation will take place at the office.
- Practice the words you will say. Whatever method of practice you choose, whether in front of a mirror or in front of a close relative, try to be comfortable when it comes to raising the issue.

Step 3. Have a confrontation
Emphasize that his actions have had a negative effect on you, and tell him what changes he needs to make to improve the situation. Make sure you choose your diction very carefully, and don't allow yourself to be overwhelmed by anger or negative emotions. In fact, someone who likes to imitate others has a very high insecurity and sensitivity. As a result, he is also prone to being defensive when confronted.
- Say something like, "It seems like you've been wearing the same clothes lately, haven't you? Looks like you bought the same shoes and accessories too. I'm glad you like my style of dress. But for me, fashion is my way of expressing myself. Do you realize that you have done that?”
- Remember, someone who imitates or hijacks other people's traits actually has very low self-esteem and is prone to getting defensive or denying it.
- If copying is done at work, try to remain professional so that your self-image doesn't deteriorate. For example, try to consult with the HR department to find the most professional and possible approach, with reference to standard rules and company policies.
- Take deep breaths before and during the confrontation. State your point, which the person might think of as an accusation, as calmly as possible. Use open and friendly body language to prevent him from getting defensive.

Step 4. Avoid the person if he or she is still copying you despite being confronted in person
Don't waste your emotions and energy lamenting what you can't control. Instead, take a proactive step to get out of the situation by keeping the person out of your sight and out of your mind!
If you can't completely avoid the person, try to view the situation as a joke and don't make any further effort to change it. Learning to laugh at situations can help you deal with stress more easily, you know
Method 3 of 3: Preventing Someone From Infringing Your Intellectual Property Rights

Step 1. Apply for a trademark, copyright, or patent
Trademarks are closely related to business and brand creation strategies. Meanwhile, patents are intended to protect your inventions or creations. On the other hand, copyright is useful for protecting the written works, creative projects, and computer programs that you create. Each country has specific rules and procedures that must be followed in order to obtain one or all three. Therefore, we recommend filing trademark, copyright, or patent rights with expert assistance.
- Unfortunately, your trademark is only valid in certain jurisdictions. This means that having a trademark does not necessarily protect you completely from piracy.
- Creativity is a very mysterious thing and is often difficult to recognize as a property. In Indonesia, copyright law is territorial and applies on a national scale. This means that if there is a cross-border copyright infringement (for example, through a digital platform), then the infringement lawsuit must be filed and resolved in the perpetrator's country of origin. As a result, the process will be more troublesome.
- If a creative project is done collaboratively, each party in it may have different copyrights, depending on their contribution to the project.
- Intellectual property rights protection services in Indonesia are managed by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) under the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
- Every trader should register their trademarks, patents, and copyrights with the DJKI so that their business is considered legally valid and can get protection from the state.

Step 2. Create a strong and influential brand
If done right, the brand creation process can build a community of loyal customers and increase the value of your business. Therefore, always prioritize quality, uniqueness, and strong values to create a brand that is also strong and influential for many people.
- Even if your business is still just starting out and is not yet on a large scale, there's nothing wrong with analyzing the business strategy and branding of big companies like Apple and Nike !
- In general, you need to have good customer service, because strong relationships with consumers will generally be directly proportional to strong brand loyalty.
- Innovate regularly so that you are always at the forefront, and respected by all business partners and consumers.

Step 3. Satisfy your ego and be proud that someone wants to emulate you
This fact actually shows that you have had a tremendous influence on him! Indeed, every cultural figure once had such a big role to gradually change society. Imagine yourself as one of those positive change agents!
Work more productively so that you can focus more on maintaining the quality of the work as a whole, instead of worrying about one work being pirated by irresponsible parties
- Have confidence and ignore other people's opinions about your identity, even the situation that surrounds you.
- You have the right to conduct due diligence and seek professional assistance when dealing with trademark, copyright and patent issues.
- Remember, emotions are very complex elements in humans. Therefore, sometimes a person needs the help of a professional to understand the reasons behind his behavior, as well as to find the steps that need to be taken to restore his integrity. If you have a similar need, there's no need to set a deadline to achieve the desired result!
- Most likely, it takes a lot of process, time, effort, and money to apply for trademarks, copyrights, and patents.