Have you ever procrastinated when know should be studying? do you convinced that if you study a little more consistently, you'll get good grades? If yes, you are not alone. Most people often have learning difficulties. Read on for the methods below to stop procrastination and get serious about studying!
Method 1 of 2: Overcoming Barriers to Learning

Step 1. Stop your activity immediately and start studying
It's easy to say "I'll study in an hour" over and over again until a whole day is wasted. If you need serious study, don't procrastinate. Stop the activity immediately, go to a quiet, safe room with the study materials, and get started. Don't lose to the thoughts of “one more game”, “one more episode of television show”, etc. The earlier you start, the sooner you will finish and the more free time you will have in the long run.
It's harder to start something compared Keep going do something. Once you get past the initial obstacles, continuing to study will become easier.

Step 2. Force yourself to start writing notes and also draw your notes
Drawing notes will make the lesson easier to remember and fun. For example, say you have to remember the war in 1812. Describe some things you know. The first one to two minutes of learning is very crucial because at this time people give up easily to learn. To avoid this, immediately start writing notes, even if the results may not be very good. Once you make progress (however small) you will find it harder to quit than when you make no progress at all.
Don't forget that you can always rewrite your initial notes if they don't help

Step 3. Motivate yourself
Morale plays a very important role in determining whether your study session is a success or not. Be enthusiastic from the start and maintain it throughout the study session. Below are some ideas to keep you motivated to study. However, only You who knows the best method for himself:
- Listen to lively music, such as music played at sporting events.
- Move. Do jogging, jumping jacks, shadowbox, etc.
- Watch inspirational speeches.
- Change locations frequently. Don't get bored with your surroundings.

Step 4. Plan your reward yourself
Learning is easier when you know that you will eventually get what you want. Manage your learning success by making a gift for yourself after study. For example, if you like sweets, take some time after studying to go to an ice cream shop, if your study session was a success.

Step 5. Share your study plan
If all else fails, use shame as a motivator! Tell a friend that you will study to get good grades on an upcoming assignment. Fear of embarrassing oneself due to lack of learning can provide high learning motivation. Therefore, as your task approaches, you will feel compelled to learn so that getting started is easier.
Better yet, let your friends know that you want to study with them. Thus, you will have to study (with friends who are helping you) or cancel your appointment. Either way, your friends will know
Method 2 of 2: Eliminate Distractions

Step 1. Set aside time to study
When studying, devote all your attention to learning. If your attention is divided between studying and other things, such as television shows, work, or other tasks, the lessons learned will not stick in your brain. Make sure you can study effectively by setting aside a reasonable amount of time for work and just for work.
Based on the amount of work to be done, the time set aside can be a one-time commitment or a regular addition to your schedule. Better to use the second because then, you will used to dedicate some time to study.

Step 2. Find a place to study so you don't get distracted
Unfortunately, many people set aside time to study only to be distracted by distractions. Make sure your study location does not have any kind of interference. Usually, this is done by finding a quiet and private room without video games, online entertainment, social media, television, and so on.
If studying requires you to use the internet and you're worried about being distracted by online games, videos, and so on, try using a free productivity extension for your web browser. This application is able to temporarily block certain sites so that they cannot be accessed while studying

Step 3. Use music/white noise as desired
For some, complete silence is a distraction. If you are one of them, feel free to experiment with music or white noise to accompany your study sessions. Some people feel motivated by music to stay focused when they're usually daydreaming. Others like white noise (a constant, shapeless sound like raindrops or waves crashing) which allows them to focus, relax, and relax. ignore disturbance. The important thing is that the sound it plays doesn't distract you. If you're actually singing along when you should be focused on studying, it's best to just turn off the music. Use only when necessary.

Step 4. Block access to procrastinating sources
In the case of extreme procrastination, it may be that your source of procrastination should be temporarily (or even permanently) removed. For example, if you're having a hard time studying because you're always tempted by video games, lend your game console to a friend at the end of the week so you can study freely. If there's still a problem, just sell it. Although painful, eliminating the source of procrastination will pay off in the long run.

Step 5. Do exercise, eat, and rest before studying
Disturbance physical Hunger, restlessness, and tiredness can hinder your learning efforts like a mental disorder. To make sure you're studying to the best of your ability, take care of your physical needs first before studying. Eat a healthy and balanced diet throughout the day. Dedicate time to exercise. Get enough sleep the night before. Taking care of your body will give your mind the best chance to learn new information
- Take short breaks during study to clear your mind.
- Calm your mind while studying. Try not to think about anything that will affect your emotions.
- Try to keep your things organized so you can concentrate and calm down better.
- Study the basics well and praise yourself if you get the answer right. Learning is a process, not an end goal.
- Give yourself a reward for completing a difficult task or question.
- Always have enough pencils or other writing utensils ready.
- Buy revision books that are cheap. This book is tasked with storing key points into a smaller space so that they are easier to organize.
- Many schools have study groups. Consider enrolling in one of them if you have difficulty in a particular subject. It will be more fun if you study with other people.
- Ask your parents to help you by listening as you teach something you have learned. You'll find it easier to understand if you feel someone understands and helps correct you.
- As you memorize, record the answers you have memorized, then listen to them before going to bed. This will help review your lessons in a better way.
- Use charts and flowcharts to remember specific topic points.
- Tell your parents not to let you do anything until you reach a certain goal. For example, you will not leave the house until you have read and understood your assignment.