3 Ways to Say Goodbye in French

3 Ways to Say Goodbye in French
3 Ways to Say Goodbye in French

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The most commonly heard term for "goodbye" in French is "au revoir," (it actually means until we meet again) but the language actually has several ways to say goodbye to someone. Here are some of the most common ways for you to find out.


Method 1 of 3: The Ordinary Goodbye

Say Goodbye in French Step 1
Say Goodbye in French Step 1

Step 1. Say "Au revoir" in any situation

This word is the standard French translation of the Indonesian "goodbye," and can be used in casual and formal situations, with strangers and friends.

  • When pronounced as an expression, au revoir usually translates directly to "goodbye." But the phrase translates more closely to "see you later" or "see you later,"
  • Au translates to "until." Revoir translates to meet again, meet again, or revise.
  • Pronounce au revoir as oh ruh-vwar.
Say Goodbye in French Step 2
Say Goodbye in French Step 2

Step 2. Use "salute" informally

You can use the salute as a way to say "goodbye" when you're with friends or in other casual situations.

  • Avoid using salutes in formal situations.
  • It should also be noted that salutes can be used to greet someone as well as say goodbye.
  • The term has various translations, including "greetings," "greetings," and "all the best."
  • Say hello as legitimate-lu. "'
Say Goodbye in French Step 3
Say Goodbye in French Step 3

Step 3. Replace with "adieu

While adieu is no longer as common as it once was, the word can still be used in most contexts as a way of saying goodbye.

  • A translates to "for", and "'Dieu means "God. "Translated more literally, this sentence says "God" and is the same thing as saying "go with God" or "Good luck."
  • Adieu's rough pronunciation is ahd-ju.

Method 2 of 3: Hope Someone Is OK

Say Goodbye in French Step 4
Say Goodbye in French Step 4

Step 1. Wish someone a good day with a "bonne journée

This phrase means "good day" and is, in essence, the same thing as saying "have a good day."

  • Bonne means "good."
  • Journée means "day."
  • The common pronunciation of the phrase is bahn zoor-nay.
  • Say "Passez une bonne journée" in slightly more formal situations. This word translates more literally to "have a good day" or "have a good day." Pronounce the sentence as pah-see oona bahn zoor-nay."'
Say Goodbye in French Step 5
Say Goodbye in French Step 5

Step 2. Wish someone a good night with "bonne soirée

This word translates literally to "good night" and is the same thing as saying to someone "have a good night."

  • Bonne means "good."
  • Soirée means "night."
  • Pronounce this sentence as bahn Swar-ray.
Say Goodbye in French Step 6
Say Goodbye in French Step 6

Step 3. Say hello to someone to enjoy their trip with "bon voyage," "bonne route," or "bonnes vacances

Each of these phrases can translate into something along the lines of “have a good trip,” and each can be used to say goodbye to someone starting a trip or vacation.

  • Voyage means "to travel," "trip," or "journey," so like the three phrases, bon voyage translates best to "have a good trip." Pronounce it as 'bahn voy -ahjz, with a "ge" ending that sounds like a soft "j".
  • Route means "way," "route," or "way." The expression is generally used to say "have a good trip" or "have a safe trip," and is pronounced bahn rhoot.
  • Vacances means "vacation" or "picnic," so the phrase "bonnes vacances" means "have a good picnic" or "have a good holiday." Pronounce it as boon vah-koons.
Say Goodbye in French Step 7
Say Goodbye in French Step 7

Step 4. Use "bonne continuation" for short meetings

This phrase is generally only used to say goodbye to someone you briefly met and will likely never see again.

  • The phrase can be translated into the meaning of "luck" or "good continuation," because "continuation" means the same thing in French and English.
  • Say sentences like bahn Kohn-teen-u-ay-seohn.
Say Goodbye in French Step 8
Say Goodbye in French Step 8

Step 5. Tell someone to be careful with "prends soin de toi

"In English, this sentence means "take care of yourself."

  • Prends means "to take."
  • Soin means "to take care of."
  • In this context, de means "from."
  • Toi means "you."
  • Say the whole phrase like prah swa doo twa.
Say Goodbye in French Step 9
Say Goodbye in French Step 9

Step 6. Pray for someone to have good luck with "bonne chance" or "bon courage

"Both sayings can be said to someone as you depart, and they both mean "luck" in some form"

  • Bonne chance is used when real luck or luck is involved. Chance means "luck," "opportunity," or "luck." Pronounce bonne chance as bahn shahns.
  • Bon courage is used to tell someone something along the lines of "persistence" or "keep doing it." Courage means "courage" or "fortitude." Pronounce bon courage as boon Kooh-rhajh.

Method 3 of 3: Another Goodbye

Say Goodbye in French Step 10
Say Goodbye in French Step 10

Step 1. Say goodbye temporarily with "à la prochaine" or "à bientôt

Both sayings mean something along the lines of "goodbye for now"

  • Translated directly, la prochaine means "next," basically meaning "until the next time we meet."
  • Pronounce la prochaine as "ah lah pro-shen.
  • Directly translated, bientôt means "soon," but the basic meaning in Indonesian is "see you later."
  • Pronounce bientôt as ah bee-ahn-too.
Say Goodbye in French Step 11
Say Goodbye in French Step 11

Step 2. Use "à plus tard" instead

This phrase roughly means "see you later."

  • Translated directly, it means "see you later." means "for" plus means "more," and tard means "too late."
  • This phrase is already fairly informal, but you can make it more informal by dropping the tard and just saying plus.
  • Pronounce plus tard as ah ploo tahr.
Say Goodbye in French Step 12
Say Goodbye in French Step 12

Step 3. Say goodbye to the day with "à demain

This phrase means "see you tomorrow" or "see you tomorrow."

  • Demain means "tomorrow" in Indonesian.
  • Pronounce the sentence as ah doo-mahn.
Say Goodbye in French Step 13
Say Goodbye in French Step 13

Step 4. Use "à tout l'heure" or "à tout de suite" when you see someone immediately

Both phrases mean something along the lines of "see you in a little while."

  • Say tout l'heure to say "See you later" or "See you soon." Pronounce it as as ah toot ah leur.
  • Say tout de suite" to say "See you soon" or "See you soon." Pronounce it as a too day soo-eet.
Say Goodbye in French Step 14
Say Goodbye in French Step 14

Step 5. Say to a new person, "ravi d'avoir fait ta Connaissance

This statement roughly translates to "Nice to meet you."

  • ' Ravi means "happy.
  • The translation of the rest of the sentence, "d'avoir fait ta Connaissance," when broken down into separate parts will be harsh. Although when used together, the words can be translated as "to meet you."
