It's easy to miss a lesson in school no matter whether you're smart or not-school takes hard work! To be a smart student-that is, a student who knows how to learn and how to succeed-you have to start from day one. With the right study tactics and a few tricks at your disposal, this smart student is you.
Part 1 of 4: Preparing Yourself for Success

Step 1. Organize all your school materials and supplies
Arrange everything, either two weeks before school, or two weeks before school ends. This means getting all your folders, your binders, your papers or reports ready, and everything you need for each subject. Being organized makes the real job a lot easier. Here are some ways:
- Purchase small book binders for each class or subject. In the folds or inner book pocket, stick the syllabus. Then start arranging your homework and the sheets of paper your teacher gives you in alphabetical order, if possible.
- Save the specific equipment you need (scissors, markers, etc.) by arranging them according to each class. Each binder must have a pen and a highlighter.
- Get things out. If your locker cupboard looks like a hurricane, just throw it all out, clean it! The fewer things you need to sort through to get what you want, the more time you will save doing other more important things.

Step 2. Create your own study space
You know why people say never work in bed? Because if you work in bed, the bed suddenly becomes a workplace, not a place to sleep-we link activities with where we do those activities. To take advantage of this, set up a place in your home just for studying. When you are there, your mind will automatically be in the learning zone, because learning is the only link it has with that place.
- Have you ever heard of context-dependent memory? Context-dependent memory is when your memory finds it easier to remember something where it learned it. So if you study there one night, study there again the next, it will make it easier for you to remember what you have learned before.
- If you can, have more than one study space-a library, at a friend's house, etc. Research says that the more places you have to study, the more connections your brain has, and the easier it is for you to remember the things you learn.

Step 3. Prepare all your textbooks in advance
Most teachers (from grade 6 to college) will supply you with a list of books for the new school year before it starts, or at least at the start of the new school year. Get the list and get all your textbooks ready. Then flip through the pages or take a quick glance and familiarize yourself with the contents. Start reading the first chapter as soon as possible, whether assigned by your teacher or not.
If your teacher doesn't give you this list, ask! He will be impressed by your initiative and seriousness in attending his class. You can become a favorite student

Step 4. Also ask about any additional readings
Your teacher may have a book or two that isn't on the list, but is close to being written. This book can be a great supplementary reading, which will help you understand whatever you are studying, and give you a more complete picture.
This method is great for everything from math to history to art. There is always additional reading you can study to equip your mind for a topic, regardless of the topic

Step 5. Talk to your teachers about what they are looking for
Start with a conversation about their class. What do they emphasize (participation, authenticity, reading, etc.)? What are the easiest ways to be successful? Do they provide extra value? Do they give a lot of group work? Will there be a lot of writing in the classroom? Knowing these things will help you understand what is expected of you.
This also includes building a relationship with your teacher from the start. You will be the first to care about their value and are trying to be the best. When grading time rolls around and you get an A-, almost an A, your teacher may have faith in you, because you are a good student, and eventually raise your grade to an A
Part 2 of 4: Staying On Top Every Day

Step 1. Make note-taking a fun and memorable activity
If you write down every word your teacher says, A) you will get very bored and B) you will have very, very long notes to read at home. Instead, focus on the things that matter and make it fun! Here are some ways:
- Change sentences to pictures or graphics. In 1941 60% of the population of Germany was Jewish. Change to a pie chart. It will also be easier to see in your notes.
- Use mnemonics (the science of memorizing) to help you remember. What are the colors in the rainbow? Of course mejikuhibiniu!
- Use a marker (highlighter). The more color in your notes, the more fun they are to read. Set up a color coding system to help you find things faster too.

Step 2. Read the material the night before
Most of the students didn't seem to read at all or some sort of skimming during class, when the teacher was discussing it. Don't be such a disciple! Whether the material is important or not, always read it before class begins. In class you'll know exactly what's going on, when your teacher finally calls your name.
If you don't know what to read, take a look at your syllabus. There's always a reason why the syllabus should be in your front pocket in your binder-the syllabus should include each homework, assignment, or reading, and when it will be covered. Take a quick look at the sheet of paper, and you'll know exactly what to do

Step 3. Don't put off your homework
If you really want to understand your homework, do it thoroughly, and get the best possible grades, you shouldn't be doing it early in the morning on your way to school. When you are home that night, sit down and finish your homework. Then you can watch TV, play video games, and not worry about that homework the next day.
If you have a long time to do a certain homework, it means the homework is bigger than usual and important. Do it little by little every day after you get it – that way the homework becomes lighter and you don't feel overwhelmed

Step 4. Take lessons every day-and pay attention, too
Many teachers give grades only for attendance. Why is presence alone rated when all you're doing is showing face? But more than that, there are also many teachers who give value to the problem of participation. Raise your hand, even when you don't know the answer-your teacher will appreciate your hard work.
Also, if the teacher thinks you're not paying attention, he or she may ask you questions, and you may not know how to answer them, because you weren't paying attention. The less you embarrass yourself, the better

Step 5. Set your own goals
Everyone needs something to work towards achieving. If you don't have a goal, you won't know what you want to accomplish. To motivate yourself, set real goals that you can achieve. Getting A's for all subjects? Every night study for an hour? Read so many pages all week? That goal can be anything you think will keep you going.
Talk to your parents about how they can help or give you a gift. If you get A's in all subjects, can you get the video game you were hoping for? Extend the curfew? You need all the motivation you can get

Step 6. Find a tutor if needed
School is hard, especially when you also have other activities to balance your life. In fact, sometimes even intelligent children need a tutor. Talk to your teacher, counseling counselor, or your parents about having a tutor to help you get great grades, and focus. Sometimes older students, also tutor for free for the school to get grades.
You can also ask your older siblings or parents to help you, if they are good at some subjects. Just make sure they won't distract you and that they can actually help you with your assignments and lessons
Part 3 of 4: Getting High Scores in Tests and Projects

Step 1. Work in a study group
Research has shown that students who work in groups of 3 to 4 people, no more, perform better on tests than students who study alone or who study in a large study group. Then gather 2-3 friends and make a plan to study together. After all, it would be more fun than studying on your own!
- Make sure that those who study with you are good and caring students. You don't want to work with some people who just want to have some silly jokes during group study time.
- Ask each group member to bring a snack and think of a few things to discuss. Make a rough schedule of what will be covered and assign a group member as group leader that week, so that he or she can help all members stay on track.
- If it's Friday night and you have a test the following Monday, gather 2-3 of your friends in class and take turns taking quizzes. If someone answers correctly, then he gets 2 points, if the answer is wrong, one point will be deducted. Whoever gets the most points at the end of the study session has the right to choose the title of the film to watch together!

Step 2. Start studying or doing a good job first
Whether it's a test or a big assignment, the last thing you want is to do it all in a day or two before the deadline. Start studying or working on it a week or two in advance to make sure you have plenty of time just in case something doesn't go right. Better to anticipate than regret later!
When it comes to tests or exams, you have to study little by little each day for a week or two beforehand. The more time you spend studying, the more often your brain has to remember it, making the connections in your brain stronger, and more reliable

Step 3. Ask about extra value
Some teachers have an extra grade policy, where you can do a little extra work that can add to your test scores or projects. If you're looking for a little extra push to do something, talk to your teacher for extra grades. It won't harm you!
And at other times this extra value will simply be added to your year-end score. That's good too! With the added value, you're sure to be safe

Step 4. Don't bother studying (cramming)
The explanation is: studying too fast for a test makes your grades worse. Why? Your brain can't function if you only sleep briefly or don't sleep at all, because that makes it impossible for your brain to remember what you've learned throughout the night. So don't do it! You can study a little in the morning, if you really have to.
Your body needs sleep (7-9 hours, depending on your preference). Talking a lot about being a good student is talking about caring for yourself too! So forget about speeding up studying, go to bed, and eat a healthy breakfast. Research shows that eating a healthy breakfast can give your brain power, and also get you better grades

Step 5. Take a break more often than you think
If you want to learn something, it also makes sense to think about “study, study, and study more until you understand.” In reality, that's not how it works-our brains will literally burn out. If you take a break (10 minutes every hour), your attention and your memory are improved. So, when you study for that big test, rest! You will definitely get the value you want!
While resting, grab a handful of blueberries, nuts, broccoli or even dark chocolate to improve brain function. Snacking also gives you more energy, if you're feeling a bit tired

Step 6. Take your materials with you wherever you go
Do you know the 10 minutes you spent today waiting for the bus? The few minutes you had before each class yesterday? That time is a little opportunity that you can use to learn. It all makes sense! So bring materials, for example, flashcards with you that you can take out at any time.
This is especially good if you have a friend with you at the time, whom you can study with. You each show each other a display card and give a quiz. When you read and provide information, the material is reinforced in your mind
Part 4 of 4: Becoming an Ideal Disciple

Step 1. Volunteer in your spare time
Being a smart student means you'll be smart about your resume and college candidates, too! In this day and age, you have to have it all, and the best way to do that is to volunteer. This method can show prospective colleges and employers that you are not only smart, but also a good person! Here are some places for you to consider volunteering:
- Hospital
- Nursing home
- Shelters for the homeless, women victims of violence, and children
- Animal shelter
- Common kitchen
- church

Step 2. Participate in athletic, dramatic, musical, or artistic activities
In addition to having outstanding grades and volunteering, the ideal student is involved in extracurricular activities-whether athletics “and” drama, or the arts. This shows that your life is balanced and can do it all. Most kids can't do it!
Nobody says you have to be good at everything. If you're a basketball star, take part in a class or school play. If you're in the school choir and can't throw a basketball to save your life, try becoming a member of the soccer team. Only for one season!

Step 3. Join a club or group
Above all, consider joining a group or club that represents something you care about. Does your school have an environmental club? LGTBAU group? Creative writers group? Join! It shows you are actively participating in your school when it comes to things you care about.
What's more, these groups are the easiest organizations to find leadership roles in. Saying that you are the president of a group is impressive

Step 4. Take a variety of different subjects
Taking a variety of different subjects not only shows the world that you have a lot of interests and are good at many things, but it also reduces the burden on your mind! Imagine taking 8 math classes and nothing else – you'd be totally overwhelmed. So combine it with your main subjects like English and Maths, and then add some interesting subjects like history or robotics, and some fun lessons, like cooking or carpentry classes.
If your school doesn't have a class you want to take, many schools have partnership programs where you can take classes at a different school or at a college near you. And if you're in high school, you can even get credit scores in college

Step 5. If your school doesn't have any extra activities, get started
Many small schools (some large schools) are lacking in certain activities. Whether the funding has been discontinued or previously it did not exist. If you see a gap in your school's extracurricular offerings that can be filled, talk to your principal about starting an activity. The fact that you started a new organization in your own school is incredibly impressive. Here are some inputs:
- School recycling program
- Play club, chess or writer's club
- LGTBAU group
- Pre-SAT (Initial Scholastic Assessment Test) study organization or college test
- tech club
- Whatever's in your head
- If you feel you have extra time, don't waste it. Keep studying so you know what's going on in class.
- Before studying, do meditation to keep the mind free
- If you're really having trouble with a particular subject, find a tutor!
- Don't forget to take breaks between studies.
- Don't be distracted in class. Stay Focused.
- Don't share answers while taking a test or taking a quiz.
- Dont cheat