How to Use Hyphens in English (with Pictures)

How to Use Hyphens in English (with Pictures)
How to Use Hyphens in English (with Pictures)

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Hyphens ("-")) in English are used for a variety of grammatical forms that differ from the en dash ("–")) and em dash ("-"). Since these three symbols visually differ only in their length, it's easy to mistake them for the three. However, with a few easy rules in mind, it's not hard to start using hyphens in English with the confidence of an experienced editor. Read Step 1 below to start perfecting your use of hyphens in English!


Part 1 of 3: Using Hyphens Correctly in English

Hyphenate Step 1
Hyphenate Step 1

Step 1. Use hyphens for compound words

One of the most common and important uses of hyphens in English is to join words and related concepts together to form single words and compound phrases. For example, terms like "state-of-the-art", "first-timer", and "penny-pincher" all use hyphens to create a single idea from many words.

  • Here are some examples of hyphens being used correctly with compound words in English:

    The singer was infamous for his over-reliance on autotune.

    That ten-year-old is remarkably mature for her age.

  • As a general rule, you shouldn't put spaces around hyphens (for example, write " ten-year-old " instead of " ten - year - old ".)
Hyphenate Step 2
Hyphenate Step 2

Step 2. Use hyphens for English words with specific beginnings

Most English words with prefixes, such as " predetermined " and " evermore " do not require a hyphen. However, some prefixes in English (i.e., " ex- ", " self- ", " all- ", and sometimes " cross- ") require a hyphen to separate them from the modified word. Note that "cross" does not require a hyphen in words such as "crossword", where the prefix is part of the word itself, nor in the term "cross purposes", where the prefix is a separate word, as it is not used as a prefix in those cases.

  • The following are examples of hyphens used for prefixes in English:

    She frequently accused her ex-boyfriend of being completely self-absorbed.

Hyphenate Step 3
Hyphenate Step 3

Step 3. Use hyphens when creating original words in English

Similar to usage for compound words, hyphens can also be used to create a variety of descriptive terms that might not be found in a dictionary. Hyphens used in this way allow you to create your own English word from scratch. However, it's important not to rely too much on quirky hyphenated English words, as they can be distracting. If you can convey an idea equally well with just one or more normal words, do so.

  • The following are examples of unique hyphenated words that are used well in English:

    Kim took time off from her job and became a professional couch-sitter in the days just before giving birth.

  • The following are examples of unique hyphenated words used unnecessarily in English. In this case, the hyphen doesn't make the term any easier to understand.

    I couldn't decide what to get at the pizza place, so I ordered my usual three-cheese-no-meat combo.

Hyphenate Step 4
Hyphenate Step 4

Step 4. Use hyphens to explain the meaning of the word

Some English words are hyphenated because when they are not hyphenated the meaning of the word becomes unclear. For example, to convey the idea of a duplicate or replica, the author may use the word "re-creation" instead of "recreation" because the latter can also mean "fun" or "entertainment". Hyphens can also be used in the same way as to make compound words more visually appealing in cases where the first word ends in the same letter as the first letter of the second word.

  • The following are some examples of hyphens used to explain the meaning of words. In the first example, " re-signed " has a different meaning than " resigned ", and " foreign-film theater " has a clearer meaning than " foreign film theater ". In the second example, a hyphen separates the first "e" from the second.

    Jeremy re-signed his contract, then took the train to the foreign-film theater to celebrate.

    After the convicts passed a compulsory period of good behavior, the re-education program began in earnest.

Hyphenate Step 5
Hyphenate Step 5

Step 5. Use hyphens for numbers under one hundred that consist of two English words

Although the rules for when to use numbers and when to spell numbers may vary for each English style guide, many grammar sources will recommend using hyphens for two-word numbers under one hundred. In other words, use hyphens for the numbers twenty-one through ninety-nine, with the exceptions of thirty, forty, fifty, etc. This also means that after one hundred, you will still use hyphens between the "tens" and "ones" numbers (for example, " two hundred twenty-two ").

  • The following is an example of a hyphen being used correctly in English numbers:

    The wedding reception had eighty-eight guests, but the cooks only prepared seventy-nine entrees.

Hyphenate Step 6
Hyphenate Step 6

Step 6. Use hyphens for fractional numbers in English

When writing fractions with words instead of numbers, you must separate the two numbers in the fraction with a hyphen. This rule even applies to mixed numbers (fractions preceded by a whole number, such as " three and five-sixths ").

  • The following is an example of a hyphen used correctly with two fractions in English:

    The snickerdoodle recipe calls for two and two-thirds cups of flour and two and one-quarter cups of sugar.

Hyphenate Step 7
Hyphenate Step 7

Step 7. Use hyphens for double last names

When a person has two last names (usually because their parents continued to use their last name after marriage), the two names are connected by a hyphen. In the rare case where a person has three or more last names, all the names are connected by a hyphen.

  • The following is an example of a hyphen used correctly in last names:

    When Suzie Sanders-Johnson and Tim Rodriguez-Lyle had their first child, they weren't sure what his last name would be.

Hyphenate Step 8
Hyphenate Step 8

Step 8. Use hyphens for a list of compound words with one common base in English

In cases where an English sentence requires a list of hyphenated words or numbers that share a common word, it's usually okay to write that common word only for the last point on the list. For other bullet points in the list, write the word or number followed by a hyphen. Separate each bullet with a comma as you normally would for a list.

  • The following are examples of hyphens used in lists:

    For this construction project, we're going to need plenty of ten-, twenty-, and fifty-inch boards.

Hyphenate Step 9
Hyphenate Step 9

Step 9. When in doubt, seek information

If you're not sure when to use (or not to use) hyphens in English, look to reference sources for guidance. Many sources of grammar references are available either in print, in libraries or bookstores, or online. Be sure to choose a good quality and professional reference source. It's hard to go wrong with the "big three" English style guides: APA Style, MLA Style, and Chicago/Turabian Style.

Note that there may be minor differences between the style guides you see. For example, the MLA style guide allows you to use hyphens to convey a range of numbers (for example, 350-400 degrees), while the Chicago style guide recommends using an en dash

Part 2 of 3: Know the Conditions When Using Hyphens Should Be Avoided in English

Hyphenate Step 10
Hyphenate Step 10

Step 1. Don't use hyphens in very common English compound words

Some words that are technically compound words have become so common and familiar that hyphenating them can actually make their meanings less clear. For example, "lunchtime" and "roommate" do not need to be hyphenated, because the meaning of these common words is very clear without the hyphen. Note that in some cases, hyphens are optional: both "high school" and "high-school" are generally acceptable.

  • The following are examples of English compound words that no need a hyphen:

    I will read you a story at bedtime, but only if you correct the misprintsin your book report.

Hyphenate Step 11
Hyphenate Step 11

Step 2. Don't use hyphens for most words that begin in English

As explained above, except in certain cases, most words that begin with don't require a hyphen and can be a pain if an unnecessary hyphen is added. There are too many "normal" prefixes that don't require hyphens to list them all, but here are just a few: "pre-", "post-", "non-", "un-", "anti-", "re- ", "bi-", "di-", and "de-".

  • The following are examples of words starting with no need a hyphen:

    The recycledpaper was strangely unaffectedby the heat of the fire.

Hyphenate Step 12
Hyphenate Step 12

Step 3. Don't use hyphens for English verbs

When an English compound word or phrase can be used as either a verb or a noun or adjective, you generally don't include a hyphen if the word is used as a verb. For example, the term "back up" can be used as both a verb and a noun to convey the meanings of "make a copy of something to back up" and "a copy of something" respectively. So you would write " back up " as a verb like this: "Please back up your hard disk data," and as a noun like this: "He is our back-up plan if the other candidate doesn't want the job."

  • The following are examples of English verbs that do not require hyphens:

    Tell the repairman to fix it.

  • However, the same phrase can use a hyphen when acting as an adjective:

    Call our usual fix-itguys, please.

Hyphenate Step 13
Hyphenate Step 13

Step 4. Don't use hyphens for ancient or antique compound words

Some English words, such as " today " and " tonight ", used to be hyphenated like normal compound words. This isn't generally done in modern English writing, so you shouldn't feel the need to include these redundant hyphens unless you're particularly trying to mimic an archaic tone or style.

  • The following are examples of English words that used to use hyphens but now no:

    I shall meet you tomorrowat sunupwhen the cock crowds and not one moment sooner.

Hyphenate Step 14
Hyphenate Step 14

Step 5. Don't use hyphens after " very " or adverbs ending in " -ly"

Although hyphens are used to form many compound words and phrases, you should not use them after adverbs ending in " -ly ", such as " softly ", " strongly " and " deftly ", and after " very " when used as a word. description. However, note that you can use a hyphen after a word ending in " -ly " if it is not an adverb, such as " family ", " barely ", and so on. As a reminder, an adverb is a word that modifies or characterizes a verb, adjective, or other adverb.

  • The following are examples of English adverbs that don't require hyphens:

    The quickly dryingpaint was bone drywithin the hour.

  • Note that hyphens can be used correctly after a word ending in " -ly " which is not an adverb:

    The little boy reached toward the friendly-lookingrabbit without fear.

Hyphenate Step 15
Hyphenate Step 15

Step 6. Don't use hyphens for comparative and superlative adjectives in English

When using adjectives to compare two or more things or ideas, you should not use hyphens. This rule comes from the fact that the meaning of this type of adjective is clear without the help of hyphens. For example, you can't say, “one house is 'better-constructed than the other'”, but saying, “a house is 'better constructed than the other'” is okay.

  • The following are some examples of English comparative and superlative adjectives that do not require hyphens:

    After the boxing match, one fighter was clearly more bruisedthan the others.

    Even the best laidplans sometimes go early.

Hyphenate Step 16
Hyphenate Step 16

Step 7. Don't use hyphens in chemical terms

While it's usually a bit rare that someone without an engineering background might need to write at length on a chemistry-related topic, it's still useful to note that specific chemical names don't use hyphens. This applies even to chemicals with long names that use multiple prefixes, such as monochloroacetic acid.

  • The following are examples of chemical names that no require hyphens in English:

    After adding the cyclopentaneto the Erlenmeyer flask, the scientist stirred in 5 milliliters of hydrochloricAC ID.

Part 3 of 3: Know the Conditions for Using Dashes in English

Hyphenate Step 17
Hyphenate Step 17

Step 1. Know when to use dashes, and not hyphens, in English

The two symbols called the en dash and the em dash resemble the dash but are used for different purposes. The en dash ("–") is slightly longer than the dash, while the em dash ("-") is even longer. In informal writing, you can usually replace hyphens with dashes, and vice versa, but in formal contexts, you'll want to take care of using each sign correctly, otherwise it could be considered a grammatical error. Following these general rules can help you maintain the correct use of hyphens and dashes. Below are some situations that require the use of dashes in English:

  • Date range, number, time, and value (en dash)
  • Prefixes for words that don't normally use a prefix (en dash)
  • Replace empty or missing contents (em dash)
  • Sudden sentence interruption (em dash)
  • Put punctuation marks in sentences with additional information (em dash)
Hyphenate Step 18
Hyphenate Step 18

Step 2. Use the en dash to describe the range

The en dash is often used to express the idea that two or more words or numbers are connected by a range of values between them. For example, in the sentence "We just delivered the Jan–Apr issue," the dash implies that the magazine is for January through April, not just January and April. Note that when using en dashes for ranges, you should not leave spaces on either side of the dashes.

  • The following is an example of the en dash used to express a range:

    Would you please schedule me an appointment for 1:00–2:00 PM?

Hyphenate Step 19
Hyphenate Step 19

Step 3. Use the en dash to attach a prefix to an awkward word or phrase in English

In the general case, you should not use any type of punctuation for common prefixes such as " pre- ", " post- ", " re- ", and so on. However, when connecting such prefixes to words such as actual nouns, complex phrases, or words that seem awkward or troublesome without some kind of separator, it is acceptable to use an en dash. Of course, however, the en dash should not be used for words like " preselect " or " postgame " where the meaning is obvious.

  • The following are some examples of en dashes used to attach prefixes in English:

    The professor's degree in the pre–Cold War history of Russia qualified him to teach his course on Czar Nicholas II.

    Post–Andy Kaufman, the comedy landscape just didn't seem as vivid.

Hyphenate Step 20
Hyphenate Step 20

Step 4. Use em dashes to put punctuation marks in sentences

Em dashes can be used to abruptly break the flow of a sentence to convey related information, add comments, and more. The em dash used for this can be placed before the words are inserted in the middle of the sentence or before and after the words if the original sentence continues after the interruption. Unlike the usual use of hyphens and dashes, some grammar sources allow you to separate em dashes from parts of a sentence with spaces when used for this.

  • Below are some examples of em dashes used to interrupt sentences in English:

    Deborah - who was nineteen - still loved the swings at the local park.

    There's no need to lock the door - I'm coming out after you.

Hyphenate Step 21
Hyphenate Step 21

Step 5. Use em dashes to indicate when the sentence is cut off

The em dash can also be used at the end of a sentence to indicate that the flow of words suddenly stops before the sentence ends normally. In this case, you shouldn't end the sentence with a period, question mark, or exclamation mark as you usually do. This is a very useful tool especially for written dialogue, as it allows you to indicate when one character is interrupted by another by cutting off their words.

  • The following is an example of an em dash used to indicate someone's speech being interrupted in English:

    Where are we going? The police are right ---" "Shh! They'll hear you."

Hyphenate Step 22
Hyphenate Step 22

Step 6. Use em dashes to replace missing information

In some cases, where information is intentionally omitted, it is acceptable to use one or more em dashes to replace the missing word or letter. Often, it is used in citations: some English style guides use em dashes to replace the author's name if it is necessary to list it many times in a row. This method can also be used to "censor" the names of people and places to maintain privacy.

  • The following are examples of em dashes used to replace missing information in English:

    The paranormal incident took place in the night sky just outside of the rural town of N--.


  • The dash key on the keyboard is located between a zero (0) and an equal sign (=), or you can use the minus (-) key on the number keys section.
  • If in doubt, don't use hyphens.

Types of Dashes

  • Hyphen:)-(
  • En dash:)–(
  • Em dash:)-(


  • Don't use hyphens unless the purpose is clear.
  • Don't use hyphens too often. Too many hyphens can make your writing seem silly and childish.
