4 Ways to Increase Child Weight

4 Ways to Increase Child Weight
4 Ways to Increase Child Weight

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Although the number of children who are overweight is increasing, there are also children who need to gain weight for their health. However, it's not as easy as letting kids eat junk food. Instead, the best approach to increasing a child's weight consists of a combination of dietary changes, choosing high-calorie nutrient-rich foods, and "tucking" extra calories into the diet. However, be sure to always consult a doctor first if you suspect your child is underweight.


Method 1 of 4: Knowing the Cause

Increase Weight in Children Step 1
Increase Weight in Children Step 1

Step 1. Find out the cause

Like most adults, some children are naturally lean and find it difficult to gain weight. However, you should find out why your child has difficulty gaining weight.

  • Children are known to be "picky" when it comes to food. However, if your child seems to have no appetite, this may indicate a medical or psychological problem. Hormonal or metabolic problems such as diabetes or an overactive thyroid gland can sometimes hinder weight gain.
  • Gastrointestinal problems or other problems may make your child feel uncomfortable while eating. Undiagnosed food allergies may also play a role in this.
  • Some medications can decrease appetite. So, consider this possibility if your child is taking certain medications.
  • Unfortunately, even preteens can also experience eating disorders due to certain factors such as peer pressure.
  • Your child may also be so active that his body burns more calories than he consumes.
Increase Weight in Children Step 2
Increase Weight in Children Step 2

Step 2. Consult a pediatrician

If your child's health is checked regularly, the pediatrician may inform you that weight gain is necessary for the health of the child. However, if you are concerned about your child's weight, don't hesitate to discuss this with your doctor.

  • As already explained, food intolerances or allergies, gastrointestinal problems, and various other health problems can cause a child to be underweight. Your pediatrician can help you diagnose and treat the problem.
  • While most of these problems can be solved by making changes at home, a doctor's advice is always helpful.
Increase Weight in Children Step 3
Increase Weight in Children Step 3

Step 3. Follow special recommendations for babies

Treatment for babies who need to gain weight is certainly different from toddlers. Fortunately this problem is rarely caused by serious things. Causes of underweight babies in general are breastfeeding techniques, milk production, or problems with the digestive tract.

  • Always consult a doctor if you are concerned that your baby may be underweight. Your doctor may recommend an examination for your baby, or refer you to a lactation counselor (to observe your breastfeeding technique), or a pediatric gastroenterologist.
  • The treatment provided will be tailored to the specific condition of the baby. However, these treatments may include: feeding formula as a supplement to breast milk (if production is lacking), letting the baby suckle as long and as often as he wants (not specifically scheduled), changing the brand of formula (in cases of intolerance or allergies, or increasing the calorie content).), or introducing solid foods earlier before 6 months of age as is common. Sometimes, stomach acid medication may also be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Weight gain at an early age is very important for long-term health. So, underweight children should always be treated with proper medical care. Weight gain below average is almost always manageable and doesn't have a long-lasting impact.

Method 2 of 4: Changing Behavior

Increase Weight in Children Step 4
Increase Weight in Children Step 4

Step 1. Feed the underweight child more often

Often, the problem is not what your child eats, but how much. Children have small stomachs so they need to eat more often than adults.

  • Children need to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions along with snacks every day.
  • Whenever a child who is underweight feels hungry, give him food.
Increase Weight in Children Step 5
Increase Weight in Children Step 5

Step 2. Emphasize the importance of mealtime

While tucking in snacks according to your child's needs, emphasize the importance of regular meal times throughout the day. Show children that eating is something important and fun.

  • If mealtimes are considered annoying or distracting, or some form of punishment, (such as having to sit until the plate is empty), the child will not be too excited about eating.
  • Make mealtimes part of your routine. Turn off the TV. Make eating the center of your child's attention.
Increase Weight in Children Step 6
Increase Weight in Children Step 6

Step 3. Give a good example

Your child may need to gain a few pounds. On the other hand, you may need to lose a few pounds. In both cases, your diet and your child's are actually not much different. Eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods is important for both underweight and overweight people, as well as everyone else.

  • Children will learn by observing you. If you try new foods and eat healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains on a regular basis, your children will also imitate this habit.
  • Rarely eating non-nutritive foods will benefit you and your child. Both in the case of underweight or overweight.
Increase Weight in Children Step 7
Increase Weight in Children Step 7

Step 4. Motivate the child to exercise regularly

Just like a healthy diet, exercise is more associated with trying to lose, not increase weight. In fact, when combined with a healthy diet, exercise can be part of a weight gain program.

  • Especially for children who are older, increasing muscle mass can help increase their weight. It is also more healthy for the body than adding fat.
  • Exercise can often increase appetite. So, try to motivate your child to do physical activity before eating, and pay attention to the effect.

Method 3 of 4: Choosing Foods Rich in Calories and Nutrients

Increase Weight in Children Step 8
Increase Weight in Children Step 8

Step 1. Avoid unhealthy choices

These foods include cakes, pastries, soda, and high-calorie fast food. Although it can increase weight, the risks of health problems it causes (including diabetes or heart disease in children) outweigh the benefits.

  • Foods rich in calories but low in nutrients, such as sugar-rich drinks, are not a healthy way to gain weight. Foods that are rich in calories and nutrients are the best choice because these foods can increase weight while providing essential vitamins and minerals for the body.
  • Don't tell your child that he needs to "fatten" or "gain fat," convey that both you and he need to choose and eat healthier foods.
Increase Weight in Children Step 9
Increase Weight in Children Step 9

Step 2. Serve a variety of nutrient-rich foods

A variety of foods will not only contain different essential nutrients, but will also make mealtimes more enjoyable for children. If your child is bored with food, it will be more difficult for him to eat.

  • A high-calorie and nutritious diet for weight gain in children should contain carbohydrates (pasta, breads, cereals), at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, protein (meat, fish, eggs, nuts), and dairy products. dairy products (cheese, milk, etc.).
  • All children less than 2 years old should consume full fat dairy products. The doctor may also recommend that this continue afterward to support the child's weight gain.
  • While fiber is essential for a healthy diet, you may not need to give it too much to a child trying to gain weight. Too much whole grain pasta or brown rice will make your child feel too full for too long.
Increase Weight in Children Step 10
Increase Weight in Children Step 10

Step 3. Take advantage of healthy fats

We tend to think of fat as unhealthy. In fact, this is not always the case, especially vegetable fats, which are very important for a healthy diet. Healthy fats are also great for weight gain because they contain about 9 calories per gram. Compare with protein or carbohydrates which only contain about 4 calories in each gram.

  • Flaxseed oil and coconut oil are great choices to add to a variety of foods. Flaxseed oil tastes neutral so it doesn't affect the taste of food. Meanwhile, coconut oil can impart a deliciously sweet taste to all kinds of foods from stir-fried vegetables to smoothies.
  • Olive oil and fruit are also good choices.
  • Nuts and seeds such as almonds, pistachios also contain a fair amount of healthy fats.
  • Avocado can provide a soft texture as well as healthy fat content into a variety of foods.
Increase Weight in Children Step 11
Increase Weight in Children Step 11

Step 4. Choose the right snacks

Children who need to gain weight should be given regular snacks. However, as with food, choose healthy snacks over calorie-free foods.

  • Prioritize high-calorie and nutritious snacks that are easy to make and serve. For example, try serving whole grain bread with peanut butter and jelly, dried fruit and nuts, apple slices with cheese, or turkey and avocado sandwiches.
  • For sweet treats, give options like husked muffins, granola sticks, and yogurt first before cakes, pastries, and ice cream.
Increase Weight in Children Step 12
Increase Weight in Children Step 12

Step 5. Pay attention to what and when your child drinks

Adequate water intake is very important for children, but drinking too much can also make him feel full and reduce his food intake.

  • Calorie-free drinks like soda don't contain any nutrients, while the sugar content in fruit juices can have a negative impact on the health of your child's teeth and body in general if consumed in excess.
  • Water is a great option, but kids who need to gain weight may want to drink whole milk, smoothies, or milk shakes, or even specialty supplement drinks like PediaSure or Ensure. Consult with your pediatrician to determine the best option.
  • Encourage children to drink after eating. Avoid drinking before meals, and encourage children to drink moderately during meals. This will help prevent your child from feeling full due to fluid intake.

Method 4 of 4: Increase the Number of Calories in His Food

Increase Weight in Children Step 13
Increase Weight in Children Step 13

Step 1. Add milk

Dairy products such as milk and cheese are very easy to add to a variety of foods. So, you can use both to increase the calorie content (and nutrients) in your child's diet.

  • Smoothies and milkshakes are examples of high-calorie drinks that are easy for children to consume. Also add fresh fruit to increase the nutritional content.
  • Cheese can be melted or sprinkled on almost anything, from eggs to salads and even steamed vegetables.
  • Try adding milk to soups instead of water, and serving a dipping sauce of sour cream, cream cheese, or yogurt with fruit or vegetables.
  • You can use milk substitutes if your child has allergies or intolerances, or if you choose not to give your child dairy products. Almond and soy milk can also provide quite a lot of nutrients and calories. In addition, silken tofu can also be used in smoothie mixes.
Increase Weight in Children Step 14
Increase Weight in Children Step 14

Step 2. Add peanut butter

As long as your child is not allergic, peanut butter which contains lots of calories and protein can be added to his diet.

  • Spread peanut butter on whole wheat bread, bananas, apples, celery, cereal crackers, and pretzels.
  • You can also mix peanut butter into smoothies and shakes, and use it as a layer between pancakes or French toast.
  • If your child is allergic to peanuts, almond butter can be another option. Flaxseed and its oil can also provide quite a lot of calories and nutrients.
Increase Weight in Children Step 15
Increase Weight in Children Step 15

Step 3. Add a few other ingredients to increase the calorie content of the food

By adding or replacing foodstuffs, you can increase the number of calories in your child's diet. For example, try:

  • Cook pasta and rice with chicken stock, not water.
  • Serving dry fruit which may be consumed by more children because it does not contain much water so it is not filling.
  • Adds light flavored flaxseed oil to everything from salad dressings to peanut butter and banana smoothies.
  • Add cooked beef or chicken to pasta, pizza, soups, stews, beaten eggs, and macaroni and cheese.
Increase Weight in Children Step 16
Increase Weight in Children Step 16

Step 4. Try high-calorie healthy food recipes

You can find a variety of recipes that support children's weight gain on the internet. For example, the online pamphlet from UC-Davis Medical Center (https://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/cancer/pedresource/pedres_docs/HowHelpChildGainWeight.pdf) contains some of kids' favorite recipes like fruit dips and super shakes.

  • This pamphlet also shows how to make high-calorie milk by adding two tablespoons of powdered milk to each cup of whole or low-fat milk.
  • Other helpful articles include recipes for energy balls, dried fruit and nut snacks, and other snacks that can be stored for a long time and served quickly for hungry children.


  • Avoid giving fatty or sugar-rich foods and drinks such as chips, cake, candy, and soda to increase your child's calorie intake. Although they can help increase a child's weight, these foods have a negative impact on the health of the child's teeth, metabolism, muscle, heart and brain development, and have the potential to exacerbate existing health problems (such as diabetes).
  • If you are concerned that your child is not gaining or losing weight, consult a doctor immediately, especially if the changes in your child's weight are notable, or if your child is sick.
