Your parents love you very much, and you should do everything you can to make them happy. Learn what you can do to repay their love. Below are some suggestions for you depending on your age and position in life.
Part 1 of 4: Making Parents Happy as a Teen

Step 1. Do your tasks
This is a great way to show your parents that you care about their concerns. Your parents care deeply about keeping their home clean, and helping them keep the house clean will make them happy. This will also affect the health of parents.
- Do household chores without being asked. Sincerity to help will be highly appreciated and will get more value in the eyes of your parents.
- Do more than asked. If your day job is sweeping the kitchen, start sweeping the corridors too. If you see something that needs to be fixed, don't hesitate to do so. This will lighten the burden on parents and mean a lot to them.
- Help your parents when you see them doing housework. If your dad is clearing leaves in the garden, grab a garden fork and join him. If mom is mopping the floor, take it from her and let her rest. Your parents have worked hard, and they will be happy if you also help in everything they do.

Step 2. Do well in school
Don't be truant and dedicate yourself to learning. Your parents want to feel proud of your accomplishments, and giving your parents something to be proud of will make them very happy. You don't always have to get perfect marks, but simply showing that you care about your education can make parents happy.
- Don't be truant. This can cause a myriad of problems for you and your parents. If you have to be absent for some reason, explain it to your parents before you miss class for a day or a few hours.
- Let parents know if you are having trouble with any of the subjects. It's better to be honest and get the help you need than to hide it and give up. This shows your maturity and attitude that you really care about your performance in school.
- Be nice in class. You may be a smart student with good grades, but you can still have behavior problems. Make sure your teacher will only say good things about you. This will make your parents happy because you have obeyed the teachings they apply.

Step 3. Do well in extracurriculars
Find out what you are capable of, and join a club or team that matches your interests. Having a hobby is a good thing, and having something parents can display, like a certificate or ribbon, will make them very happy.
- Remember that you don't have to be the best. Just do what you can and push yourself to improve in whatever you do, but don't try to be perfect. Your parents will be more than happy to know that you are doing your best.
- Try a few things. At some point in the future you may try to join a volleyball team but it doesn't work. Try joining an art club. You may find your interest in something you never thought possible. An open mind will help you find what you are passionate about. If you need help finding a hobby, read some articles on the internet.

Step 4. Be submissive
Do what your parents tell you to do when they tell you to. This will show that you respect them and their authority. Knowing that you respect them will certainly make them happy.
- Don't fight or be rude to them. If you can't do something, let them know in a calm way.
- Communicate with parents if things change. If you've set your home hours and you can't meet them or want to play ahead of time, tell your parents ahead of time rather than disobeying their orders.
- Always listen. Parents have reasons when telling you or making rules. Listening to them will make you understand their reasons. If you have questions, ask your parents and be open to their perspective.
- If you need more advice, read some of the articles about obeying parental orders on the internet.
Part 2 of 4: Making Parents Happy as Adults at Home

Step 1. Respect your parents
If you are an adult living with your parents, it can be difficult to balance your independence with parental authority. Simplify the situation by respecting that they have the right to decide whatever in their home. This will reduce tension and keep parents happy.
- Help parents at home. You are an adult and must take responsibility for your personal needs. Do the laundry, clean the yard, or clean the kitchen without being asked.
- Respect the rules at home. If you know that your parents won't be happy if you do a certain thing at home, don't do it. If they don't want your boyfriend to stay over, don't invite him over after the date. If they don't like having alcohol in the house, drink it when they're not home, and so on.

Step 2. Avoid bickering
You won't always agree with the way your parents do things, but you have to respect them. Don't push your own way into their home. This will only cause problems. If you're feeling frustrated, leave the situation before things escalate.
- Talk to your parents after you have calmed down. If you try to talk to them in the heat of the moment, that can be a big problem. Wait until things have calmed down before attempting to resolve the issue.
- Take responsibility for your mistakes. It's easy to blame someone else for doing something to you, but you should also consider your contribution to the problem. You have to be mature and admit your mistakes. If you can do this, your relationship with your parents will always be happy.

Step 3. Give the parents some space
Your parents spent years raising you. Now, maybe they want to spend some time alone. The ability to be able to give your parents space will make them happy while caring for you as an adult. If they are watching TV in the living room, let them enjoy their time together. Go into the room and close the door so they can have complete privacy.
Go outside so they can be alone. Relaxing when no one is home is a gift they don't get often. Stay at a friend's house to give them space to do something they wouldn't be comfortable with when you're home

Step 4. Befriend them
You are at a different time in your life, and so are your parents. As an adult, you can enjoy another relationship with your parents, not just taking care of you, but getting to know you more as an adult. Chat with your parents and learn more about them and don't let your guard down. Getting to know you better will make them happy.
- Try activities you couldn't do as a kid with them, like watching adult movies to chat with or cooking dinner for them. Since you live together, you and your parents will have a lot of time to spend. Try to make the time with your parents as enjoyable as possible.
- Learn to pour out your heart to them. As a teenager, talking about things that are going on in your life can be embarrassing and scary. As adults, they will be able to offer advice that can be of use to you. Your parents have experienced what you went through and they really love you. Letting them help you will keep them close and will always be happy.
- Read the article on being friends with parents if you need more advice.

Step 5. Apologize when you've gone too far
No one is perfect, and living with your parents as an adult will cause some problems. You may do or say something you shouldn't have said. Always apologize. Your parents don't expect you to always do the right thing, and being able to admit your mistakes will show your character and make them happy.
- Don't get defensive. Even if you have reasons to do what you do, that doesn't mean you're right. Don't defend yourself until you can't learn from your mistakes.
- Be sincere. Showing that you're really sorry and not just saying this because you have to will make your parents feel like you really understand them. It can make your relationship with your parents happier.
Part 3 of 4: Making Parents Happy As Adults Living Apart

Step 1. Contact your parents regularly
Parents still want to talk to you. Contact your parents to find out how they are doing. Include them in your life. This attitude shows that you care and understand that they love you. Their day will definitely brighten up when they hear from you.
- If you're busy, arrange a time once a week to talk to them. Having a schedule will make it easier for you to remember that you should contact them.
- Send SMS. Parents are now using their cell phones more often to chat on SMS. Sending a short message that reads, “How are you?” or a cute picture during the day will let them know that you are thinking of them and that they are still important in your life.
- If you talk to your mom or dad more often, see if you can talk to both of your parents at the same time. That way, you can all connect with each other and it will save you and your parents time.

Step 2. Visit them
There's nothing better than interacting directly with other people. Your parents will want to hug you and see the expression you make when you talk. Take the time to visit them and you will see them smile.
- If you live far away from your parents, send a video message. Buy a webcam if your computer doesn't have one, or download an app on your phone or tablet if it comes with a camera. Help your parents to install a program if they don't know how.
- Take them for a walk and treat them. While visiting your home is a good thing to do, try taking your parents out to make the meeting enjoyable. Try some activities that you think your parents will enjoy, such as taking classes or searching for events around your community.

Step 3. Take the time to help them with their activities
Not all parents can drive, or they may no longer enjoy driving alone. Pick them up and take them to a meeting they need to go to, to a shop, or to some other activity they participate in. This will be very much appreciated and can provide time for you to spend with your parents. Both of these things will make your parents feel happy.
- Turn off the radio if you are in the car. Use this time as a time to connect with your parents by chatting and seeing how they are doing. Your parents will enjoy chatting with you and you will bond with them on a more mature level.
- Make their day. Maybe your mom or dad should visit some places. Drop them off anywhere, and you can take them to lunch or dinner. This is a great opportunity to spend time with your parents and your parents will be very happy if you make good use of this opportunity.

Step 4. Send them a letter
If you live far away from your parents, or even if you live nearby, take the time to write an understanding letter and send it. Calling them may be quicker, but channeling your thoughts into a handwritten letter will be a pleasant surprise to them. If you need help writing a letter, read How to Write a Friendly Letter for additional advice.
- Email them if they are online. This is always a good way to contact parents. Even though email isn't as personal as a letter, it's still a very caring way, and your parents will be happy to know that you're thinking of them.
- Send photos in the mail. That way, they can see your face and save it. If you have children or other family members living with you, send photos of them too. This can make parents happy because they know how everyone is doing and how your kids are growing.
- Ask your child to write a letter or draw something to send to your parents. They will be happy when they hear the news from their grandson. Receiving a handwritten letter or drawing made by your child can certainly make them happy.
Part 4 of 4: Making Parents Happy at Any Age

Step 1. Give gifts
Receiving a gift will always make someone happy. Such a sign of kindness, though small, is enough to make someone happy. Do this for your parents and see how happy they are.
- Look for small gifts if you can't afford a big one. Coming home with a parent's favorite chocolate during a visit to a store is still meaningful and will make them feel special.
- If you're out and about and see something your parents might like, buy it for them if you can afford it. If your mom loves clothes and you see a blouse that would look great on your mom, surprise her with it even if it's not a special occasion.
- Make gifts for them. A handmade gift is always a great gift. If you can knit, try making your dad a scarf to match his coat. Or, if you're good at cooking, bake a cake and bring it over to their house. Try harder to make them believe that they are loved.

Step 2. Remember their birthday
Call or visit your parents on their birthday. Make sure they feel their birthday means a lot to you too. It's important to show that you want your parents to feel important to you. This will certainly make them happy.
- Give something personal. If your dad likes to play golf, buy him access to use the golf course for a day. Buy coupons for your mom at a fancy restaurant if she wants to eat out. Customize the gift to show that you really know your parents and want to make them happy.
- Make the celebration more than a day. Celebrating birthdays for a week by doing fun activities and paying attention to them is a great way to let your parents know that you really love them and want to make them feel special.
- Be creative. No one likes getting the same gift every year. Pay attention to your parents' interests now. If your mom starts drinking coffee in the morning, buy her a coffee maker this year. Constantly giving him a sweater will bore him, and a variety of gifts will show that you care about him.

Step 3. Treat them to Mother's Day or Father's Day
Do your best to make sure they are happy on the day. Go to a place of worship with them, treat them to a meal out, buy them a present, or give them a card with the special words on it. Let them know that you are proud to be their child, you love them, and that they are very important to you. Making them feel this way will bring a lot of happiness into their lives.
- If you can't be with them that day, send them a gift. Fruit or food parcels are a “delicious” way to show your love from afar.
- Make sure your child knows their grandparents. Mother's Day and Father's Day can also be enjoyed by grandchildren. Get them involved so the whole family will honor your parents on the day.

Step 4. Think about your parents' feelings and thoughts
Parents are human too. They want to be treated with care, just like you.
- If you are the eldest child, talk to your parents about some of the problems they are having. Offering emotional support should not be one-way. If your mother is concerned about her health or your father is under stress from work, listen to their concerns and offer support and advice that you find helpful.
- Appreciate them. Chances are, your parents have done a lot for you and you should be grateful for it. Let them know that you appreciate everything they do. Say it often and show it in the way you treat them.
- Don't take advantage of your parents. It's easy to be rude to your parents, but they'll be upset if you do. Do not take advantage of their kindness, patience and generosity towards you. This will create tension in your relationship.
- Ask parents what you can do to help them when they seem to need help.
- You may not feel like your parents care about your happiness. In fact, they really care about it, but they have a different way of showing it. Keep trying to make them happy.
- Make sure you tell your parents that you love them. It will make them feel special.
- If they are angry with you, try to understand why they are angry. Take responsibility for your actions that make them angry, and follow their wishes without complaining.
- If you are happy when you are with them, you will make them feel better when they are sad.
- Treat others as you would like to be treated. If you don't want to be treated or spoken to in a certain way, don't do the same to your parents.
- Remember, everyone's parents are different. Your parents may expect different things from other parents. Know your parents' expectations and work to make them come true.
- Send flowers to your parents and buy accessories for your mother. This will make him happy.
- Hug them and tell them you love them.
- Tell them that you really need to help them more. They will feel appreciated.