Hamsters are adorable little pets. In addition, these animals are also quite easy to care for. However, the care and steps that need to be taken to keep him happy are actually more difficult than most people imagine. Some of the important things in making him happy are providing entertainment for him, preparing the media for sports, and giving him the opportunity to interact with humans. Although it takes time and effort, with patience and perseverance, you can guarantee her happiness easily.
Part 1 of 3: Creating a Cheerful Space

Step 1. Meet basic needs
Happy hamsters are hamsters with basic needs being met. Without basic needs such as food, health care, and a comfortable place to live, hamsters will not be happy. Therefore, you need:
- Providing quality and fresh food. Try making your own hamster food by providing green leafy vegetables, carrots, and other vegetables.
- Take her hamster to the vet when he is sick.
- Make sure the cage is in a warm, cool place that has a constant temperature. The optimal temperature for hamsters is between 21-27 degrees Celsius. Do not leave your hamster in a place where the temperature is below 15 degrees Celsius or above 32 degrees Celsius.

Step 2. Prepare a large cage
Since your hamster will spend most of its life in a cage, make sure you provide a cage that is large enough for it to move freely, exercise and explore at will. If you keep him in a small cage, he will not be happy.
- The cage used must have a minimum size of 18 square centimeters. However, a cage with a size that is twice the minimum size is considered better.
- Do not keep hamsters in small glass aquariums.
- The more hamsters you keep in one place, the bigger the cage you will need.

Step 3. Complete the cage with all the necessary equipment
Happy hamsters need a cheerful and interesting environment. He will not feel happy if his basic needs are not met. Make sure you add or include the following accessories in the cage:
- Wood shavings or similar material as the base of the cage. Hamsters love to dig so make sure you prepare the area with a fairly thick layer of wood shavings. Do not use cedar or pine shavings as they are toxic to hamsters.
- Soft bedding. Make sure you provide an area with soft bedding for the hamster. You can use an old towel, an unused piece of T-shirt, or something similar.
- Drinking bottles.
- Food bowl.

Step 4. Place the cage in a quiet room
Make sure you place the cage in a safe and quiet place. Like humans and other animals, hamsters need a safe and quiet place to live without anxiety or danger. Prioritize choosing a safe and quiet place when you want to keep your hamster.
- Do not place the cage in places such as the kitchen or living room. A room with a television that is always on or used by people to chat can actually annoy your hamster and can irritate him.
- Don't place your hamster's cage in a place where your dog or cat can get close to the cage. A cat or dog may try to pick up or hurt your hamster.
- Do not place the cage in an area where children can access or touch the cage without supervision. The danger or big risk that can occur is that children can play in the cage and make the hamster run away.
Part 2 of 3: Providing Hamsters with Entertainment

Step 1. Prepare the hamster wheel
The hamster wheel is one of the most popular toys and is often purchased by hamster owners so that their pets can play. The advantage is that apart from being a source of entertainment, this wheel is also a medium for hamsters to exercise and keep moving.
- Provide one wheel for each hamster.
- Make sure the wheels you use are the right size for your hamster. Since there are many different types/species of hamsters, make sure the wheel you buy is not too big or too small for your hamster.
- Make sure the wheels are well maintained or cared for. Remove the wheel from the cage periodically. Clean and repair the damaged parts. If the wheel is rusty, throw it away and buy a new wheel.

Step 2. Install the tubing in the enclosure if space permits
One way to make your pet hamster happy is to install a hamster pipe tunnel in its cage. This pipe aisle provides lots of opportunities for hamsters to play and explore new areas. In addition, this game also stimulates the hamster's brain and keeps it active.
- Prepare the pipe tunnel with the appropriate size for the cage used. Do not fill most of the space in the cage with pipes. You still need to provide enough space to place wheels, toys, and other equipment.
- Change the pipe passage periodically. Give your hamster the opportunity to explore new areas by changing the position or direction of the installed pipes.
- Try providing some comfortable corners or places in the pipe hallway for your hamster to rest and sleep.

Step 3. Provide a variety of other toys
While the wheels and pipe tunnels provide a lot of fun and entertainment, as well as provide your hamster with exercise, you may also want to consider other types of toys. The variety of toys keeps your hamster busy and entertained. Some of the toys you can provide include:
- Cardboard box. The crib is a great place for hamsters to hide and play. Try building a two-story house from a tissue box.
- Popsicle sticks. You can make a variety of hamster toys from popsicle sticks, such as ladders to climb or bridges to cross.
- Toilet paper tube. This tube can be passed by hamsters, or even bitten as a chew toy.
Part 3 of 3: Interacting with Hamsters

Step 1. Have regular physical interaction with your hamster
While some hamster species (eg the Syrian hamster) are solitary animals, hamsters actually need and like friends. Accompany your pet hamster and hold or pet him every few days.
- Physical interaction with hamsters doesn't have to be strenuous activity. You can hold or hold it gently, letting it rest in your hand, or crawl and climb up onto your hand or body.
- Make sure you hold or have physical interaction every 1-2 days. If neglected, his social skills will decrease and his happiness can decrease.
- If you can't physically interact with him on certain days, ask a friend or other family member to play with your hamster.

Step 2. Carefully hold or hold your hamster
When holding or holding him, you need to be careful and do it slowly. If done harshly, he can get hurt or feel scared and wary of interactions with humans.
- Do not hold or carry him roughly.
- Do not carry or lift it where you risk dropping it. Hamsters are very vulnerable animals and you could injure or kill them.
- Before handling him, introduce your body odor by putting your hand in his cage and cleaning or repositioning his toys.
- After that, stroke or pet your hamster without having to pick him up or pick him up.
- When he seems comfortable and does not move away, try lifting or carrying him.
- Always wash your hands before and after handling your hamster.

Step 3. Let him run around in a safe place
Your hamster will enjoy being let out of his cage once in a while and exploring new places. As long as you're careful, this can be a fun activity for both you and your pet hamster. However, there are a few things to note:
- Make sure you secure the play area from the start so the hamster can't escape. Watch the room carefully so he doesn't escape through doors, ventilation holes, or other openings in the room.
- Keep or remove other pets from the room.
- Get rid of toxic objects or any object that could injure him.
- Do not leave your hamster alone and always supervise him.
- Keep in mind that he may urinate or defecate in the room. Get ready to clean the room after playtime is over.

Step 4. Have a play date for your favorite hamster
While he may enjoy interacting with you, he may also want to play with other hamsters. Even if you have two or three hamsters, try to find someone else who also has hamsters and have a "date" session so the hamsters can play together. However, there are a few things to note:
- Make sure your hamster is playing in a "neutral" location. As a good choice, you can prepare an old, unused cage that is large enough for each hamster. Make sure you also put some toys in the cage.
- Talk to other hamster owners about their pet's health problems. Do not let your pet play with other hamsters who are sick or have infectious diseases.
- If you have a Syrian hamster, don't go on play dates. This species likes to protect its territory.
- Never leave your hamster with another hamster unattended.
- Female hamsters can be more aggressive than male hamsters. That's why you need to be careful when you let your hamster interact with other hamsters.