Ah, yes, men know how it feels. He's pissed off! But he won't tell me why! Is it my fault? Did I forget her birthday? Celebration? What should I do?? Entertaining someone can be a risky, time consuming, and difficult process. However, with the right technique, words, and careful action, you can bring him back from his despair and put a smile on his face!
Method 1 of 3: Access the Situation

Step 1. Try to find out what went wrong first
If you can, try to find out why he's angry before you say anything. Quickly evaluate the situation. What happened recently that annoyed him? Put yourself in his shoes: if something makes you unhappy, it's likely to make him unhappy too. If you can understand why he's not happy, you'll get a much better idea of what to say and what not to make him feel better.

Step 2. Ask him what's wrong
Despite the fact that you know what's wrong, you should still ask him. Questioning him will help avoid trouble if you misunderstood the situation but will also give him a chance to talk about his problems.
Be aware that he may say nothing is wrong or that he may pretend to be tired or think of it as a smaller problem. If he does, remind him that it's okay to be upset and that you're there to talk about it if he wants to

Step 3. Ask him what you can do to help
If he tells you what's wrong or you'd prefer to be more direct with him about what you know, ask him what you can do to help him. However, it is important that you are genuinely willing to help him. He wouldn't like an empty offer.
Method 2 of 3: Comforting Him

Step 1. Let him talk
Letting him talk might be the best way to make him feel better. Just like anyone, women often get irritated because they feel like no one is listening to them. They feel neglected, unappreciated, and voiceless. Listen to what he has to say and this may be enough to make him feel better.

Step 2. Give him a hug
The type of hug will depend on the situation and the type of relationship you have. If you're not very close or he's not very upset, a side hug will suffice and will show that you support him. If you're in a closer relationship or he's been going through a rough patch, you should consider a tight hug (the type where he can cry on your shoulder, because he probably really needs it).

Step 3. Tell him how much you care
Telling him that you care about him, how much he means to you, and how hard it is to see him hurt can make him feel a lot better. It's easy to feel very alone when we have a problem, and showing him that he's not alone and that there are still people who care about him will cheer him up.

Step 4. Make him laugh
People say laughter is the best medicine. By laughing, we forget about our problems and can feel happy again (even if only for a moment). Make him laugh to cheer him up but be careful to avoid joking or anything that could offend, as this could make things worse.
Sing him a song. Try being silly. Singing a song is a great way to do this. Don't worry about singing badly, because the point is to make him laugh (and singing badly will help!). Start singing Wind Beneath My Wings in the most dramatic way you can manage or try those scenes from RENT.
Cheer up a Woman Step 7Bullet1 -
Tell a funny story. Tell him a very embarrassing story that you experienced in middle school. You know what I mean: that one that makes you feel like dying but makes everyone laugh. Or tell him about the time you found your college roommate drunk and asleep, sitting on the toilet.
Cheer up a Woman Step 7Bullet2 - Collect Youtube playlists of funny videos. Whether a kitten rides a turtle while Low Rider plays in the background, parents tell their kids their Halloween candy has been eaten, clips of comedian Eddie Izzard, Youtube screenings can make him forget his troubles and cheer him up.

Step 5. Make him smile
You're going to have to do things that make him feel good too, not just make him laugh. Do something nice for him that shows you care and brings a smile to his face. Try to hit that perfect mix of sweet and silly.
Leave little notes everywhere. Tell her how beautiful she is. Remind him funny stories. Leave a humorous critique on random stuff. You can even leave notes with random facts.
Cheer up a Woman Step 8Bullet1 -
Silly painting. The angrier your drawing skills are, the better. Use a humorous stamp if it's too hard to tell what the picture is about. You can be cute and draw a picture of the two of you or you can be silly and draw a picture of a cat in a tall hat drinking tea with a fish.
Cheer up a Woman Step 8Bullet2 - Make him a cd. You can put together songs that remind you of him, songs that cheer you up when you're down, or just songs you think he'll like.
Step 6. Make him forget the problem
You can also find lots of other ways to get him to forget about his problems. Going out and doing something is the best way to overcome the obstacles and stressful situations in our lives.
Go out. You can go out to eat or you can go hiking. Get him out of the environment that would normally be the key to making his mind forget the problem. The more the concentration needed for the activity, the better.
Cheer up a Woman Step 9Bullet1 - Talk about things you have done together. You might reminisce about the time you took that drunken friend in the middle of town after a party at college, the time in middle school where he had to help you hide an uncontrollable erection, or the time at work when the dishwasher exploded. Talking about memories like this can bring him out inside, take his mind to another place.
Play a game or watch a movie. Card and board games are really making a comeback (try Cards Against Humanity!) and movies are a long-standing way of dealing with bad emotions (who doesn't feel better after watching Independence Day?).
Cheer up a Woman Step 9Bullet3
Method 3 of 3: Avoid Certain Ways

Step 1. Don't turn it into a contest
It never made anyone feel better. It's just a way for you to make it all about you.

Step 2. Don't change the topic too quickly
Give him time to let all his feelings out. If you're not willing to take the time it takes to make her feel better, don't get involved in the first place.

Step 3. Don't ignore him completely
You don't want him to feel like you're ignoring him or minimizing his problems. If he really doesn't want to talk about it, that's different. But don't just pretend like nothing's wrong.

Step 4. Don't approach her
This is not the time for you to have sex with him. If you want him to like you more, just be a good, supportive friend. He would remember that later.

Step 5. Don't tell him to smile
Getting someone to smile is extremely unhelpful and is a common saying of scary people. You could mean it sincerely, but it would only remind him of all the old men on the bus staring at his chest.
- Give him a tight hug to make him feel better. Sometimes, it just takes that.
- Overall, show that you care. Show him that you want to be the best partner you can be. Forget yourself and dedicate yourself to him. Not only will the short-term effects of your kindness be good (he feels better, his appreciation and gratitude are good), but the long-term effects (feelings of greater connection, stronger relationships, proof to him that you are the most amazing man ever ever) will no doubt be profitable for both of you. So get out of there, guys! Entertain the lady and reap the benefits!
- Careful. Don't do or say anything stupid to make her angry again! Use your common sense.
- Know who he really is. Know how he thinks, what makes him angry, what makes him happy. Know how to chat with him without bringing up the bad stuff. Know that he trusts you, and keep this in mind when he refuses to tell you something because this means he will speak with a fairly gentle nudge.
- Be patient. This process can take hours. But you have to follow it to the end! Getting frustrated after a long time will only make things worse. Calm and understanding. Never raise your voice! Being angry at him is unlikely to make him feel good.
- Do not be selfish. Forget yourself and your needs! This is especially true whenever you're looking to make a strong, long-lasting relationship, but especially in these kinds of situations! He is more important than you. You have to be in this mindset to offer help effectively. You become his servant - do whatever he asks, as long as it will make him happy. This includes giving him space if he really wants it - he may refuse help at first, only to open up later. If you believe in the strength of your relationship and your level of mutual respect, he won't ask you to do anything dangerous or illegal. So don't put yourself first! You'll be fine, and he'll feel better.