If you use a cash register, giving the correct change should be quite simple. Just type in the price of the item and the money paid and the cash register will tell you how much change to give. However, if the cash register breaks or you enter the wrong number, or you don't have a cash register, of course, the change amount will have to be calculated yourself. The basic method is to do a count up from the purchase price to the amount paid.
Method 1 of 2: Calculating Return

Step 1. Make sure the amount of change given and the purchase of goods equals the amount of money paid to you
The buyer must leave the cashier with the items and change in total equal to the money paid. Simple. As an example.
If a buyer pays Rp. 20,000 to buy a book for Rp. 5,000, they will leave the cashier with a book for Rp. 5,000 plus Rp. 15,000 in change, and the total value is Rp. 20,000

Step 2. Calculate the total amount paid by the buyer
Before giving change, you need to know how much money was paid. When counting money, place it on the cash register or table in front of you and the customer. When you finish counting, say the amount paid. Thus, there is no confusion and misunderstanding regarding the amount of money paid.

Step 3. Count up from the total price of the goods purchased to the amount of money given
For example, if the item purchased costs Rp. 7,500, and the money paid is Rp. 20,000, start from Rp. 7,500 and count up the change until it reaches Rp. 20,000.

Step 4. Count aloud so there is no confusion
You don't have to count every coin, but it's important to at least say the total at the end of each particular unit, for example thousands or tens of thousands. So that no errors occur, you should do a running count.
- For example, if you are given Rp. 10,000 to pay for an item that costs Rp. 6,000, you should:
- Count each thousand and give the total: “One thousand, two thousand, three thousand, and four thousand plus six thousand items total ten thousand.”
- Or, add up the cost of the item: “seven thousand, eight thousand, nine thousand, and ten thousand.”

Step 5. Start with coins
Return the coins first before giving the paper money. If you do the opposite, giving change will be awkward and the buyer may drop the coin because they already held the note first.
- In the previous example, the price of the item was Rp. 7,500, so the change is:
- 5 coins Rp100, or
- 3 IDR 100 coins and 1 IDR 200 coin, or
- 1 IDR 100 coin and 2 IDR 200 coins, or
- 1 coin Rp500
- Either combination doesn't matter as long as you turn out the small money efficiently.

Step 6. Give the banknotes later
When you reach an even number of rupiah, start counting the change until you reach the amount the buyer paid. Let's go back to the previous example:
- You've counted up to IDR 8000 and have to continue to IDR 20,000. now, the return given is:
- 1 sheet IDR 2,000
- 1 sheet IDR 10,000

Step 7. Double-check your calculations
You give 5 x IDR 100 coins, or 3 x IDR 100 + 1 x IDR 200, or 1 x IDR 500, all for a total of IDR 500. Then, give 1 x IDR 2000 + 1 x IDR 10,000 banknote for a total of IDR 12,000. thus, the total change is Rp. 12,500. IDR 7,500 (price of goods) + IDR 12,500 (change) = IDR 20,000 (money paid).
Method 2 of 2: Calculating More Complex Transactions

Step 1. Be prepared to find a buyer who pays an odd amount to get a small change or wants a certain denomination of money
For example, a buyer might pay $11,000 for a $6,000 item in order to receive a $5,000 note. On the other hand, if the buyer pays Rp. 10,000, the change received is two pieces of Rp. 2,000.

Step 2. Calculate change increments to simplify transactions
Especially if the transaction does not involve coins, just do the count up.
- For example, if the buyer buys goods for IDR 42,000, he pays IDR 47,000, then the change is:
- 1 sheet Rp. 5,000.

Step 3. Try subtracting first to simplify complex transactions
For example, if the purchased item costs Rp. 12,700 and the money paid is 23,500, then the calculation of the change is:
- Start with the amount of money paid. Subtract the number to get a simple number. For example, IDR 23,500 – IDR 500 = IDR 23,000.
- Now, subtract the amount that equals the price of the item: $12,700 – $500 = $12,200.
- So, the first change given is 3 coins of IDR 100 (total IDR 300) then count up from IDR 12,700 to IDR 13,000.
- After that, give 1 IDR 500 coin and count up from IDR 13,000 to IDR 13,500.
- Finally, submit 1 sheet of Rp. 10,000 and count up Rp. 13,500 to Rp. 23,500.

Step 4. Give correct change for all combinations with confidence
Here is another example for a more complicated transaction. Imagine a buyer buying food for Rp.112,300. The money given is 1 sheet of Rp. 50,000, 2 pieces of Rp. 20,000, 1 sheet of Rp. 10,000, 3 pieces of Rp. 5,000, and 1 coin of Rp. 500.
- The total amount of money paid by counting up while placing the money: 5 thousand, ten thousand, fifteen thousand, twenty five thousand, sixty five thousand, one hundred and ten thousand, and five hundred. Say to the buyer "The total money is Rp. 115,500."
- Start subtraction. 115,500 – Rp500 = Rp115,000 and Rp112,300 – Rp500 = Rp111,800. You need 2 IDR 100 coins.
- Now, count up from IDR 112,300 to IDR 115,500.
- 2 coins of IDR 100 so that IDR 112,300 becomes IDR 112,500 (known from the previous deduction).
- 3 pieces of Rp1,000 (Rp112,500 to Rp115,500).
- Double-check your calculations.
- You give IDR 1000 + IDR 1000 + IDR 1000 + IDR 200 + IDR 112,300 = IDR 115,500 (amount of money paid).