You certainly know that drinking a glass of milk every day is a form of a healthy lifestyle. Research shows that milk is effective in preventing weight gain; In addition, milk also contains various important nutrients needed by the body such as calcium to maintain healthy bones, phosphorus, magnesium, protein, vitamin B12, vitamin A, zinc or zinc (Zn), riboflavin, folate, vitamin C, and most importantly is vitamin D.
The United States Department of Agriculture or often called the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) also states that the habit of consuming milk is effective in preventing early osteoporosis, especially because milk is very rich in calcium and vitamin D. Other evidence also shows that the habit of consuming milk has a significant effect on bone health and a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.
Read on to find out how to be healthier by diligently consuming milk every day!

Step 1. Buy organic milk
Research shows that organic milk far Healthier than regular cow's milk. In fact, organic milk is produced from cows that are naturally bred and do not receive injections of the hormone BGH (a hormone used to increase fresh milk production in regular dairy cows); Besides having a better taste, organic milk is also healthier because it is produced without exposure to pesticides that pose a risk to human health.
- Currently, the overuse of antibiotics is most common in the agricultural sector; be careful, excessive consumption of antibiotics risks endangering your health! Fortunately, organic milk comes from cows that are not receiving antibiotics; therefore, these types of milk are less likely to be contaminated with antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
- Organic milk has a very high content of conjugated linoleic acid. Basically, conjugated linoleic acid is an essential fatty acid that has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes. In the journal Archives of Internal Medicine published on May 9, researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital and the Harvard School of Public Health report that low-fat dairy products have also been shown to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes in men.
- Another plus, organic milk has a longer shelf life than regular cow's milk. In fact, organic milk is cooked at 137°C or the equivalent of 280°F; this is why the texture and taste of organic milk will not change even if it is stored for almost two months. Meanwhile, non-organic milk is only cooked at 62°C or equivalent to 145°F; As a result, the storage period is much shorter. By consuming organic milk, you don't have to bother shopping at the supermarket every three days, right?
- Understand that consuming organic milk is the right choice. Unlike ordinary cows, organic cows or cows that produce organic milk must live in the open and be bred naturally. In other words, they are allowed to roam and feed on organic pastures. They live in a natural and friendly environment, do not pollute the air, water and soil, and are healthy for humans.

Step 2. Do not mix milk with tea
Even though it tastes delicious, the habit will actually get rid of it whole tea benefits. Instead, try pouring honey into your tea glass. If you really want to mix milk with other types of drinks, try mixing it with coffee because the combination will not reduce the benefits of each other.

Step 3. Get to know the vitamins and minerals contained in milk:
- Calcium: Effective in maintaining healthy bones and teeth, and helps maintain bone mass in the body.
- Protein: Good source of energy; powerful form and repair muscle tissue so it is good to be consumed after exercise.
- Potassium: Effective in maintaining your blood pressure.
- Phosphor: Powerful to strengthen bones and increase your energy.
- Vitamin D: Effective in maintaining bone health.
- Vitamin B12: Effective in maintaining the health of red blood cells and nerve tissue.
- Vitamin A: Effective in maintaining immunity, eye health, and skin beauty.
- Niacin: Effective in improving the body's metabolism; try drinking a glass of milk before doing aerobics.

Step 4. Prevent disease by diligently consuming milk
The USDA shows that the calcium and vitamin D content in milk is effective in preventing premature osteoporosis. In addition, diligently consuming milk will also improve bone health and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes.

Step 5. Do not consume milk (or dairy products) that have not been pasteurized
The benefit of the pasteurization process is to kill bacteria and other harmful microorganisms found in raw milk; this is why consuming raw milk is so dangerous for your health!
- Make sure you read the label on the packaging of milk or dairy products before buying it. Milk that has gone through the pasteurization process will definitely include the description “pasteurized milk” or state that the product has gone through the pasteurization process. If you can't find it, it most likely contains raw milk.
- If you're not sure, don't be afraid to ask the shopkeeper or supermarket you go to (especially if milk or dairy products are stored in the refrigerator). Never buy milk or dairy products that have not been proven to have been pasteurized!

Step 6. Reduce the acidity of the body by diligently consuming milk
One of the causes of discomfort or burning in the chest is the high degree of acid in the esophagus; Therefore, naturally milk is also useful to relieve pain or burning in your chest and stomach acid disorders.

Step 7. Make your skin brighter and glowing by diligently consuming milk
For thousands of years, milk has been known as the most effective medicine for maintaining the health and beauty of one's skin. The content of lactic acid in milk serves to remove dead skin cells; this is why milk is effective in making your skin bright and always looks young.

Step 8. Keep your teeth healthy by diligently consuming milk
Milk has been shown to be effective in protecting the enamel or outer layer of teeth from acidic foods; In addition, the content of calcium and vitamin D in milk is also effective in strengthening bones (even though teeth are not categorized as part of bones).

Step 9. Lose weight by diligently consuming milk
Most people who are on a diet actually choose not to consume milk because milk is considered to frustrate their dieting process. In fact, recent research conducted by Ben-Gurion University actually shows that the higher the calcium content you consume, the more likely you are to lose weight. The average respondent who consumed 580 grams of milk every day was proven to be effective in reducing 5 kg. her weight. Meanwhile, the average respondent who only consumed a glass of milk every day only reduced 3 kg. her weight.
- Pregnant women are more advised to consume milk, especially because the baby they are carrying requires a lot of calcium intake.
- Consume ice cream containing milk. If you really want to eat something fatty but still healthy, try eating ice cream. If consumed in moderation, ice cream containing milk can also be a good source of calcium; But remember, don't replace milk with ice cream! Although it sounds reasonable, the fact is that other ingredients in ice cream (such as fat, sugar, etc.) will actually make you gain weight quickly! In addition, milk that has been processed into ice cream will also lose some of its nutrients. That's why ice cream is more calorie-dense than milk, but not as healthy as milk consumed without any additives.
- If for some reason you can't eat milk or dairy products, try eating other types of calcium-rich foods such as broccoli, beans, spinach, cabbage, rice, or cauliflower. Make sure you also eat foods that rich rich in vitamin D such as beef liver, salmon, egg yolks, sardines, tuna, and cod liver oil.
- Consume more milk will contribute more health benefits to your body; Unfortunately, you will not get the maximum benefit if you don't balance it with exercise. There is no need to choose a sport that is too strenuous; just walk at least 30 minutes every day to keep your body healthy. If you are not used to it, reduce the intensity.
- If you want to lose weight, try replacing one of the dairy products (such as cheese) with a glass of milk; make sure you also choose low – or no – fat milk.
- Remember, milk cannot replace food! Your body also needs nutrients from solid foods to survive; therefore, you cannot consume more milk even just to replace lettuce or watermelon. Don't confuse your needs with baby's needs!
- Try consuming milk at night to wake you up with softer and glowing skin. To make your hair softer, try consuming almond milk.
- It is better not to consume raw milk or you are at risk of developing the disease afterwards. Raw milk is fresh milk that is not pasteurized before consumption. In fact, some people prefer to consume raw milk under the pretext of protecting the environment or wanting to get richer nutrients. Be careful, raw milk contains microorganisms that pose a risk to human health if consumed. Several types of bacteria contained in raw milk are salmonella, E. coli, and listeria; All three have been shown to be capable of causing various deadly diseases in humans. The dangers of consuming raw milk are more vulnerable to pregnant women, children, the elderly, and those whose immune systems are not good.
- Even though it's good for health, make sure you don't consume too much milk because it can trigger the formation of kidney stones (the risk is higher in people who are prone to kidney stones). Another negative impact, it is feared that you will also consume too much fluid in one day, especially because you must also consume other fluids besides milk every day.