Has it ever crossed your mind to change your life for the better? Maybe you're looking to lose weight, become a more active person, or just want to feel healthier. To live a healthier life, you will likely have to make adjustments in various areas. Many factors are involved in being “healthy”, including: genes, diet, regular exercise and lifestyle choices. There are factors that cannot be changed, such as genes, so make changes to the things you can control to help you lead a healthier lifestyle. Start by making small changes in your diet, exercise and other lifestyle factors so that you gradually become healthier.
Part 1 of 4: Preparing for a Healthier Life

Step 1. Make an appointment with the doctor
One way to improve health and maintain it is to visit the doctor regularly. Doctors as medical professionals will help support your desire to live a healthier life. They can also tell you whether you should start or stop something to live a healthier life.
- Visit your regular doctor. Talk about your current state of health and ask if they can suggest something to help you live a healthier life.
- Don't forget to visit the dentist. According to the recommendations you should go to the dentist twice a year for checkups. This visit is important, don't miss it.
- See another doctor you may need. For example, an obstetrician/gynecologist or an endocrinologist (a hormone specialist).

Step 2. Take measurements
There are several ways to check your health status without the help of a doctor. Weighing and taking measurements of the body as a whole can give a little understanding of whether the condition of the body is classified as healthy or not.
- Weigh your. Record your weight and compare it to the national standard for ideal weight. You will find out if your weight is a healthy weight or needs to be reduced.
- Measure your waist circumference. Another way that can be used to interpret weight and health is to measure waist circumference. A large waist circumference can mean you have high visceral fat and this can be harmful to your health. Men's waist circumference should be less than 100 cm and women's should be less than 88 cm.
- Calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index) with an online calculator. Again, this is just an additional method of knowing whether you are at a healthy weight or not.
- If most of these measurements are too tall and you think you are overweight or overweight, this could be a part of your life that can be changed so that you can become healthier.

Step 3. Start journaling
Journaling is a good way to start a healthier life. You can take notes, write goals, track goals and even keep a food journal. This information will help you know what to do and motivate you to achieve those goals.
- First, start jotting down any information you get from your doctor or look up information about your weight, BMI or waist circumference.
- In addition, also make notes about the goals you want to achieve and the ways you will apply to live a healthier life. It seems that you have to brainstorm and think about all the aspects of your life that you would like to change for the better.
- Record your food choices in a journal. Research shows that people who journal about their food regularly can stick to new diets for longer.

Step 4. Build a support group
Support groups are becoming an important part of a healthier lifestyle. They not only provide support for your cause, but also provide support for mental and emotional health.
- An important part of a healthier lifestyle that is often overlooked is mental and emotional health. Support groups not only serve to cheer you up, but also make great friends.
- Ask friends, family members or co-workers to join in on certain goals. Maybe some of them want to lose weight, eat healthier or exercise more.
- Research shows that people who have support groups are more likely to achieve their long-term goals.
Part 2 of 4: Choosing a Healthier Diet

Step 1. Make a meal plan
When you are trying to live a healthier life, your diet becomes one of the things that needs to be changed. Creating a new meal plan for yourself can help give you the guidance you need to eat healthily throughout the week.
- A meal plan can be considered a blueprint for every meal, snack and drink menu throughout the week.
- This plan also allows you to research and plan each meal option. You will feel confident knowing that what you eat each day fits into a new, healthier life.
- To start making a meal plan, take a pen and paper and write down the names of the days of the week. Then write down all the foods, snacks and drinks.
- Creating a meal plan can also help you organize your shopping list better.

Step 2. Eat mindfully
Conscious eating is a way of eating that can help you pay attention and focus on the activity of eating itself. Mindful eating is important for a healthier life because it helps you enjoy the moment you eat.
- People who eat mindfully usually eat less, lose weight more easily and feel fuller with what they eat.
- Mindful eating requires you to pay attention to several things. First, turn off all electronics (such as cell phones or televisions) and eliminate all other distractions. You have to be able to focus on food.
- When eating a meal pay attention to how your food looks, how it tastes, texture and temperature. Concentrate with every bite.
- Also, take 20-30 minutes to enjoy the food. If you're not in a hurry to eat, chances are you're eating less and enjoying it more.

Step 3. Maintain a balanced diet
A balanced diet is the cornerstone of a healthy diet. Eating well is important to help you live a healthier life.
- When adopting a balanced diet, you can consume all the recommended nutrients your body needs. A low-quality diet risks causing malnutrition and other side effects. A balanced diet will make you feel and be healthier.
- A balanced diet includes five food groups each day. In addition, a balanced diet features a wide variety of foods. Don't eat the same few foods every day. This will limit your ability to consume a variety of nutrients.
Step 4. Pay attention to food portions
When you read the nutritional information and calorie count on food packaging, it refers to one serving of that food. But what is a portion? You might finish a bag of chips and think it's only one serving, but you end up eating three or four servings. Make sure you check your portion sizes and don't take more than you need.
- Keep in mind that the following amounts are equivalent to one serving: 85-110 grams of protein, cup of whole grains, cup of fruit or small slice and 1 cup of vegetables/2 cup of leafy greens. This is the portion size for one meal.
- If you're eating at a restaurant and the portion sizes are large (as is often the case), ask if it's okay to ask for a half portion of the takeaway meal. That way, you won't be tempted to finish all the food on your plate, even when you're full.

Step 5. Drink more water
Try to drink more water. A body that gets enough water is essential for a healthier life.
- When you are dehydrated you may experience various side effects that not only affect your health, but your emotional state as well.
- When you are dehydrated you may experience chronic headaches, fatigue and an inability to concentrate in the afternoon.
- Aim to drink about eight to 13 glasses of clear fluids each day to replace lost fluids. This number varies depending on age, gender and activity.
- Drinks that can be considered as water include: water, flavored water (water added with sliced fruit/vegetables), decaffeinated coffee and tea. Please note that sports drinks often contain a lot of sugar, and should be mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Step 6. Limit alcohol intake
Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to weight gain or weight stagnation. In addition, alcohol has a negative effect on overall health.
- Health professionals usually recommend drinking no more than one alcoholic drink per day for women and no more than two alcoholic drinks per day.
- Drink less than these requirements to support your desire to lose weight and become leaner. Alcohol contains only calories, no nutrients.
- Usually one serving of alcohol is equivalent to 120 ml of wine, 60 ml of liquor or 350 ml of beer.

Step 7. Consider supplements
If your food choices are limited due to allergies, dietary restrictions, etc., you may need to rely on supplements to help you get enough of the nutrients your body needs. Discuss with your doctor whether or not you need supplements and what supplements are right for you.
- Supplements may interact negatively with other medications you may be taking. Therefore, make sure you discuss with your doctor about the possible side effects and interactions.
- Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat soluble. That means if you consume too much, the excess will not be excreted in the urine, but will still be stored in the body. This can be very dangerous, which is why it is important that you talk to your doctor about the correct dosage. Never exceed the recommended dose.
- You may want to consider taking calcium (especially for women), iron (for women who have very heavy periods), or B12 (for those who choose a vegetarian diet).
- Remember, vitamins are supportive. Do not use vitamins to replace food. You should try your best to get most of the nutrients from food.
Part 3 of 4: Adjusting to Physical Activities

Step 1. Turn exercise into a fun activity
Physical activity is an important component of a healthier lifestyle. However, if you don't enjoy the type of exercise you do, it may be against your goal of living a healthier life.
- Find an exercise routine that you really enjoy. It also helps support mental and emotional health. While doing the exercises, you should feel refreshed and happy.
- Make a list of music to listen to only when you are exercising. Every time you play through the list, your body will feel conditioned and know it's time to exercise!
- Find an exercise you enjoy: walking, cycling, yoga, Zumba, ballet. Just make sure you exercise consistently. Visit your local library and find out if they have DVDs or sports literature available. In addition, there is a lot of information on the internet.
- Find a practice buddy. You can teach each other your favorite exercises and motivate each other to go to work when laziness hits you. After all, there's nothing wrong with a little healthy competition.

Step 2. Aim to do 150 minutes of cardio every week
In general, health professionals recommend that you aim for about 150 minutes or 2½ hours of moderate-intensity cardio each week.
- When doing moderate-intensity cardio, you should still be able to talk, but not sing a song, for example. You should sweat and your heart rate should be between 50-70% of your maximum heart rate.
- By incorporating a cardio workout routine, you are making a big leap towards a healthier life. Exercise, especially cardiovascular activity, provides a variety of health benefits, including: better mood, better sleep, reduced risk of chronic disease, weight control, improved blood pressure and glucose control.
- If you want to experience the added health benefits of cardio, aim for 300 minutes of exercise each week.

Step 3. Don't forget to include strength training
In addition to regular cardio, it's important that you do adequate strength training.
- Resistance training or strength training provides additional health benefits that you don't get from cardio training. Regular strength training can help build lean muscle mass and reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
- Schedule strength training 1-3 days each week. Aim for 20 minutes for each training session and include exercises that work all major muscle groups.
- If you're just starting out, skip free weights and use the machines at the gym. Ask the trainer to show you how to use the machines and how to maintain proper body shape.
Part 4 of 4: Making Healthier Lifestyle Changes

Step 1. Follow the 80/20 rule
If you aim to live a healthier life, there is no need to avoid every unhealthy food or exercise every day. Don't overdo it, just enough. What matters is that it suits you.
- Many health experts suggest a general rule known as the 80/20 rule. This means that of your entire time, spend 80% of your time doing healthy activities or things that will support a healthier lifestyle. The remaining 20%, you can use to do something less healthy (like sleeping more instead of doing your morning workout or enjoying an extra glass of wine).
- When you first set goals for living a healthier life, make sure you don't forget gifts and fun things that don't have to be considered "healthy." These things will support your mental and emotional health.

Step 2. Quit smoking
All health professionals will advise you to stop smoking or using other tobacco products. The habit has been linked to various health problems and diseases.
- Try to quit smoking as soon as possible. Quitting smoking suddenly (cold turkey) is more difficult and may come with side effects, but it's the quickest way to stop you from harming your body.
- If you're having trouble quitting smoking, see your doctor for help. He or she may be able to prescribe medication or provide a cover letter for a smoking cessation program.

Step 3. Deal with stress
Stress is an emotion that is difficult to control and can destroy health. Chronic low levels of stress are very common and can hinder progress towards a healthier life.
- Stress can cause various health-related side effects, such as headaches, depression, fatigue, increased risk of heart attack and type 2 diabetes, acid reflux, and decreased immunity.
- Do other activities that help you calm down, relieve stress and anxiety. Try the following: yoga, light exercise, listening to music, chatting with friends or taking a warm bath or bath.

Step 4. Visit a therapist
These health professionals can provide you with hands-on guidance on how to better handle stress, a busy lifestyle and other life issues.
- Ask your doctor if he has information about a local therapist or someone he can recommend to treat your problem.
- Seeing a therapist is not limited to those with severe mental illness such as depression. Many studies show that everyone, regardless of age and background, can benefit from seeing a therapist or life coach.

Step 5. Get more sleep
Getting more sleep will help you feel refreshed in the morning and ready for the day. In addition, getting enough sleep also gives the body a chance to rejuvenate itself! It is during sleep that the body repairs itself at the cellular level.
- The general recommendation for sleep is between 7-9 hours each night.
- To help you sleep well, don't exercise right before bed, turn off all electronics, turn off all lights and objects that make noise. This will help you get the best quality sleep.
- Don't underestimate chronic sleep problems. If you can't get enough sleep, don't sleep well or don't feel refreshed when you wake up in the morning, make an appointment with your doctor to see if he or she can help with this problem.