Being able to break eggs is a very useful kitchen skill. Cracking eggs is needed to make many dishes from basic scrambled eggs to elegant crème brulée. When you break an egg, the key is to crack it at its widest, which is around the middle. This way, you'll get clean egg shards instead of ending up with bits of shell in your breakfast. See Step 1 to learn how to properly crack an egg.

Step 1. Hold the egg in your dominant hand (the hand you use the most, usually the right hand)
You want to have maximum control over the eggs. So if you use your other hand instead of the other, the egg may accidentally slip and fall.

Step 2. Hold it between your thumb and first two fingers

Step 3. Tap the belly of the egg firmly against a hard surface
Make sure the part of the egg you beat is the widest part (the middle); if you break the egg near the top or bottom, the egg is more likely to fall apart in your hands.
- Some say eggs should be cracked on a flat surface, while others are very supportive of cracking eggs on the edge of a metal bowl or pan, or perhaps the edge of a table. Both methods are equally good. It's up to you which one is most comfortable for you.
- You can also tap something hard against the egg instead of the other way around as above. Try taking a heavy knife or other heavy kitchen utensil and tapping it firmly in the middle of the egg.

Step 4. Open both halves of the egg
Use your other hand to open the shell and pull the other half of the egg so that the two halves of the shell are separated. Do this gently, to minimize the chance of cracked eggs or small bits of shell getting into your bowl.
Experienced chefs who have to crack dozens of eggs at once can open both halves of the egg with one hand. To do this, place the cracked egg in the center of the palm of your hand, and hold it with the crack facing down into your bowl. Use your index finger to stabilize the back of the egg, then pull using your thumb and middle finger to separate the two halves of the egg. This method takes a lot of practice

Step 5. Empty the eggs into a bowl or pan
If you plan to use the whole egg (the white and the yolk), go ahead and pour everything into a bowl, both the yolk and the white.
To separate the whites and yolks, place the two halves of the egg in a bowl and carefully move the yolks back and forth from one shell to another so that the whites drip down into the bowl and the yolks stay intact and stay in the bowl. a piece of broken egg shell

Step 6. Done
- Do this in a bowl.
- Wash your hands before and after breaking eggs!
- Sprinkling eggshell shards around the base of your garden plants is great for preventing animals from getting close to your plants.