3 Ways to Use Siwak

3 Ways to Use Siwak
3 Ways to Use Siwak

Table of contents:


Siwak or Miswak is a special kind of wooden stick for cleaning teeth that is traditionally used for dental health in many Middle Eastern and African countries in a similar way to the use of modern toothbrushes. Siwak is sometimes used as part of a Muslim's purification (although a toothbrush can also be used for this purpose). For those who use it, siwak wood is an inexpensive and effective way to maintain oral health, which some studies suggest may be as effective as using a toothbrush (though this subject is debatable).


Method 1 of 3: Cleaning Teeth With Siwak

Use Miswak Step 1
Use Miswak Step 1

Step 1. Chew one end of the wood until it peels off

Using a miswak to brush your teeth is easy and fun! If you have "new" wood - one that hasn't been used - start by chewing the bark at the end of the wood. Stop when you hit about 3 cm below the bark layer. Remove and discard the bark.

A "spicy" or "burning" taste can arise from the activity of chewing siwak wood. Although for some people it is uncomfortable, but it is not dangerous

Use Miswak Step 2
Use Miswak Step 2

Step 2. Chew the center until soft and form feathers

When you hit the wood under the skin at the end of the miswak, start chewing. Your goal is to soften the wood so that it becomes thin, fibrous feathers. It only takes a minute or two - you'll know when it's ready when the end of the wood is soft enough to spread out a bit like a small brush.

Ideally, you want very little resistance to bristles (similar to a soft-bristled toothbrush)

Use Miswak Step 3
Use Miswak Step 3

Step 3. Soak the ends in water

Traditionally, miswak is used without toothpaste or other oral hygiene products, although you can use it if you wish. To use the traditional siwak, dip the end of the wood in water (as you would when you add toothpaste to a toothbrush).

As an alternative, many traditional miswak users use rose water instead of plain water to make it smell good

Use Miswak Step 4
Use Miswak Step 4

Step 4. Hold the siwak wood with one thumb down

Now you are ready to brush your teeth. You can grip the wood as comfortably as you like - remember that you will be brushing with the end of the wood, not the side, like a toothbrush. Traditionally, siwak wood is held by placing the thumb of the right hand just below and behind the hairy end, placing the little tip under the back of the wood, and the other three fingers at the top.

Use Miswak Step 5
Use Miswak Step 5

Step 5. Brush your teeth with the bristled end

Now start brushing your teeth! Press the bristled end of the wood against your teeth and gently move it up and down to scrub the front surface. Move it slowly around the mouth, going slowly and brushing each tooth surface with the bristles. Don't press too hard - your goal is to gently brush your teeth, not file them or pick them up. For someone who is used to using a toothbrush, it may seem strange at first, but after a few tries it becomes intuitive.

Don't forget to clean the back of your teeth just as you would with a toothbrush

Use Miswak Step 6
Use Miswak Step 6

Step 6. Trim the old hairs every few days

Keep the siwak wood new by cutting or breaking old, worn feathers with a knife (or by hand). Depending on how often you brush your teeth and the type of wood you use, the durability of the average siwak's bristles varies. In general, you will need to trim the hairs every time they look like old, worn-out brooms. Usually this means cutting it every few days.

There are some notable exceptions to this rule. Some types of siwak wood that have been processed and sold commercially have a lifespan of more than six months due to added preservatives

Use Miswak Step 7
Use Miswak Step 7

Step 7. Store the siwak wood in a dry place

When you finish brushing your teeth, immediately clean the miswak from the remnants and rinse briefly. Store the miswak in a clean but open place, not in a bag or container, which can encourage mold growth because the wood is damp. Keep the siwak wood away from the sink or toilet to avoid accidentally transferring bacteria from splashing water.

Method 2 of 3: Using Siwak in an Islamic Context

Use Miswak Step 8
Use Miswak Step 8

Step 1. Use the siwak as part of wudu

For some people, using miswak is just a way to keep teeth clean. However, for devout Muslims, the siwak often plays a more serious role in worship. Muslims are required to cleanse themselves in a ritual of purification (wudu) before performing certain acts of worship (the most common being the daily worship called salat). Although cleaning the teeth is not explicitly required as part of the wudu ritual, it is considered sunnah and highly recommended. So, for serious Muslims, siwak before prayer can be done many times a day.

Use Miswak Step 9
Use Miswak Step 9

Step 2. Understand the importance of oral hygiene

Achieving a holy state before prayer is very important for Muslims. The Koran states clearly "[Allah] loves those who purify themselves." Purification shows obedience to Allah, obedience to the holy book, and following the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, which was to do siwak and advise others to do it.

In addition, the use of miswak before prayer is often seen to make the prayer more valuable and preferable in the eyes of Allah. According to a hadith, "The virtue of praying after wearing a siwak is greater than seventy rak'ahs without a miswak."

Use Miswak Step 10
Use Miswak Step 10

Step 3. Learn the use of miswak in hadith

Although the use of miswak for oral hygiene is not widely discussed in the Qur'an, there are many references from hadith (records about the actions and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad).

  • "The Messenger of Allah said, 'Had it not been difficult for my Ummah, I would have ordered them to use the Siwak every time they would pray.'"
  • "The first thing the Prophet SAW did before entering the house was siwak."
  • "Wudu is part of faith and siwak is part of ablution."
  • "In the miswak there is a cure for every disease, except death."
Use Miswak Step 11
Use Miswak Step 11

Step 4. Alternatively, use a regular toothbrush for ablution

If you're a devout Muslim but live in a place where it's hard to find real siwak wood or you're worried about using it to clean your teeth, don't worry! Many Muslims achieve the same level of oral hygiene by using a regular toothbrush (with or without toothpaste) as by using a traditional siwak. The most important aspect of ablution is sincerely intending to purify oneself in the eyes of Allah and trying to do it as best as possible. The utensil you use to brush your teeth is not as important as the simple fact that you brush your teeth as a sign of obedience to Allah.

Even Islamic practices give special concessions to people who do not have any cleaning tools before offering prayers. In these cases, it's generally recommended to do the best you can using your index finger

Method 3 of 3: Making Your Own Siwak Wood

Use Miswak Step 12
Use Miswak Step 12

Step 1. Find a tree that is usually made of siwak wood

One of the good things about siwak for brushing your teeth is that the siwak wood you use can be obtained for free! While in most Muslim countries you can get cheap siwak wood, you can also get siwak wood the way traditional practitioners do. First, find a suitable tree. Traditionally, siwak wood comes from the siwak tree or Salvadora Persica (also called the "toothbrush" tree or the "arak" tree). However, a variety of plants with "bitter root" could potentially be used. Below are some suitable tree alternatives originating from the Mediterranean, Middle East, and Syriac or Levant regions where miswak is most commonly practiced:

  • Olive tree
  • Palm tree
  • walnut tree
Use Miswak Step 13
Use Miswak Step 13

Step 2. Cut small but strong wood from the tree

Next, take wood or small twigs from tree branches or from overhanging roots using a knife or bare hands. The stick doesn't have to be big - traditionally, a siwak that's the same length as your hand is wide. Don't take more than necessary or hurt the tree more than you have to - that's wasteful and dishonorable.

Use Miswak Step 14
Use Miswak Step 14

Step 3. Wash thoroughly before use

When you pick up any plant product from the wild, you run the risk of being exposed to harmful chemicals or germs, no matter how clean the plant may appear to be. To reduce the risk of this happening to you, be sure to thoroughly clean any siwak wood you cut straight from the tree before removing it. use it. Use a disinfectant soap or similar antibacterial agent to clean the siwak wood, then soak it in water to remove the soap. Repeat several times to maintain cleanliness.

Store miswak wood in a clean and dry place before using it. Since you've washed it, the siwak wood will get wet and can get dirt or dust if you're not careful

Use Miswak Step 15
Use Miswak Step 15

Step 4. Avoid poisonous or dangerous trees

Never take siwak wood from a tree that is poisonous or dangerous. No matter how well you clean the siwak wood obtained from a poisonous tree, using the wood will expose you to chemicals that can make you sick. You should also avoid trees that have been treated with pesticides or other harmful chemicals. Below are some types of trees that you should not take as siwak wood (this list is not exhaustive, look for botanical sources if you are unsure whether a particular tree species is safe or not).

  • pomegranate tree
  • Bamboo tree
  • chambelle tree
  • Reach tree
  • myrtle tree
Use Miswak Step 16
Use Miswak Step 16

Step 5. If in doubt, just buy or order siwak wood

Although people in other parts of the world may have sourced their own siwak wood from nature for thousands of years, for the inexperienced this can be a daunting task. If you are really worried about whether a certain type of siwak wood is safe or not, consider buying from a trusted seller. Miswak wood can be purchased online or from specialty goods stores (especially in Muslim countries and communities) - in developed countries with modern health regulations, this commercially sold wood is hygienic and safe to use.


  • Miswak can cause a burning sensation on the lips and the inside of the mouth.
  • You should consult a doctor and dentist. This siwak wood is safe because it has been used for thousands of years but you should be careful.
