Papaya is a tropical fruit rich in Vitamin B, C and other minerals. If you're interested in this superfood, take one of the prep options below for the ultimate papaya eating experience.
Method 1 of 3: Picking Papaya

Step 1. Choose local fruit
Just like any other fruit, the best papayas are those grown and picked locally. Pick or pick if papaya is available in your area. Otherwise, choose imported fruit in the area closest to your location to ensure freshness and taste.

Step 2. Try papaya kapaho
This papaya grows in Hawaii and Costa Rica, and is known for being small to medium in size with a sweet yellow flesh.

Step 3. Try the Mexican Papaya
Mexican papayas are much larger than kapaho papayas, and have orange or red flesh inside. This papaya tends to have a bland or bitter taste.
Method 2 of 3: Eating Raw Papaya

Step 1. Put the papaya in the refrigerator
Although papaya can be eaten at room temperature, it tastes best when served cold. Put the papaya whole or halved in the refrigerator.

Step 2. Cut the fruit into two halves
Papayas are very soft and can be cut with a spoon, but use a knife to make the edges smooth. Take and remove the black seeds in the center using a spoon.

Step 3. Rinse the inside
Rinse the center of the papaya under cold water to remove any seeds or pulp that will fall apart when eaten. Place on a plate when finished.

Step 4. Cut the lemon or lime into quarters
The acid contained can enhance the natural taste of papaya. Squeeze over the papaya for the best fruit flavor.

Step 5. Remove the flesh using a spoon
This is very easy to do when the papaya is ripe, because the flesh is very tender.
Method 3 of 3: Cooking Papaya

Step 1. Cook papaya salad
This Thai papaya salad dish combines sweet papaya with tomatoes, chilies, limes, garlic and fish sauce. Serve cold as a refreshing appetizer.

Step 2. Bake papaya bread
Similar to banana bread or zucchini bread, papaya bread is a sweet dessert made from fresh fruit, nuts and spices.

Step 3. Make papaya sorbet
Sorbet is a fruit-based ice cream, perfect for hot days. Make a papaya sorbet by blending the fruit with water, sugar and lemon juice before freezing. Serve with fresh papaya as a cold treat in the summer.

Step 4. Prepare the papaya milkshake
To make a classic shake, mix fresh papaya, milk, sugar and vanilla. Serve in chilled glasses and curved straws.
- Even if the skin of the papaya is not eaten, wash the papaya to be safe (just like all other fruits) before consuming it.
- Eat papaya only during its natural harvest season. This is to ensure the papaya has the best taste.
- The seeds and skin of the papaya are edible, but have a bitter taste.