3 Ways to Lose Weight Fast with Exercise

3 Ways to Lose Weight Fast with Exercise
3 Ways to Lose Weight Fast with Exercise

Table of contents:


Exercising regularly is one of the best ways to lose weight, but if you want a fast way, exercising alone isn't enough. Weight loss cannot be achieved in a short time, let alone fast ways are usually considered unsafe or unhealthy. However, you can lose weight by doing certain exercises. Several studies have shown that weight loss can be achieved by combining interval training, cardiovascular or aerobic exercise, and weight training. In addition to regular exercise, eating nutritious foods and a balanced menu also accelerates weight loss.


Method 1 of 3: Doing High Intensity Exercise

Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 1
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 1

Step 1. Do high-intensity or interval training for 1-3 days

Review an exercise plan that you will do if you have been exercising at a moderate intensity or doing aerobic exercise at a constant intensity.

  • Exercising at a higher intensity and doing interval training is more beneficial than aerobic exercise at a constant intensity. Exercising at a higher intensity for several days will burn more calories and fat in each training session.
  • If you're not sure how fast you should move, see if you can still talk normally. If you can still talk comfortably, this means you are exercising at a low intensity. Moderate-intensity exercise will leave you gasping for air as you speak. If you have to inhale while saying short sentences, this means you are exercising at a high intensity.
  • Interval training is a combination of moderate and high intensity exercise. The combination will increase fat burning and speed up your metabolic rate for up to a few hours after your workout.
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 2
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 2

Step 2. Set up an interval training routine according to your condition

Interval training can be done at home or at the gym. You can work on your flexibility and set your desired intensity of exercise by setting up your own interval training program.

  • Do the jump rope exercise for 1-2 minutes without stopping then reduce the speed little by little so you can rest. Do jump rope exercises 2-5 times / day.
  • Do the exercise going up and down stairs or walking on an incline. Use stairs or trails that are long enough for a brisk walk or run, such as at a sports stadium or trails for hiking. Do 2-5 rounds. Every time you get to the bottom, don't forget to take a break.
  • Do a rock climber posture (mountain climbers). Start in plank posture and bring your right thigh close to your chest while bending your knee. Repeat this movement for 1-2 minutes as much as possible. After resting for a while, repeat the same movement again by bending your left knee.
  • Do sprints between jogging or brisk walks. Do 1-2 minute sprints followed by jogging at a moderate pace for 3-5 minutes.
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 3
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 3

Step 3. Take a high-intensity aerobics class

In addition to setting up a high-intensity or interval training program yourself, join a gym that provides these classes.

  • Practicing in class with other participants makes the exercise easier and more enjoyable. You will be more motivated because you try to push yourself so as not to fall behind.
  • Take a boxing or kickboxing class. In addition to burning calories, kickboxing provides other benefits, for example: building muscle throughout the body, reducing stress, and increasing self-confidence.
  • Take a stationary cycling class. Static cycling is great for all fitness levels because you can control resistance and speed as you train. In addition to burning approximately 500 calories, taking a static cycling class means building butt, thigh, and calf muscles.
  • Take up high-intensity interval training (HIIT). Doing a HIIT workout yourself can be difficult, especially if the intensity of the workout doesn't match your body condition. At the fitness center, you can take classes that provide a variety of interval training programs with movements that are tailored to your fitness level.

Method 2 of 3: Doing Another Exercise Program

Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 4
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 4

Step 1. Do moderate-intensity aerobic exercise

In addition to high-intensity or interval training, do moderate-intensity aerobic exercise. This exercise is beneficial for health and can help you lose weight.

  • Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise is activity performed at a moderate pace for at least 30 minutes while maintaining a steady pace throughout the workout.
  • Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise burns fewer calories than HIIT workouts, but is more comfortable for your body.
  • In general, this exercise takes 30-60 minutes several days a week. Research shows that moderate-intensity aerobic exercise will lose weight faster if it is done 1 hour / day.
  • Train to the best of your ability if you haven't exercised in a long time. Start exercising 30-45 minutes/day for the first 2 weeks to avoid the risk of injury. Once your body gets used to it, increase the intensity of the exercise to lose weight faster.
  • Explore other aerobic exercises, such as jogging, swimming, hiking, brisk walking, dancing, or doing aerobics in class.
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 5
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 5

Step 2. Do weight training 1-3 days/week

In addition to aerobic exercise, do muscle-strengthening exercises several days/week.

  • While strengthening exercises don't burn many calories, they can increase muscle mass, which will increase your body's ability to burn calories while resting.
  • Do weight training. If you don't like working out at the gym or using a variety of weights, do strengthening exercises using your own body weight as a weight, for example: push ups, crunches, lunges, or squats to increase muscle mass.
  • Do weight training that combines the use of machines and loose weights. You can do weight training at the gym or at home in a variety of ways, such as using loose-fitting, machines, or TRX bands.
  • Work out different muscle groups. No matter what weight training you're doing, take a day off before training again or continue training to strengthen another muscle group after resting.
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 6
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 6

Step 3. Adopt a more active lifestyle

You can increase your calorie burn and lose weight by changing your daily activity habits. Living a more active daily life will burn more calories.

  • Lifestyle or routine activities are activities that you do everyday, for example: walking, using stairs, sweeping and mopping floors, tending plants. These activities will burn calories and more if you keep moving throughout the day.
  • Think of ways you can be more active throughout the day, for example by moving around more or walking. Being active is one way to lose weight, even if you only do small activities.
  • As much as possible, get into the habit of walking, jogging, or cycling to replace the vehicle when traveling to lose weight faster.
  • Make plans to do activities with your family or spend some personal time to keep yourself active at night and on weekends. Don't sit too much at work and still sit at home.
  • Buy a pedometer. Get used to walking according to the recommended 10,000 steps every day as a support activity that accelerates weight loss.

Method 3 of 3: Lose Weight through Diet and Lifestyle

Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 7
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 7

Step 1. Consult a doctor

Before starting a weight loss program or engaging in physical activity to support the program, you should consult with your doctor.

  • Explain to your doctor that you want to lose weight. Ask his opinion if you can lose weight and what is the ideal weight for you.
  • Also inform the doctor of the exercise program that you will do as a daily routine, including the intensity and schedule of the exercise. This way, you can ensure a safe way of practicing.
  • If you experience pain, shortness of breath, or discomfort while exercising, stop exercising and contact your doctor immediately.
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 8
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 8

Step 2. Reduce calorie intake

Although an exercise program can burn a large number of calories, the best way to lose weight is to combine a low-calorie diet and physical activity.

  • As recommended, you only need to reduce 500 calories/day. You will lose 0.5-1 kg/week in this way.
  • If you exercise frequently and do intense exercise, don't cut calories excessively. You still need energy to perform high physical activity.
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 9
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 9

Step 3. Get used to eating a balanced menu

In addition to regulating calorie intake, try to eat foods with a nutritious and balanced menu to lose weight.

  • A balanced diet means eating a certain amount of food from each food group per day. In addition, choose a food menu that uses a variety of ingredients from each food group.
  • Consume 100-150 grams of fat-free meat at each meal. Choose fat-free protein found in poultry, eggs, low-fat dairy products, and legumes to reduce calorie intake.
  • Get used to consuming 0.5-1 kg of fruit every day. Fruits are low-calorie foods that can be consumed in large quantities and make you feel full with fewer calories.
  • If possible, eat cup or 30 grams of whole grains because they are more nutritious than processed grains. Research shows that a low-carb diet, for example by eating whole grains, can accelerate weight loss.
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 10
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 10

Step 4. Drink plenty of fluids

Keep yourself hydrated, especially if you train a lot and want to lose weight. Make sure you have enough fluids during your weight loss program.

  • In addition to keeping you hydrated, drinking water keeps you from feeling hungry and controls your appetite.
  • Drink 8-13 glasses of water / day to meet the needs of body fluids. If you want to run a strenuous exercise program or exercise frequently, try to drink close to 13 glasses of water to replace fluids lost through sweating.
  • Know that only certain fluids should be taken into account to achieve these goals, namely caffeine-free and calorie-free fluids, for example: water, decaffeinated coffee, decaffeinated tea.
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 11
Lose Weight Fast with Exercise Step 11

Step 5. Get in the habit of getting a good night's sleep

In addition to dieting and exercising, you need to get enough sleep each night for your body to recover, rest, and support weight loss.

  • Research shows that adults should sleep 7-9 hours every night. Get in the habit of going to bed earlier or getting up earlier to get enough sleep.
  • If you are sleep deprived or can't sleep well at night, your body will produce hormones that trigger hunger. The next day, your stomach will signal hunger so you will eat more.
  • In addition, lack of sleep makes you prefer to eat fatty and high-carbohydrate foods that contain more calories and hinder weight loss.


  • Take a day off after practicing 5-7 days. Do activities that keep you active throughout the day, but take a day off after 5-7 days of aerobic and strengthening exercises.
  • Consult with your doctor before losing weight so that you can determine a safe and appropriate exercise program according to your body condition.
