If your daily life is boring and unpleasant, it looks like you need to make a change. You may think how difficult it is to start a new life, but it will make a big difference if you take it one step at a time. Important thing to remember: You made an important decision when you realized you needed to change. This means, you are ready to start the journey to a new life!
Method 1 of 16: Visualize the living conditions you want

Step 1. Think about what kind of life you want
The dream of living a beautiful new life is easier to come true if there is a plan. Be specific about what you want, but don't hesitate to change plans if you find a better opportunity.
- Take a few minutes each day to imagine while feeling you are living the life you want. This step helps you determine the living conditions you most desire and gives you the ability to make them happen.
- Begin this step by imagining the big picture, then prepare a detailed design for every aspect of your life.
Method 2 of 16: Determine the priority values that you prioritize

Step 1. Ask yourself whether or not your life matches these values
Virtue values are beliefs and principles of life that underlie a person's mindset and behavior when living daily life. Most people have 5-7 priority values. To find out which values you prioritize, think about what you consider most important in your daily life, then determine whether or not your current life aligns with that.
- For example, if you always put your family first, but don't have time to experience important events and special moments with your spouse and children because you have to work overtime on holidays, consider whether or not you should look for another job.
- Virtue values can change even if you strongly believe in them. If you're looking to reorganize your life, it's time to reconsider the things you prioritize.
Method 3 of 16: Set specific goals to achieve what you want

Step 1. Make sure you define your goals according to the SMART criteria
SMART stands for specific (specific), measurable (measured), achievable (achievable), result oriented (results oriented), and time bound (scheduled). Goals are easier to achieve if you define them according to these criteria, rather than simply specifying a plan that will be carried out "later" without a clear deadline.
Think about the obstacles that might be hindering your efforts to reach your goals, and then develop a plan for overcoming them
Method 4 of 16: Break the goal down into easy steps

Step 1. Take steps that can be done immediately
Don't get overwhelmed because you're too focused on the final goal. Instead, focus on the predetermined steps to reach the goal. That way, you stay focused on the next step and keep progressing. In addition, the success of achieving intermediate goals that support the realization of the final goal makes you more motivated.
Prepare a reward for yourself for being able to make a difference. For example, if you've given up smoking, use your cigarette payer's money to buy new clothes, movie tickets, or your favorite novel
Method 5 of 16: Break free from the things that make everyday life less enjoyable

Step 1. Review every aspect of life in detail
Have a sheet of paper ready to take notes if needed. Ask yourself: do everything you have, the situations you face, and the people you meet everyday make you feel happy? If the answer is no, think about how to free yourself from these things.
- This step needs to be applied in all cases, for example by determining whether or not to keep certain shirts or involve yourself in activities that have been very popular. You need to consider it objectively. Activities or other things that have been fun may not be interesting anymore.
- Many of us have to fulfill our responsibilities by doing less enjoyable activities, but you need to consider the amount of energy drained if something keeps you feeling upset or depressed.
Method 6 of 16: Take time to calm your mind

Step 1. Set aside some time for yourself to reflect each day
Life today is so noisy and busy that everyday life is filled with email, social media, TV shows, music, and chatter. In any case, take some time to free yourself from the source of the noise, especially when you're reorganizing your life. When alone, reflect on the goals in life you want to achieve, determine the things you prioritize, and what you are or should be doing to make them happen.
- For example, take 15 minutes each morning and evening to be alone and relax your mind.
- Some people like relaxing activities, such as practicing yoga and meditating, but you can reflect and enjoy a cup of coffee in a quiet place.
Method 7 of 16: Take care of your body

Step 1. Use this opportunity to prioritize yourself
When rearranging your life, make sure your body stays energized by eating foods that keep you in shape, instead of eating delicious menus just to satisfy your appetite. Also, make time to exercise as a hobby a few times a week so that you do it consistently, instead of just reminding yourself that you need to work out more.
- You can walk around the house or take friends for a leisurely walk around the park. In addition, choose a sport that you like, dancing, or cycling.
- A healthy and fit body helps you make the right decisions about the desired living conditions. In addition, self-confidence enables you to make wise decisions.
Method 8 of 16: Tidy up the house

Step 1. Tidy up your daily activities to improve your thinking skills
Starting a new life is the right moment to clean up. Living in a messy and cluttered house affects how you view life. Save or throw away unnecessary items. Tidy the house so that you can move well and comfortably.
A tidy environment makes you more self-respecting and able to focus your mind on the changes you want
Method 9 of 16: Interact with supportive people

Step 1. Work on building relationships with people who treat you well
Be selective when choosing the people you interact with the most when you want to reorganize your life. Time to communicate with people who always keep you motivated and feel good. Even if it's just a short chat or a text message, their support keeps you energized when you need it.
- Avoid people who spread negative energy or limit your interactions with them.
- When you're having a problem, talk to supportive people about why you're feeling depressed. They are able to give an objective opinion about the cause of your stress.
Method 10 of 16: Leave your comfort zone

Step 1. Challenge yourself to do new things
Reorganizing your life can be difficult if you continue to live your daily life doing the same things. You can get a new perspective even if you only make minor changes, such as visiting a restaurant or salon that just opened. You will feel more confident and more creative if you want to leave your comfort zone.
Don't be afraid to make big changes, such as taking a course that has been pending or printing a business card with the profession you dream of. The fear of failure makes you miss opportunities that could lead to great success
Method 11 of 16: Get rid of bad habits

Step 1. Learn how to change bad habits
First of all, you need to identify bad habits that are carried out on a daily basis, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, overeating, and rarely exercising. This can get in the way of plans to reorganize your life, but don't despair. Overcome obstacles by forming good habits to change bad habits, instead of feeling guilty, afraid, or regretful.
- For example, if you rarely exercise, don't beat yourself up. Make a schedule of walking 20 minutes a day, 4 times a week, then do it consistently.
- Don't give up just because you're not disciplined enough to stick to a new routine because bad habits are hard to change! If necessary, make changes gradually until new good habits are formed.
Method 12 of 16: Keep a gratitude diary

Step 1. Write down the things you are grateful for each day
Sometimes, you can reorganize your life simply by changing your mindset. Although it seems simple, this step is very effective. As you go to bed at night, form a habit of contemplating and noting what makes you feel grateful. If it's written in a diary, you can read it again when you run into trouble.
The habit of focusing on positive things makes you more likely to experience them. This can form a useful new perspective on solving problems so that you are more motivated to determine what to prioritize
Method 13 of 16: Learn how to change negative thoughts

Step 1. Counter negative thoughts by thinking positive things
Once you realize you're thinking about a certain person, event, or location from a negative perspective, try to form a positive mindset with lots of practice, such as continuing to think negative thoughts with positive thoughts. The ability to think positively affects various aspects of life beyond expectations.
- For example, you want to visit your mother-in-law, but are worried that you won't be able to eat her spicy food. Overcome this by bringing non-spicy foods to share.
- Apply this step when having an inner chat about yourself. For example, if you make a mistake, say to yourself, "This experience was an important lesson for me to improve myself," instead of, "I'm such a loser."
Method 14 of 16: Reflect on past experiences, but don't continue to regret them

Step 1. Learn from past mistakes, but free yourself from regrets
You may often remember painful experiences or reminisce about "good memories," but try to accept the fact that life goes on. You can't move forward if you keep regretting what happened. Instead, use past experiences as reflection and learning opportunities so you don't make the same mistakes in the future.
For example, you often work overtime because you are reluctant to turn down a coworker who asks for help. Instead of blaming yourself, learn to be assertive by setting limits on others
Method 15 of 16: Forgive yourself and others

Step 1. Free yourself from the pent-up anger in your heart
Anger at yourself or others takes up a lot of energy, but it's not worth it. If you still hold grudges, rearranging your life is a good time to determine whether or not you have a role in this. Free yourself from anger by forgiving yourself or others.
- Choosing to be a victim of someone else's actions means letting them control your happiness whether they know it or not.
- Share your anger with others. Sometimes, the interlocutor can provide unthinkable input.
Method 16 of 16: Remember that ending things isn't always bad

Step 1. Don't be afraid to say goodbye
Reorganizing life is an opportunity to empty an agenda that is too busy and useless. Because time is very valuable, free yourself from many things, including people and activities that do not support the achievement of your life goals. Don't be afraid to make changes. Who knows, something amazing is waiting for you one step further!