How to Hypnotize Someone (with Pictures)

How to Hypnotize Someone (with Pictures)
How to Hypnotize Someone (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


Hypnotizing someone who wants to be hypnotized is easy because hypnosis is actually self-hypnosis. Contrary to common misconception, hypnosis is not mind control or mystical powers. You as the hypnotist are usually just a guide to help someone relax and enter into a trance, or half-sleep state. The progressive relaxation method presented in this article is one of the easiest to learn and can be used with people who are willing to be hypnotized even if they have never experienced it.


Part 1 of 4: Preparing Someone for Hypnosis

Hypnotize Someone Step 1
Hypnotize Someone Step 1

Step 1. Find someone to hypnotize

Hypnosis can be very difficult to administer to people who don't want or don't believe they can be hypnotized, especially if you're a beginner hypnotist. Find a partner who is willing to be hypnotized and willing to be patient and relaxed so that you and him both get the best results.

Do not hypnotize someone with a history of mental or psychotic disorders as this can lead to unintended and dangerous consequences

Hypnotize Someone Step 2
Hypnotize Someone Step 2

Step 2. Choose a quiet and quiet room

You need to make sure your partner feels safe and free from distractions. The room should be clean with dim light. Ask him to sit in a comfortable chair and remove anything that might be distracting, such as the TV or the presence of other people.

  • Turn off all phones and music.
  • Close the windows if the noise outside is loud.
  • Ask the householder not to disturb you until you and your hypnosis partner are out of the room.
Hypnotize Someone Step 3
Hypnotize Someone Step 3

Step 3. Tell your partner what he or she will experience under hypnosis

Many people get very inaccurate ideas about hypnosis from movies and TV. In fact, hypnosis is a relaxation technique that helps people gain clarity on problems or issues in the subconscious. In fact, we all enter a state of hypnosis all the time-when daydreaming, when absorbed in music or movies, or when daydreaming. With actual hypnosis:

  • You are not asleep or unconscious.
  • You are not under someone's spell or control.
  • You won't do anything you don't want to do.
Hypnotize Someone Step 4
Hypnotize Someone Step 4

Step 4. Ask what your partner is being hypnotized for

Hypnosis has been shown to reduce anxious thoughts and can even strengthen the immune system. Hypnosis is a great tool to increase focus, especially before a test or big event, and can be used for deep relaxation when stressed. If you know what your partner's goals are, you can easily help them enter a trance.

Hypnotize Someone Step 5
Hypnotize Someone Step 5

Step 5. Ask if your partner has ever been hypnotized and what his experience was like

If so, ask what the hypnotist asked him to do, and how he responded. This will give you an idea of how much your partner will respond to your suggestions, and perhaps what to avoid.

People who have been hypnotized are usually easier to hypnotize again

Part 2 of 4: Triggering a Trance Keadaan

Hypnotize Someone Step 6
Hypnotize Someone Step 6

Step 1. Speak in a low, low, soothing voice

Don't rush when you speak, keep your voice calm and steady. Pull your speech to be longer than usual. Imagine you are trying to calm someone who is afraid or anxious, let your voice be the example. Use this tone of voice during the interaction. Examples of words to initiate hypnosis include:

  • "Listen to my words, and fully accept this suggestion."
  • "Everything here is safe, quiet and peaceful. Allow yourself to relax on the sofa/chair as your relaxation deepens."
  • "Your eyes feel heavy and they want to close. Let your body sit on the chair on its own as your muscles relax. Listen to your body and my voice as you begin to feel calm."
  • "You are in complete control at this point. You will only accept suggestions that are useful to you and which you are willing to accept."
Hypnotize Someone Step 7
Hypnotize Someone Step 7

Step 2. Ask your partner to focus on deep, regular breathing

Try to guide him to take a deep breath and let it out again at regular intervals. Help him catch his breath by guiding him with your own breath. You should say specifically: "Now inhale, fill your chest and lungs," as you inhale, followed by an exhale and the words "Slowly let the air out of your chest, all the way to your lungs. empty."

Focused breathing delivers oxygen to the brain and gives your partner something to think about other than hypnosis, stress, or the environment

Hypnotize Someone Step 8
Hypnotize Someone Step 8

Step 3. Ask him to focus his eyes on a certain point

That spot could be your forehead if you're right in front of it or a brightly lit object across the room. Ask him to choose one object, any object, and to nail his gaze to it. This is where the stereotype of staring at a pendulum swinging while hypnotizing comes from, because this little thing isn't really a scary thing to look at. If your partner is relaxed enough to close his eyes, let it be.

  • Watch his eyes from time to time. If he seems to be moving, give him some guidance. "I want you to pay attention to that poster on the wall," or "Try focusing on the distance between my two eyebrows." Say, "Let your eyes and eyelids relax, they feel heavier."
  • If you want him to focus on you, you have to be relatively still.
Hypnotize Someone Step 9
Hypnotize Someone Step 9

Step 4. Have him relax one body part at a time

Once he's calm enough, breathing regularly, and following your voice, ask him to relax his toes and feet. Tell him to focus solely on relaxing the muscles in the legs, then moving up to the calves. Have him relax the lower limbs, then the upper limbs, and all the way to the facial muscles. From there you can move to your back to relax your back, shoulders, arms, and fingers.

  • Don't speak quickly and maintain a low, calm tone of voice. If she seems jerky or tense, stop and repeat the process of relaxing the body part in reverse order.
  • "Relax your feet and ankles. Feel your muscles relax and lighten up in your legs, as if there was no effort needed to maintain the position."
Hypnotize Someone Step 10
Hypnotize Someone Step 10

Step 5. Encourage him to feel more relaxed

Direct his attention with suggestions. Tell him that he is feeling calm and relaxed. Even if you have a lot of words to say, the goal is to encourage him to sink deeper into the center of himself, focusing on relaxation with each inhale and exhale.

  • "You can feel your eyelids getting heavier. Let your eyes drop and close."
  • "You allow yourself to sink deeper and deeper into a peaceful and calming trance.
  • "You can feel your body relax now. You can feel a relaxed, heavy feeling wrap around you. And as I continue to speak, that feeling of relaxation will only grow stronger, bringing you into a deep and peaceful state of relaxation."
Hypnotize Someone Step 11
Hypnotize Someone Step 11

Step 6. Use your partner's breathing and body language as markers of his or her mental state

Repeat the suggestion a few times, much like you would repeat the verse and the chorus of a song, until he seems to have completely relaxed. Look for signs of tension in his eyes (moving) his toes and hands (swaying or tapping) and breathing (shallow and irregular), then continue relaxation techniques until he seems calm and relaxed.

  • "Every word I speak leads you to a peaceful, calm relaxation, faster and deeper."
  • "Immerse yourself, deep. Immerse, deep. Keep sinking, deep, and fully immersed."
  • "And the deeper you go in, the deeper you can get in. And the deeper you go in, the deeper you want to go, and the more pleasant it feels."
Hypnotize Someone Step 12
Hypnotize Someone Step 12

Step 7. Take them down the "hypnotic ladder"

This technique is used by hypnotherapists and self-hypnotists to trigger a deeper trance. Ask your partner to imagine himself at the top of the stairs in a warm, quiet room. As he stepped down, he felt himself sinking deeper into relaxation. Each step took him deeper and deeper into the realm of his thoughts. When he steps, tell him there are 10 steps, and guide him down each step.

  • "Take the first step and feel yourself sinking deeper and deeper into relaxation. Each step is a step into the subconscious. You go down the second rung and feel calmer and calmer. When you reach the third rung, your body feels comfortable floating…and next."
  • You can help your partner by having him imagine there is a door under the steps, which will bring him into a state of pure relaxation.

Part 3 of 4: Using Hypnosis to Help Someone

Hypnotize Someone Step 13
Hypnotize Someone Step 13

Step 1. Know that telling someone to do something under hypnosis usually doesn't work, and is a breach of trust

Also, most people will remember what they did under hypnosis, so even if you manage to get them to pretend to be chickens, they won't be happy. However, hypnosis has therapeutic benefits beyond what TV shows depict. Help your partner relax and let go of the problem or worry, instead of trying to make a joke.

Even well-meaning suggestions can be bad if you don't know what you're doing. This is why licensed hypnotherapists usually help patients determine the best course of action, not just suggestions

Hypnotize Someone Step 14
Hypnotize Someone Step 14

Step 2. Use basic hypnosis to lower anxiety levels

Hypnosis can reduce anxiety, no matter what the suggestions are, so don't feel like you have to "fix" people. Putting them into a trance is a great way to lower stress and anxiety levels. Deep relaxation, without trying to "solve" anything, is so rare in everyday life that this practice can change the way you view problems and worries on their own.

Hypnotize Someone Step 15
Hypnotize Someone Step 15

Step 3. Ask your partner to imagine a solution to the problem

Instead of telling him how to solve the problem, ask him to imagine that his attempt was successful. What does success feel like and what does success look like to him? How did he get there?

What kind of future would he prefer? What changes brought him there?

Hypnotize Someone Step 16
Hypnotize Someone Step 16

Step 4. Know that hypnosis can be used in a variety of mental problems

Patients should consult a trained mental health professional, but hypnotherapy has been used for problems such as addiction, pain relief, phobias, self-esteem problems, and more. While you shouldn't try to "fix" someone, hypnosis can be a way to help them heal themselves.

  • Help him imagine the world beyond his problems-imagine him going through a day without smoking, or visualizing moments of pride to increase self-esteem.
  • Healing through hypnosis is always easier if the patient is willing to try before going completely into a trance.
Hypnotize Someone Step 17
Hypnotize Someone Step 17

Step 5. Recognize that hypnosis is only a small part of the mental health solution

The key benefits of hypnosis are relaxation and time to calmly reflect on the problem. Hypnosis is a means for deep relaxation and at the same time focusing attention on the problem. However, hypnosis is not a magic cure or a quick fix, it is simply a way to help people dive deeper into their minds. This kind of self-reflection is important for mental health, but serious or chronic problems should always be treated by a trained and certified professional.

Part 4 of 4: Ending the Session

Hypnotize Someone Step 18
Hypnotize Someone Step 18

Step 1. Slowly pull your partner out of the trance

Don't surprise him until he wakes up from relaxation. Let him know that he is becoming more aware of his surroundings. Tell him that he will return to full awareness, alert and awake, once you count to five. If you feel like your partner is in a deep trance, invite him to "go up the ladder" with you, becoming more aware with each step.

Start by saying, "I'll count from one to five, and on the count of five you'll be fully awake, awake, and refreshed."

Hypnotize Someone Step 19
Hypnotize Someone Step 19

Step 2. Invite your partner to discuss your recent hypnosis to help you get better

Ask him what feels right, what threatens him to come out of hypnosis, and how he feels. This will help you hypnotize the other person more effectively the next time around, and help him figure out what he enjoys about the process.

Don't force your partner to speak right away. Just open the conversation, and hold off on talking for a while if he seems relaxed and wants some quiet time

Hypnotize Someone Step 20
Hypnotize Someone Step 20

Step 3. Be prepared to answer frequently asked questions of the person being hypnotized

It's a good idea to have a general idea of how to answer their questions, because confidence and trust are very important in determining how they will respond to your suggestions. Common questions you may get when or will do hypnosis include:

  • What would you do?

    I'll ask you to visualize a happy place, while I talk about how to use your mental abilities more effectively. You can always refuse to do anything you don't want to do, and you can always get out of hypnosis on your own in case of an emergency.

  • What is it like to be hypnotized?

    Most of us experience changes in consciousness several times a day without knowing what is happening. Whenever you allow your imagination to wander and flow with music or verses of poetry, or get so absorbed in films and television dramas that you feel as though you are part of the story and not a spectator, you are in a kind of trance. Hypnosis is simply a way to help you focus and enter this change with awareness, in order to use your abilities more effectively.

  • Is hypnosis safe?

    Hypnosis is not a change in conscious state (such as sleep), but a change in conscious experience. You will never do anything you don't want to do or be forced to think against your will.

  • If this is just imagination, then what's the point?

    Don't be confused by the tendency of language to use the word "imagination" as opposed to the word "real"-and don't confuse it with the term "image." Imagination is a very real mental faculty, the potential of which we are only beginning to explore, and goes far beyond our ability to form mental images.

  • Can you make me do things I don't want to do?

    When you're hypnotized, you still have your own personality, you're still who you are -so you won't say or do anything you wouldn't do in the same situation without hypnosis, and you can easily reject any suggestion you wouldn't want to accept. (that's why we call it "suggestion").

  • What can I do to respond better?

    Hypnosis is a lot like allowing yourself to be completely absorbed by a sunset or a bonfire, letting yourself flow with music or poetry, or feeling like you're part of a story and not the audience while watching a movie. It all depends on your ability and willingness to follow the instructions and suggestions given.

  • What if I really enjoy hypnosis and don't want to go back?

    Basically hypnotic suggestion is an exercise for the mind and imagination, just like a movie script. But you can return to real life when the session ends, just as you were at the end of the movie. However, it may take several attempts to pull you out of the hypnotic state. Being completely relaxed is very comfortable, but you can't do much when you're hypnotized.

  • What if it doesn't work?

    Have you ever felt so late playing as a child that you didn't hear your mother calling to tell you to come in when it was almost dusk? Or are you one of those people who can get up at a certain time every morning, only because the night before you decided that you would wake up at that hour? We all have the ability to use our minds in ways we are not aware of, and some of us have developed this ability more than others. If you allow your mind to respond freely and naturally to the words and images provided as a guide, you will be able to go wherever your thoughts take you.


  • Remember that relaxation is key. If you can help someone relax, you can help them enter into hypnosis.
  • Don't be fooled by the hypnotic hype in the mass media, which generally leads people to believe that hypnosis allows hypnotists to make others act stupid with the mere snap of a finger.
  • Before starting, make him feel as if he's in a happy/quiet place, like a spa, beach, park, or turn on the music player and set the sound of the waves/wind or anything relaxing.


  • Do not try to use hypnosis to treat physical or mental illness (including pain) unless you are a licensed professional qualified to treat these problems. Hypnosis should not be used as a stand-alone substitute for counseling or psychotherapy, or to save a troubled relationship.
  • Don't try to rewind people to when they were kids. If so, tell them to "act as if they were ten." Some people have suppressed memories that you certainly don't want to bring back (violence, bullying, etc.). They suppress these memories as a natural self-protection.
  • Despite many attempts, the term posthypnotic amnesia remains unreliable as a tool to protect the hypnotist from the consequences of improper practice. If you try to use hypnosis to get other people to do things they wouldn't normally do, they'll usually come out of the hypnosis right away.
