12 Ways to Know You've Entered Puberty (boys)

12 Ways to Know You've Entered Puberty (boys)
12 Ways to Know You've Entered Puberty (boys)

Table of contents:


For teenage boys, puberty is a confusing time, mainly because at the same time, unexpected physical and emotional changes will occur. Although the symptoms of puberty in each person may be different, that does not mean there are no signs that can be used as a guide. To make it easier for you to understand, we have provided information about some of the symptoms that you can use as a guide to identify puberty.


Method 1 of 12: The testicles start to increase in size

Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 1
Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 1

Step 1. Generally, this is one of the early symptoms that will appear

The testicles, also known as the testicles, are where sperm and testosterone are produced. Testosterone itself is a hormone that is responsible for many things, including puberty that you experience. When the testicles start to produce more sperm and testosterone, they will automatically increase in size.

Your testicles may increase in size long before other symptoms appear, such as growing pubic hair or changing the color of your voice. However, always remember that everyone's body is different so there's no need to compare yourself to others

Method 2 of 12: The skin lining the scrotum feels thinner

Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 2
Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 2

Step 1. As your testicles grow, the skin around them will change

Before puberty occurs, the skin around the testicles, known as the scrotum, will feel tight and thick. However, puberty will change the skin in the area to become thinner and looser to make room for the testicles to grow.

In addition, the color of the scrotum will appear redder or darker than usual, which is completely normal so there is no need to worry

Method 3 of 12: The penis is getting bigger

Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 8
Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 8

Step 1. When entering puberty, changes in penis size are inevitable

In particular, your penis will look bigger, longer, and thicker than usual. However, because everyone's symptoms of puberty are different, there's no need to worry if the size and/or shape of your penis doesn't change at the start of puberty. Trust me, sooner or later, change will happen.

Method 4 of 12: “Wet dreams” start happening

Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 10
Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 10

Step 1. Basically, wet dreams will occur when your body has started to get used to the various changes that appear

Specifically, the situation occurs when your body releases sperm through the penis, which is known as ejaculation. When entering puberty, ejaculation can suddenly occur while you are sleeping. Although it can stop quickly, the event will still make you annoyed and troubled. However, there is no need to worry because wet dreams are actually a very common symptom of puberty!

Unfortunately, wet dreams cannot be prevented or stopped because they occur while you are sleeping. Have a towel nearby just in case a wet dream occurs and you have to clean the bed immediately after. If you have to stay at your friend's house, don't forget to bring extra underwear to anticipate the possibility of a wet dream

Method 5 of 12: Pubic hair begins to grow

Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 5
Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 5

Step 1. Try to find the hair that is starting to grow at the base of your penis

One of the most common signs of puberty is the growth of thick, curly hair at the base of a man's penis, also known as pubic hair. To find it, try observing the area near your scrotum or testicles.

Method 6 of 12: Hair on armpits, face and body begins to grow

Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 6
Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 6

Step 1. Puberty can also trigger hair growth elsewhere

When puberty occurs, the body will produce more hormones, such as testosterone. As a result, hair in several parts of the body will begin to appear, such as in the face area (which makes you have to start shaving), armpits, back, legs, and hands.

Some men may have more facial and body hair than other men

Method 7 of 12: The sound starts to crack and sounds heavier than usual

Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 13
Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 13

Step 1. Puberty can change the condition of your vocal cords and the color of your voice

One of the most awkward changes at puberty is a sharper, "broken" sound, triggered by the length and thickness of your vocal cords. As a result, the color of your voice will sound heavier than usual. While it may feel awkward at first, sooner or later the cracked voice will become deeper and more mature, just like any other adult male voice.

  • Generally, your voice will only crack for a few months.
  • Fun fact: Puberty also triggers the appearance of Adam's Adam's apple that accompanies the change in the color of your voice!

Method 8 of 12: Pimples start popping up

Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 7
Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 7

Step 1. Unfortunately, acne is one of the elements that commonly accompanies puberty

One of the unpleasant symptoms of puberty is the growth of acne. In fact, this condition is triggered by the emergence of many new hormones that can increase oil levels on your facial skin. As a result, your pores are prone to clogging and triggering the growth of acne afterwards. If the skin on your face or back suddenly breaks out, you are most likely going through puberty.

Take good care of the skin to reduce the number of pimples that appear. In particular, clean your face at least once a day and use a facial cleanser specifically designed to eradicate acne

Method 9 of 12: There was a growth spurt

Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 9
Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 9

Step 1. The state of puberty can also change the shape of your body completely

For example, at the age of 10-16, you may start to grow taller, sometimes even in a very short time! Initially, it is your arms, legs, and hands that appear to be growing. However, sooner or later other parts of your body will also grow. Usually, a growth spurt is an indicator that you are entering puberty.

Generally, female growth will occur a few years earlier, especially since girls' puberty usually also comes much earlier than boys

Method 10 of 12: Weight and muscle mass begin to increase

Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 10
Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 10

Step 1. Your chest, arms, and shoulders will start to look bigger

In fact, what is responsible for changing the condition of your body are all the hormones that accompany puberty, especially testosterone. Before going through puberty, you may have difficulty building new muscle. However, when puberty comes, you will notice that the muscles in some areas, such as the chest, legs, back, and shoulders, will look bigger and feel stronger.

For example, some boys will suddenly become very muscular when they hit puberty, but some will only gain a small amount of weight. Because everyone's growth process is different, don't compare your body with others, let alone feel stressed about it. Even if your muscle mass does not increase in a long time, it does not mean that there is something wrong with your body, really

Method 11 of 12: There is a slight swelling behind the nipple

Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 11
Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 11

Step 1. This condition is known as gynecomastia, which is actually very common

In fact, half of teenage boys may experience temporary breast tissue formation. Even if it's uncomfortable, understand that these changes are perfectly normal and will generally subside in less than 6 months. If you notice swelling or pain behind your nipples, don't worry, it means you've hit puberty!

Method 12 of 12: Talk to parents about premature or missed puberty

Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 12
Tell if You Have Hit Puberty (Boys) Step 12

Step 1. If needed, parents can take you to the doctor to diagnose the problem

In particular, if the symptoms of puberty appear before you turn 8 or after you turn 14, try consulting your doctor. Basically, your doctor can help to make sure that you don't have any serious health problems.

Even though you are more than 14 years old but haven't gone through puberty yet, it doesn't mean there's something wrong with your body! However, see a doctor if you want to be sure
