Vessels on the hands and feet form when dry skin or too much friction occurs in an area of the skin. This can be uncomfortable, painful, and downright annoying. Here's a guide to finding out how to make your skin soft and smooth again.
Method 1 of 3: Standard Approach

Step 1. Soak your hands, feet or elbows in warm/hot water for ten minutes
The skin will be soft. You can add English salt, bath oil, or even tea if you like, but these ingredients are not really needed.
Add 250 ml of apple cider vinegar if the vessel is very coarse. (Warning: do not add vinegar if you have diabetes or poor blood circulation)

Step 2. Scrub the callused skin with a pumice stone
Make sure that the stone is cleaned regularly and soak your feet again when they start to dry. Don't rub your feet or hands too hard. If you start to feel pain while rubbing your skin or after several layers of skin have peeled off, stop scrubbing.
In addition, a foot file can also be used

Step 3. Wash your feet or hands
Make sure all the dead skin cells are cleaned.

Step 4. Dry your feet by patting and rubbing lotion on your feet or hands
Use a concentrated foot or hand lotion to give your skin extra moisture.
- If you are going to bed, wear socks or gloves to keep the lotion moist.
- Repeat this whole process every weekend.

Step 5. Keep your hands or feet soft
Apply the lotion again on the callused skin area after bathing. Use a more concentrated cream for best results.
Method 2 of 3: Home Treatment

Step 1. Use aspirin to soften the vessel
Crush five or six aspirin tablets and mix them with one and a half teaspoons (3 grams) of lemon juice and water. Dab this mixture on the callused skin area, then wrap it in a warm towel and cover it with a plastic bag. Let stand for 10 minutes, then remove the lid. Scrub the callused skin with a pumice stone.
Again, if you are diabetic, don't do this. Likewise, if you are allergic to aspirin, do not use this method

Step 2. Try using baking soda
One of the best ways to treat calluses is to soak them in warm water. This method will soften the dead skin cells and also provide healing. Add 3 tablespoons of baking soda to a bowl of warm water and soak your feet or hands. Baking soda has a pH of 9 and is therefore alkaline and can interfere with the skin barrier.
Or scrub the vessel with a paste consisting of 3 parts baking soda and 1 part water

Step 3. Add chamomile tea to the soaking water
Soaking your feet in chamomile tea can soften your skin and will temporarily change your skin's pH to help dry out sweaty feet. The tea will leave stains on your feet, but they can be easily removed with soap and water.

Step 4. Use cornstarch
Sprinkle cornstarch between your toes to keep the area dry and protect the skin from chapping. Moisture can make calluses painful and lead to yeast infections.
This method is more preventative than any other method and is best used to deal with discomfort

Step 5. Consider using vinegar
Soak a cotton ball in the vinegar and apply it to the callused skin. Leave overnight. The next day, rub the callused area with a pumice stone.
Be sure to apply the cotton ball only to the callused area. You don't want to make the normal skin around the callused skin irritated

Step 6. Apply pineapple peel
Pineapple skin contains certain enzymes that help soften calluses and can remove them from the skin. Place a small piece of fresh pineapple peel on the callused area and wrap it with a clean cloth. Do this every night for a week. You can also apply pineapple juice to the corn (the callused skin on the fingers).
Method 3 of 3: Products to Try

Step 1. Change footwear
One of the most common causes of calluses is wearing the wrong shoes. If your shoes aren't comfortable to wear, they're likely to form boats, so look for shoes that are comfortable to wear. Shoes should fit snugly (but don't hurt) and give your feet flexibility.
Avoid high heels whenever possible. High heels put pressure on the soles of the feet, causing calluses. Wear flat heels whenever you can. Flat heels are also comfortable to wear.
If you have calluses, wearing well-padded gloves will reduce the problem of shipbuilding. Make sure the gloves fit properly. Gloves that are too loose will do the opposite and more often irritate the skin due to constant friction

Step 2. Coat the shoes
Ships, corns, and eyelets, are commonplace. Therefore, a number of companies have started to manufacture shoe linings designed to address this problem. Many shoe linings are made of moleskin (a type of cotton fabric) and are easy to fit into your shoes. This coating is in the form of strips or strands.
To deal with corn, use a donut-shaped coating. These coatings are suitable for use and reduce pressure and friction. They are cheap and easy to find in grocery stores or pharmacies

Step 3. Find medical solutions and plasters
You do not need to go to the doctor to seek treatment to solve this problem; plasters and other over-the-counter medications can be found easily. However, these plasters and medications contain salicylic acid as one of the active ingredients and can cause irritation or infection that can be more bothersome (or serious) than the problem at hand. If you experience any of the following conditions, then it is best to avoid them:
- If you have diabetes
- If you experience numbness and tingling due to blood circulation problems or nerve damage.
- If you have poor eyesight and flexibility and may not be able to use the product properly
- If you have diabetes, take extra care in dealing with calluses. Wounded skin, even small wounds will take a long time to heal and can cause infection.
- It's best to make sure the water you're using doesn't contain chlorine or other chemicals that will dry out your skin.
- If the situation is not possible, use bottled mineral water.
- If you have diabetes, don't try to remove the vessel yourself. This can exacerbate poor blood circulation.
- Do not use a liner that contains acids, as this will dry out the skin.
- Don't rub the boat too hard. You can get an infection from broken skin.
- Do not cut the callused skin. Consult a podiatrist (a specialist who treats foot problems).