The average person walks thousands of steps in his life. This walking activity (along with anything worn on the feet) can be a bit of a hit on the feet. One of the consequences of this blow to the foot is the appearance of calluses and corns (small, hard bumps on the tops of the toes). You can get rid of calluses by keeping your feet healthy by wearing the right socks and shoes, and soaking and scrubbing your feet regularly. If this action is done regularly, you can prevent calluses from occurring early on.
Method 1 of 3: Remove Calluses at Home

Step 1. Soak feet regularly
If you have calluses, soak your feet regularly to soften dry, dead skin. By softening your skin with warm water and a mild soap, you can easily remove the skin.
- Use warm water, not hot. Hot water can dry out the skin and irritate the feet.
- If you have diabetes, wash your feet daily with warm water and a mild soap, then dry them thoroughly. After that, moisten the feet with lotion, petrolatum (petroleum jelly), or baby oil.

Step 2. Remove calluses with a pumice stone or foot file
After soaking your feet or showering, use a foot scrubber, pumice stone, or emery board to scrape off the dead skin on the calluses.
- Pumice stones and foot rubs will work better if you soak them in warm water before use.
- If you don't have a pumice stone, foot scrubber, or sanding board, rub off the dead skin with a washcloth.
- After scrubbing your feet, apply moisturizer to your feet to lock in moisture and keep the skin on your feet supple and soft.
- If you have diabetes, consult your doctor before removing calluses with a pumice stone.

Step 3. Protect certain parts of the foot
Calluses (and bumps) develop in areas of the feet that rub against socks and shoes when you walk. Maybe you've felt that some shoes are more uncomfortable than others. The first thing to do is to wear shoes that fit well and are comfortable to prevent the appearance of calluses or pimples. However, as an alternative, you can use over-the-counter (non-medicated) shoe pads to protect your feet.
- These pads are sold in a variety of shapes and sizes for different parts of the foot. You can also buy large pads that can be cut to your liking for the area of your foot you want.
- Some pads are manufactured with medicinal ingredients. Do not use these types of pads, unless advised by your doctor.

Step 4. Go to the doctor
If calluses or calluses swell or are very painful, you should see a doctor for the best treatment.
- Doctors have the right equipment and facilities to cut excess skin on calluses or corns. You can't do this at home.
- The doctor will also suggest or prescribe an antibiotic ointment (eg Polysporin) to be applied to calluses or corns that have an infection, or have the potential to become infected.

Step 5. Use a callus remover
There are several medications to remove calluses that will be recommended by a doctor.
- You can apply a small patch containing 40% salicylic acid directly on the calluses or corns to soften the skin so you can remove it easily. These plasters can be purchased without a prescription at pharmacies under several different brands. If your doctor doesn't give you instructions on when and how often you should use this patch, follow the directions on the package.
- You can also use a salicylic acid gel equivalent to a prescription medication to treat large areas that the plaster won't cover.
- You should only use salicylic acid under a doctor's direction. Because they contain acids, these products can burn and irritate the skin, which in turn can lead to infection. Your doctor will tell you what product to use, how often, and how much to use.

Step 6. Purchase a custom made shoe insert
One of the causes of calluses is foot deformity. The deformity may be very minor, but it is enough to cause certain parts of the foot to rub against the inside of the shoe. Purchase shoe inserts or orthotics that are made specifically to correct foot deformities and reduce the chance of calluses forming.
Method 2 of 3: Taking Good Care of Feet

Step 1. Choose the right shoes
Buy and wear the right shoes to prevent calluses from forming on your feet. Some things to consider when buying new shoes:
- Make sure the store clerk measures your feet. It is possible (like most people) one foot is larger than the other. You should choose shoes that fit the larger foot.
- Buy shoes at the end of the day. Over the course of the day, your feet will swell, so you should measure your shoes based on how swollen your feet are. This is to ensure that the shoes you choose are large enough to fit swollen feet and remain comfortable to wear throughout the day.
- Buy shoes that feel comfortable on your feet, even if the size doesn't make sense.
- Even if this is obvious, buy shoes that are shaped like your feet. Many "style" shoes are manufactured in odd shapes that can hurt feet and cause calluses.
- When trying on shoes, make sure that all parts of the foot that are inside the shoe (from the toe to the ball of the foot to the heel) are comfortable.
- Leave about 1 to 1.5 cm of space at the toe of the shoe, between toe to toe.

Step 2. Keep your feet dry
Socks are just as important as shoes in keeping your feet healthy and preventing calluses from forming. The best types of socks to keep your feet dry while wearing shoes are those made of cotton or natural fibers. This is especially important when you are doing physical activity because you will sweat more than usual.
- Make sure the shoes are dry before you put them back on. Do not wear wet footwear.
- If possible, don't wear the same sock for 2 days in a row, especially if it's still wet or sweaty.
- If the socks are wet, change them as soon as possible.
- Don't forget to wash your feet (including between your toes) every day and make this a regular self-cleaning routine. Also, after washing your feet, make sure your feet are dry before you put on socks.
- Try to wear sandals when walking around public swimming pools or public baths.

Step 3. Moisturize your feet daily
Calluses form when parts of the feet rub against socks and shoes. However, you can prevent and get rid of calluses by moisturizing your feet daily and keeping your skin beautiful and soft. Keeping feet moist and soft is especially important in colder weather as the air becomes drier.
- Don't walk barefoot after you've applied moisturizer. This can be dangerous!
- Get in the habit of applying moisturizer to your feet before you go to bed.
- Massage your feet while applying moisturizer. Besides feeling very comfortable, this action will also improve blood circulation in the legs.
- If possible, only buy and use a moisturizer specifically designed for feet.

Step 4. Make every effort to avoid and eliminate katimumul
Calluses are calluses that form on the toes, not on other parts of the foot. Stiffness usually occurs because the toe of the shoe rubs against the toe. This condition can also be caused by shoes that are too narrow in the toe area. Stiffness can also occur when you wear shoes with high heels that keep your feet pointing downwards due to gravity.
Removing and preventing corns can be done the same way you would treat calluses. Go to the doctor if the knee gets worse and hurts

Step 5. Elevate the legs
It is also very important to rest your feet regularly. Like other parts of the body, feet also need to rest from stress. In addition, if you often sit with your legs crossed, change the position of the legs that are above regularly to increase circulation.
Method 3 of 3: Pampering Your Feet in Other Ways

Step 1. Soak feet in lemon juice
The acid in lemon juice can soften and remove calluses. Soak your feet in lemon juice for about 10 minutes before scrubbing your feet with a pumice stone or foot scrubber.
Although razors for the legs can be obtained freely at pharmacies or drug stores, you should not use these tools. Razors can cut the leg, and the wound can easily become infected

Step 2. Make a cream for cracked heels
The heel is one of the areas that often experience calluses. You can keep your heels and the rest of your feet soft and moisturized by making a cream for cracked heels at home. You can make it by putting a spoonful of olive oil in a small bottle and adding a few drops of lemon juice or lavender essential oil. Shake the bottle until the liquid inside is thick and milky. Next, apply the cream on the feet, especially the heels.
This cream can be stored and used anytime in the future as long as you shake it before use

Step 3. Apply the oil on the feet before going to bed
The best time to moisturize your feet is before bed. You can moisturize your feet not only with a store-bought moisturizer, but you can also use vegetable oil. Apply vegetable oil to your feet before going to bed, then put on thick socks. Continue to wear socks all night while you sleep, then wash off any excess oil that is still attached the next morning.
Vegetable oil (and other oils) can stain fabrics, including sheets and socks. The best socks to do this are woolen ones because they absorb oil and don't get dirty. If you don't have wool socks (or your feet get hot from it), use old, unused socks

Step 4. Make a foot mask to use overnight
Masks can work for your face, hands, or hair - and feet too! The easy way to make it is by mixing 1 tablespoon of Vaseline (or another similar product) and the juice of 1 lemon. Mix Vaseline with lemon juice in a bowl and apply it on clean feet before you go to bed. Wear socks overnight and wipe off the remaining Vaseline with a towel the next morning.
Use old, unused socks for this process so you don't have to worry if your socks or sheets get stained with Vaseline

Step 5. Try moisturizing your feet with paraffin wax
Beauticians usually use paraffin wax as part of a spa pedicure, but you can also use it at home. Put the wax in a large bowl and melt it in the microwave. When the wax has melted, add an equal amount of mustard oil. (This mustard oil moisturizes the feet.) Dip each foot in the bowl (if the wax has cooled slightly) twice. Wait a while for the wax to dry before you dip your feet a second time. After that, wrap your feet with plastic wrap or a plastic bag for about 15 minutes. Open the plastic and wax at the same time.