Calluses are hard, thick, dead areas of skin that are caused by impact and irritation. There are two types of calluses that will be discussed in this article: corn (corns) and callus (common calluses). Fisheyes form on the sides and tops of the toes, and are quite painful. Calluses usually appear on the bottom or sides of the soles of the feet and are uncomfortable, but generally painless. Calluses can also form on the hands. Corns and calluses can be treated at home, but if your condition is painful, persists, or you have a medical condition that causes it (such as diabetes), seek professional help.
Part 1 of 3: Treating Corns and Calluses at Home

Step 1. Distinguish between eyelets and calluses
Corns and calluses are not the same thing, so the treatment approach is also different.
- Fisheyes can develop between the toes, have a core, and are painful. Fisheyes can also appear above the toes, usually just above a joint in one of the toes.
- There are three types of eyelets: hard, soft, or periungual. Hard eyelets usually develop over the toes and bony joints. Soft eyelets usually appear between the fourth and fifth toes. Periungual eyelets are less common, and develop along the margins of the nail bed.
- The eye of the fish does not always have a core, but usually this part is in the middle. The core of the fish eye contains dense and thick skin tissue.
- This part of the core is pointed inward and often presses against the bone or nerve so that it is painful.
- Calluses do not have a core, and are wider areas made of thick, evenly distributed tissues. Calluses are usually painless, although they may cause some discomfort.
- Calluses often appear on the bottoms of the feet and toes. Calluses can also occur on the hands, usually on the sides of the palms and under the fingers.
- Both eyelets and calluses are caused by impact and pressure.

Step 2. Use over-the-counter medications
Salicylic acid is the most common ingredient in over-the-counter products to treat fish eyes and calluses.
- The use of these products is useful for removing corns and calluses, but they are more effective when combined with common methods of treating the skin.
- Take immediate treatment steps, but make sure you're also addressing the problem that's causing impact or pressure on the edge of the fish/calluses.

Step 3. Glue the salicylic acid pad to remove the eyelets
These bearings can be purchased without a prescription, and have a strength rating of up to 40%.
- Soak your feet in warm water for about five minutes to soften the tissues. Dry the feet and toes thoroughly before applying the pads.
- Be careful not to apply the pads to healthy skin tissue.
- Most products recommend repeating this procedure every 48 to 72 hours, for 14 days, or until the eyelets come off.
- Salicylic acid is a keratolytic agent. This means the acid moisturizes the area while softening and damaging the tissue. Salicylic acid can be harmful to healthy body tissues.
- Follow the instructions on the product packaging or manual. Do not use salicylic acid if you are allergic to it.
- Avoid touching salicylic acid to your eyes, nose, or mouth, and do not use it on other areas of your body without your doctor's instructions.
- Immediately rinse all affected areas with salicylic acid with water.
- Store salicylic acid products safely, out of reach of children and pets.

Step 4. Use salicylic acid to treat calluses
Salicylic acid is available in a variety of forms and strengths. Foams, lotions, gels, and pads can be used to treat callous areas on the feet.
Each product has unique instructions for use. Follow the directions on the package or the manual so you can use salicylic acid effectively to get rid of calluses

Step 5. Use topical products that contain 45% urea
In addition to salicylic acid, there are also a variety of over-the-counter products that may be useful.
- Products containing 45% urea can be used topically as keratolytics to help soften and remove unwanted tissue, including eyelets and calluses.
- Follow the instructions on the package or on the manual.
- Routine instructions for using 45% urea products are usually twice a day until your condition is cured.
- Do not ingest topical urea products. Also be careful not to get these products into the eyes, nose or mouth.
- Keep the product away from children and pets.
- If swallowed, call 112, a poison control center, or seek emergency medical attention as soon as possible.

Step 6. Use a pumice stone
Calluses can be filed with a pumice stone specially designed for the feet. This pumice stone can help scrape the hardened skin.
- You can also use it for calluses on your hands.
- A pumice stone or file can help remove a layer of dead skin. Be careful not to slough off the healthy tissue, or you could experience further irritation and possible infection if the healthy skin is damaged.
- Scrape off all layers of thickened and hard tissue before using any treatment.

Step 7. Soak the feet
Soaking your feet in warm water helps soften areas of hardened tissue, both in eyelets and calluses.
- For calluses on hands, soaking the area can also soften the tissue, just like calluses on feet.
- Dry your feet or hands thoroughly after soaking them. When the skin tissue softens after soaking, scrape it off with a pumice stone or file..
- Even if you don't have time to soak your feet or hands every day, use a pumice stone or file after every shower.

Step 8. Keep skin moist
Use moisturizer on your feet and hands to help keep the tissues soft.
This way, it will help to exfoliate thick areas of skin with pumice or a file, as well as prevent eyeballs and calluses from forming
Part 2 of 3: Seeking Medical Attention

Step 1. Ask for medical help to deal with the condition you are experiencing
If you have diabetes, you are at greater risk for serious foot problems, which are caused by extreme changes in blood circulation.
Medical conditions such as diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, and all other conditions that interfere with normal blood flow, require you to seek medical attention for corns and calluses. Talk to your doctor before trying to treat it yourself at home

Step 2. Ask questions about care instructions if your calluses/eyes are large and painful
Although these two conditions are rarely classified as an emergency, sometimes the area is very large and quite painful.
- Asking a doctor for help is the safest and most effective way to treat fish eye problems and calluses.
- Some types of eyelets and calluses are resistant to over-the-counter treatment options. Ask your doctor for prescriptions for stronger products or medical procedures that may be helpful.
- Your doctor can help by performing several treatment procedures to improve your condition.
- The doctor can also trim the excess and hardened skin area using a scalpel or other equipment in his office.
- Do not try to trim very thick areas of tough bark yourself at home. You may experience irritation, bleeding, and infection if you do this.

Step 3. Look for warts
Apart from corns and calluses, sometimes warts are part of your problem.
Your doctor can help determine if warts, or another skin condition, also affect you. He or she will then suggest the best treatment approach

Step 4. Look for signs of infection
Sometimes, although very rarely, fish eyes or calluses can become infected.
See your doctor right away if the area on your hand or foot is red, swollen, warm to the touch, or more tender than usual

Step 5. Consider the condition of the foot that causes the unevenness
Some people experience a form of foot deformity that causes them to have constant problems, including recurrent cases of fish eye and calluses.
- Your doctor can refer you to a podiatrist for treatment. Some conditions that may be contributing to the problems you experience with calluses and ankles include hammer toes, bone growths, unnatural curves of the feet, and bunions.
- Many of these conditions can be cured by wearing inserts, or specially designed footwear.
- In rare cases, you may need surgery.

Step 6. Watch for signs of complications on the hands
When calluses occur due to a source of impact or pressure on the hands, the skin can be damaged and an infection can start.
- In some cases, you may also encounter bubbles that form behind or next to the calluses. When this happens, the bubbles contain fluid, which will naturally be reabsorbed by the skin over time. When the bubble bursts or dries up, the surrounding tissue can become infected.
- Call your doctor if your hand looks red, swollen, or warm to the touch.
- You may need topical or systemic antibiotics if you have an infection.
Part 3 of 3: Preventing Problems Later

Step 1. Remove the source of impact
The most common cause of calluses and calluses on the feet is something that causes irritation, pressure, or impact at the same point.
By removing the source of the impact, you can prevent eyelets and calluses

Step 2. Put on the right-sized shoes
Shoes that don't fit can rub against your toes and cause your feet to rub.
- Make sure your toes have ample room for movement in the shoe.
- Eyelets form on the tops and sides of the toes, and can be caused by shoes that are too narrow.
- Repeated irritation or friction by ill-fitting shoes is a major cause of calluses or calluses.
- Shoes that are too tight and high heels, which cause the feet to rub together, can result in ankles and calluses.
- Calluses form when the bottom or sides of the foot rub against an irritating part of the shoe, or come into contact with the inside of a shoe that is too large.

Step 3. Put on socks
Wearing shoes without socks can cause impact and pressure.
- Always wear socks to prevent this impact and pressure, especially in shoes designed to be worn with socks, such as sports shoes, work shoes, and boots.
- Make sure your socks are the right size. Socks that are too tight can squeeze your toes and cause unwanted pressure and impact. Socks that are too loose can rub against your feet and add impact and pressure in various areas.

Step 4. Put on protective coating
Use pads placed over the eye area, between the toes, or along the callused area.
Using pads, wool dividers, or toe separators can help reduce friction and pressure along the feet or toes, where eyelets or calluses form

Step 5. Put on gloves
Calluses form on the hands, precisely in the areas that experience the hardest impact.
- In many cases, calluses on the hands are usually considered normal. For example, people who play musical instruments, such as guitarists. They will instead love the calluses that form on their fingertips. In this way, they can play musical instruments painlessly.
- Another example is weight lifters. The calluses on their hands help these athletes grip and manipulate the poles used in weightlifting.