Calluses on the fingers are thick clumps of dead skin that form to protect the sensitive skin underneath from the pressure and friction of a pen or pencil. Calluses are basically painless and harmless. Calluses are the body's mechanism for protecting itself. There are some simple ways to get rid of these calluses without pain.
Method 1 of 2: Treating Calluses on Your Fingers Sendiri

Step 1. Reduce the pressure on your fingers as you write
Since calluses are your body's defense mechanism against irritation on sensitive skin, you may be able to get rid of calluses on your fingers simply by reducing friction when you write.
Loosen the grip on the pen or pencil as you write. If you press too hard, there's a good chance the stationery will poke into the skin and rub against it. Pause as you write and loosen your hands to remind yourself not to grip the stationery too tightly

Step 2. Provide extra protection for your hands by wearing soft gloves or using a layer of moleskin (a thick, soft cotton cloth)
Both will protect and prevent the pen or pencil from rubbing directly against the skin.
- If it's too hot to wear thick gloves comfortably, simply protect callused fingers by wrapping a medicated tape (such as Band-Aid, Handyplast, etc.) or moleskin while you write.
- You can make ring-shaped bearings. The trick is to fold the moleskin and then cut a semicircle in the fold. Next, wrap the moleskin around the calluses. The moleskin pads will reduce the pressure on the calluses.
- Alternatively, you can wrap the moleskin around a ballpoint pen or pencil to make the stationery feel softer.

Step 3. Take a shower and soak your hands in warm, soapy water to help soften the thick protective layer of dead skin
Soak your hands until the skin around the calluses becomes wrinkled / wrinkled and then massage / massage the calluses gently

Step 4. Use natural remedies to soak your hands
This method will help soften and remove dead skin cells on the callused skin. You can try all the ways until you find the one that works best for you. Soak for at least 10 minutes for best results.
- Soak callused fingers in warm water with a brine solution in it. Follow the instructions on the English salt package to adjust the salt content to the water.
- Make a solution of warm water and baking soda. Baking soda is a natural ingredient that can remove dead skin cells.
- Alternatively, soak your hands in warm chamomile tea. Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory properties that will relieve irritation caused by the friction of a pen or pencil.
- You can also try a mixture of warm castor oil and apple cider vinegar. Castor oil has a moisturizing effect, while the acid in the vinegar will help soften the skin and promote healing.

Step 5. Scrub off the dead skin with a nail file, emery file (fine nail file), pumice stone, or washcloth/towel
Rubbing should not cause pain because the calluses are already dead. Do not rub/file too deep so that it will hit the sensitive part, namely the healthy skin underneath. You may need to do this repeatedly over a few days.
- If you have diabetes, don't use a pumice stone as it increases the risk of infection.
- Do not cut or trim the calluses, as doing so will deepen the damage and injure your hands.

Step 6. Apply moisturizer to soften calluses
Gently apply and massage moisturizer on calluses and surrounding skin. You can use a factory-made moisturizer or a variety of homemade moisturizers, including:
- Vitamin E Oil
- Coconut oil
- Olive oil (Olive oil)
- Aloe vera. You can use a commercially available aloe vera mixture. If you have an aloe vera plant, you can split the leaves and apply the sticky, sticky, soothing gel directly to the calluses.

Step 7. Use an acidic household chemical to soften calluses and remove dead skin
The material can be attached to the callus using a bandage. Leave the bandage in place for at least a few hours or overnight to give it time to react. Here are various ingredients you can try:
- Lemon juice, soaked in a cotton ball
- Vinegar, soaked in a cotton ball
- Sliced raw onions, soaked in lemon juice and salt or vinegar
Method 2 of 2: Applying Various Treatments and Seeking Medical Treatment

Step 1. Try over-the-counter medications (medicines that you can buy and use without a prescription) to get rid of calluses
Pieces (cloth, gauze, or cotton) that contain salicylic acid can be applied to the calluses.
- To find out how often the patch containing salicylic acid should be replaced, follow the manufacturer's instructions and your doctor's advice. This type of medication should be used with caution, because if the drug comes into contact with normal healthy skin around the calluses it may cause burns.
- Do not use the methods above if you have diabetes, have poor blood circulation, or are prone to numbness. In such cases, consult your doctor.

Step 2. Use aspirin as an alternative source of salicylic acid
By crushing aspirin tablets, you can make your own topical medication and apply it.
- Grind five aspirin tablets into a powder and add half a teaspoon of lemon juice and half a teaspoon of water. Mix until it forms a paste/porridge.
- Apply the paste on the calluses, not on the normal, healthy skin around it.
- Wrap it in a plastic wrap and cover it with a warm towel, and let it sit for 10 minutes. Then wash off the paste as well as any sloughed off dead skin.

Step 3. Visit a doctor if the above methods don't help
The doctor will check to confirm that you have calluses.
- Your doctor may prescribe a stronger medication to remove the calluses.
- In extreme cases, the doctor may remove the calluses with a scalpel.

Step 4. Call a medical professional if the calluses on your fingers show signs of infection
In general, calluses are not associated with infection. So, if calluses on your hands exhibit any of the following symptoms, you should see a doctor:
- Redness
- Pain
- Inflammation
- Bleeding or pus