3 Ways to Stop Snoring

3 Ways to Stop Snoring
3 Ways to Stop Snoring

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The sound of snoring can frustrate people in the house, and may also leave you feeling tired the next morning. If you want to stop snoring, start by making lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of snoring, and do some things to open your airways. You can also discuss the problem of snoring with your doctor because some cases require medical treatment.


Method 1 of 3: Changing Your Lifestyle

Stop Snoring Step 1
Stop Snoring Step 1

Step 1. Take care of your weight

Being overweight can make snoring worse, especially if the fat is in the neck and throat area. You can reduce snoring by adopting a healthy and balanced diet and exercising.

  • Talk to your doctor before starting an exercise program.
  • People of a healthy weight can still have a snoring problem, especially if there are other health risks such as sleep apnea.
Stop Snoring Step 2
Stop Snoring Step 2

Step 2. Don't drink alcohol right before bed

Alcohol relaxes the body, which actually increases the risk of snoring. This is because the throat muscles are also relaxed so that their position is slightly lowered. This condition makes you snore louder. If you have a problem with snoring, don't drink close to bedtime.

If you're used to drinking, limit yourself to 2 servings or less, and not so close to bedtime that the effects of the alcohol evaporate

Stop Snoring Step 3
Stop Snoring Step 3

Step 3. Sleep on your side

The supine position can cause the tissue at the back of the throat to droop so that the airway narrows. Sleeping on your side can solve this problem and reduce the risk of snoring.

Stop Snoring Step 4
Stop Snoring Step 4

Step 4. Lift the head area at least 10 cm higher if you have to sleep on your back

You can stack pillows or raise the head of the bed to elevate your sleeping position. This raised position reduces the slack in the back of the throat so that the airway doesn't constrict and reduces the chance of snoring.

Stop Snoring Step 5
Stop Snoring Step 5

Step 5. Use a special pillow to stop snoring

Some patients report better sleep quality after using an anti-snoring pillow. There are several designs to choose from, such as wedge, cervical support pillows, contour pillows, memory foam pillows, and pillows designed for sleep apnea problems. Look for pillows that are labeled reduce snoring.

Not everyone feels the effect of an anti-snoring pillow

Stop Snoring Step 6
Stop Snoring Step 6

Step 6. Quit smoking

Smoking can increase the risk of snoring, as well as exacerbate existing snoring problems. In general, quitting smoking will make your breath better. So, give it a try.

If you have trouble quitting, ask your doctor about aids such as candy, nicotine patches, and prescription medications

Stop Snoring Step 7
Stop Snoring Step 7

Step 7. Limit the use of sedatives

Sedatives can relax the central nervous system, including the throat muscles. A relaxed nervous system will increase the likelihood of snoring. By avoiding sedatives, you can reduce your risk.

  • If you have trouble sleeping, try creating a sleep schedule.
  • Talk to your doctor before stopping using prescription drugs.
Stop Snoring Step 8
Stop Snoring Step 8

Step 8. Try singing 20 minutes a day to tone your throat muscles

Since loosened throat muscles can cause snoring, the risk is reduced by tightening them. If done for at least 20 minutes every day, singing can tighten the throat muscles.

Alternatively, play a wind instrument, such as a torch or trumpet

Method 2 of 3: Making Sure Your Airway Is Open While Sleeping

Stop Snoring Step 9
Stop Snoring Step 9

Step 1. Use a nasal strip or nasal opener to open the airway

Over-the-counter nasal strips are an easy and inexpensive way to open the airways. This strip is attached to the outside of the nostril. A nose opener is a strip that can be used repeatedly outside the nose to open the airway.

  • Nasal strips and nasal openers can be purchased at pharmacies or online stores.
  • Not everyone feels the benefits, especially if there are other problems such as sleep apnea.
Stop Snoring Step 10
Stop Snoring Step 10

Step 2. Use a decongestant or clear your nasal passages if your nose is blocked

A blocked nose blocks the airway and causes snoring. Over-the-counter decongestants can relieve it. Another option is to clear the nasal passages with a saline solution before going to bed.

  • Use a sterile saline solution that can be purchased without a prescription or made at home. If you make your own, use distilled or bottled water.
  • You can also take an antihistamine if you have allergies that cause a stuffy nose.
Stop Snoring Step 11
Stop Snoring Step 11

Step 3. Use a humidifier to moisten the airways

Dry airways sometimes cause snoring, but humidity can reduce the problem. A humidifier can prevent dryness of the airways. Turn on the device in the room while you sleep.

Method 3 of 3: Using Medical Treatment

Stop Snoring Step 12
Stop Snoring Step 12

Step 1. Talk to your doctor to see if there are other problems

You should consult a doctor if you have a snoring problem. There are several health problems that cause snoring, such as sleep apnea which is very serious. If you notice any of the following symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss them:

  • Excessive sleepiness
  • Headache when you wake up.
  • Difficulty concentrating all day
  • Sore throat in the morning.
  • Nervous.
  • Waking up at night from moaning or choking.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Chest pain at night.
  • Others say you snore.
Stop Snoring Step 13
Stop Snoring Step 13

Step 2. Run an imaging test

Taking X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs allows doctors to check for problems with the airways and nose, such as narrowing or deviated septum. Based on the results of these checks, the doctor can determine the cause of snoring and suggest appropriate treatment options.

This examination is non-invasive and painless. However, you may feel a little uncomfortable about having to stay still for a while

Stop Snoring Step 14
Stop Snoring Step 14

Step 3. Take a sleep study if snoring continues despite treatment

Most patients experience improvement after making lifestyle changes and visiting a doctor. However, sometimes there are more complicated causes. For example, sleep apnea. Your doctor may suggest a sleep study to find out what's causing you to snore.

  • Sleep study is very easy for the patient. The doctor will schedule an appointment at a sleep study clinic, and you will be asked to sleep as usual in a clinic that resembles a hotel room. You will be connected to a painless machine with minimal discomfort. Experts in other rooms will monitor your sleep to make a report that will be given to the doctor.
  • It is possible to do a sleep study in your own home. The doctor will give you a device to wear while you sleep, and the device will record your sleep information for later analysis.
Stop Snoring Step 15
Stop Snoring Step 15

Step 4. Use a CPAP machine if you have sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that requires medical treatment. Patients with sleep apnea stop breathing at night, sometimes for several minutes. This condition not only interferes with sleep, but is also life threatening. Your doctor may suggest using a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine to help you breathe while sleeping.

  • The CPAP machine must be used every night and you must follow all doctor's instructions.
  • Clean the CPAP machine properly. Clean the mask every day, while the hose and water tub are cleaned once a week.
  • Using a CPAP machine will improve breathing, reduce snoring, and improve sleep quality.
Stop Snoring Step 16
Stop Snoring Step 16

Step 5. Get a mouthpiece to reduce snoring

The dentist can provide a mouthpiece that pulls the jaw and tongue slightly forward so that the airway remains open. Although effective, these tools are also expensive. The price sometimes reaches millions of rupiah.

You can buy over-the-counter mouthpieces that are cheaper, but may not fit in the mouth the way dentists make them

Stop Snoring Step 17
Stop Snoring Step 17

Step 6. Consider surgery if other treatments have not worked

In rare cases, surgery is needed to treat the cause of the snoring. Your doctor will discuss surgery if he thinks it's the best option for you.

  • Doctors may perform a tonsillectomy or adenoidectomy to remove the disorder that causes snoring, such as the tonsils or adenoids.
  • For sleep apnea problems, your doctor may tighten or lower your throat or uvula.
  • The doctor may also protrude the tongue or help air move more freely through the airway.


  • While lifestyle changes can help, you should still consult with your doctor.
  • Remember that snoring is a physical problem. Don't worry if you snore because it's not your fault.
