Flowers are very beautiful and smell good too! Learn how to draw flowers by following the steps in this guide article.
Method 1 of 9: Sunflower
Step 1. Draw one big circle and one smaller circle in the middle
Step 2. Draw the stem and leaves on each side of the stem
Draw an elongated heart shape as a flower petal.
Step 3. Repeat step 3 until the entire small circle of flowers is full
Step 4. Add more petals to cover the blanks with sharp corners
Step 5. Draw slashes that cross each other inside the small circle
Step 6. Refine the details of the leaves and stems
Step 7. Color your image
Method 2 of 9: Rose Flowers with Stems
Step 1. Draw a curved line in the shape of the letter "U"
Draw another similar line with a slightly larger size below the first curved line, until you get three similar line shapes.
Step 2. Draw a vertical curved line as the flower stalk and draw a leaf on one side
Step 3. After drawing the outline of the rose, start drawing the petals
First, use the smallest "U" shape.
Step 4. Draw overlapping petals on the first "U" shape
Step 5. Give the details of the petal shape the second "U" shape
Step 6. Finally, use the last "U" shape to guide you in drawing the petals similar to the ones you made in the first and second "U" shapes
You can also add more petals if you want to make the rose image more interesting.
Step 7. Draw a rose bud using sharp corners
Step 8. Add thorns to the rose stem
The thorns would be better depicted with pointed angles. Add detail to the rose petals, and don't forget that the petals have jagged edges.
Step 9. Color your image
Method 3 of 9: Stemless Roses
Step 1. Draw a circle to form the inner edge of the flower
Step 2. Add two more circles to form the outer edges of the petals
Step 3. Sketch the shape of the flower petals
Step 4. Draw the final line
Step 5. Color your image and apply shadows and finish lines to make the image clearer
Step 6. Done
Method 4 of 9: Daffodils
Step 1. Draw an oval shape to form the outer edge of the petal
Add two parallel lines and connect these two lines at the base as shown in the image.
Step 2. Draw a smaller oval shape at the top of the parallel lines to form the top of the flower
Step 3. Sketch the shape of the flowers and leaves as shown in the image
Step 4. Add the final outlines for the flowers and leaves
Step 5. Draw the shadows and finish lines that define the image and color your flower
Method 5 of 9: Cosmos Flower
Step 1. Draw a circle
Step 2. Draw another circle in the middle
Step 3. Draw the petals around the larger circle
The size and shape should be almost the same.
Step 4. Draw the line as the flower stem
Step 5. Draw a semicircle around the smaller circle, creating a shape similar to a flower
Then, you can add something in the middle.
Step 6. Draw the outline of the petals
The petals on the front should look different from the petals on the back.
Step 7. Draw the outline of the big circle and the flower stem
Step 8. Color the flowers
Method 6 of 9: Tulips
Step 1. Draw a circle shape for the flower and a long, slightly curved line for the stem
Step 2. Provide guide lines for the petals and petals
Draw two petals on the front and one petal on the back of the other two, so there are three petals in total. Tulip petals are long and not straight, so the guideline for making them should be long, curved lines.
Step 3. Draw guide lines to create the buds and petals
Step 4. Draw the outline of the flower, bud, and flower stem
Step 5. Sketch the shape of the petals
Step 6. Add flower details
Draw lines inside the leaves and flower petals to create a nicer image.
Step 7. Color your tulips
Method 7 of 9: Common Daisy Flowers
Step 1. Start by drawing a small circle shape
Step 2. Draw a bigger circle
Make it look like a disc so that you can remember the sketch of the daisy flower whenever you draw it.
Step 3. Start drawing the actual line next to the small circle in the middle
Step 4. Start drawing the shape of the petals with two lines, up and down
Always start by drawing a line like the directions of the mirror image.
Step 5. Draw the reflection of the flower petals again in a horizontal direction
Step 6. Continue drawing flower petals with the same technique
Step 7. Finish drawing the flower petals
Step 8. Erase the sketch lines and color your image
Step 9. Add the background
Method 8 of 9: Simple Flowers
Step 1. Draw a small circle shape in the center of the paper page
Step 2. Draw a larger circle with the same center point as the smaller circle
Step 3. Draw the shape of the flower petals with curved lines
Use the circle as a guide.
Step 4. Draw the shape of the petals around the circle
Step 5. Draw another petal shape where it remains inside the circle
The length of each of these petals does not have to be the same.
Step 6. Draw the shape of the stem and leaves using curved lines
Step 7. Refine the leaf image to resemble the actual leaf shape
Step 8. Thicken with a pen and erase unnecessary lines
Step 9. Color as you like
Method 9 of 9: Cartoon Flowers
Step 1. Draw a vertical oval shape
Beneath this oval shape, draw a slender rectangular shape as the stem of the plant.
Step 2. Draw two curved lines on the oval, one from the left side and one from the right
Step 3. Draw a line extending from the bottom of the oval that spreads out in four different directions
Also draw curved lines under the ovals.
Step 4. Draw curved lines connecting the lines to form the petals
Step 5. Draw a curved line that extends upwards inside the oval shape, to create a bud shape
Step 6. Draw another petal using the same principle and lines around the oval shape
Step 7. Refine your image and thicken it with a pen
Erase unnecessary lines.