Soccer helmets are an integral part of the protection of American football and Canadian football. This tutorial will show you how to draw a soccer helmet in 2D or 3D.
Method 1 of 4: 2D Soccer Helmet

Step 1. Draw a big circle. Draw a small circle at the bottom center of the big circle

Step 2. Draw a curved line that will form the outline of the helmet

Step 3. Draw an italic "A" on the right side of the image

Step 4. Draw a vertical line at the bottom end of "A" then connect it to the top line "A" using a curved line

Step 5. Draw an outline on the image to complete the details of the face mask

Step 6. Draw the outline of the helmet skeleton

Step 7. Add designs at will

Step 8. Color the helmet
Method 2 of 4: 3D Soccer Helmet

Step 1. Draw a big circle and then add an oval at the bottom left

Step 2. Draw a small triangle. Draw a rectangle adjacent to the triangle

Step 3. Glue a pentagon under the rectangle

Step 4. Add a slanted vertical line at the bottom left of the big circle and close this shape by adding a curved line

Step 5. Draw the outline of the image for the details on the face mask

Step 6. Add details to draw the helmet skeleton

Step 7. Add more specific details and designs to the helmet

Step 8. Color as desired
Method 3 of 4: Football Helmet Front View

Step 1. Draw a circle

Step 2. Draw a rectangle for the shield plate

Step 3. Draw a trapezoid with a horizontal line underneath

Step 4. Draw another large trapezoid with two horizontal lines on it

Step 5. Draw a series of vertical lines as the detailed outline of the helmet

Step 6. Draw a helmet based on these lines

Step 7. Add more details to the helmet, such as stripes, logo, and interior details

Step 8. Erase unnecessary lines

Step 9. Color your soccer helmet
Method 4 of 4: Soccer Helmet

Step 1. Draw an oval as the outline of the helmet

Step 2. Draw an elongated oval that intersects the previous oval

Step 3. Draw the bottom of the shield plate by creating an irregular polygon

Step 4. Draw a curved line with a triangle on the right edge to create the top part of the shield plate

Step 5. Draw a square on the top front of the helmet

Step 6. Draw this helmet using the guidelines

Step 7. Add more details to the helmet