4 Ways to Make a Smelly Bomb

4 Ways to Make a Smelly Bomb
4 Ways to Make a Smelly Bomb

Table of contents:


Want to prank someone? Want to avenge your friend's annoyance? Smelly Bombs can be the right choice for those of you who want to give. See the steps below for different ways to make a stink bomb.


Method 1 of 4: Egg Bad Smell Bomb

Make a Stink Bomb Step 1
Make a Stink Bomb Step 1

Step 1. Take an egg and a needle

Make a Stink Bomb Step 2
Make a Stink Bomb Step 2

Step 2. Make a hole in the egg

Insert the needle to make a "very" small hole in the egg. The thinner the needle, the better.

Make a Stink Bomb Step 3
Make a Stink Bomb Step 3

Step 3. Place the eggs in an open and safe place, such as a shoebox with a few holes in it and let it sit for a few weeks

In theory, the longer the eggs are stored, the more rotten and smelly eggs will become. However, if the eggs will dry for too long, then do an experiment regarding the length of time the eggs are stored.

Make a Stink Bomb Step 4
Make a Stink Bomb Step 4

Step 4. Throw the eggs

If the egg feels like it's been stored for a long time, just throw it at your target (Remember, don't touch the needle in your hand) and enjoy the cuteness.

Method 2 of 4: Hair Bad Smell Bomb

Make a Stink Bomb Step 5
Make a Stink Bomb Step 5

Step 1. Place a newspaper or a piece of paper in front of you

Make a Stink Bomb Step 6
Make a Stink Bomb Step 6

Step 2. Place some human or animal hair into the center of the paper

Make a Stink Bomb Step 7
Make a Stink Bomb Step 7

Step 3. Cut the heads from four or five matches

Insert the head of the match into the hair.

Make a Stink Bomb Step 8
Make a Stink Bomb Step 8

Step 4. Squeeze the paper into a roll or ball

Do not squeeze the paper too tightly, so that the bomb will burn properly. Make sure the match head is still inside the paper.

Make a Stink Bomb Step 9
Make a Stink Bomb Step 9

Step 5. Tie the paper bomb with a rubber band

Make a Stink Bomb Step 10
Make a Stink Bomb Step 10

Step 6. Slip two whole matchsticks onto the rubber

This lighter will serve as the fuse of the bomb.

Make a Stink Bomb Step 11
Make a Stink Bomb Step 11

Step 7. Set off your bomb at the target location and get ready for a stinky stench

Method 3 of 4: Match and Ammonia

Make a Stink Bomb Step 12
Make a Stink Bomb Step 12

Step 1. Cut the head of a box of matches with scissors

Collect the heads, and remove the sticks.

Make a Stink Bomb Step 13
Make a Stink Bomb Step 13

Step 2. Put the match head into a clean used bottle with the lid still on

Make a Stink Bomb Step 14
Make a Stink Bomb Step 14

Step 3. Pour two or three tablespoons of ammonia into the bottle and close the bottle

Make a Stink Bomb Step 15
Make a Stink Bomb Step 15

Step 4. Wait three or four days before opening the bottle

When opened, the stench will waft into the air. This bomb produces ammonium sulphide, (NH4)2S.

Method 4 of 4: Onions, Cabbage and Burnt Hair

Make a Stink Bomb Step 16
Make a Stink Bomb Step 16

Step 1. Take the main ingredients

Slice some onions into small pieces. All types of onions can be used, but leeks give the best results because they are the sharpest. After that, tear off five large cabbage leaves.

Make a Stink Bomb Step 17
Make a Stink Bomb Step 17

Step 2. Put it in a large bottle

Take a large bottle with a lid and put the above ingredients in it.

Make a Stink Bomb Step 18
Make a Stink Bomb Step 18

Step 3. Add hair

Put some human or animal hair in the jar. These hairs should be spread evenly over the rest of the ingredients so that the next process can be done easily. You can also add one match head.

Make a Stink Bomb Step 19
Make a Stink Bomb Step 19

Step 4. Cover and burn

Close the bottle until there is no air in and out. Use a magnifying glass to shine a light on the bottle and into the hair bundle until it smokes. Preferably, the hair is burned as much as possible. If you insert a match head, shine a light on the match head until it burns.

Make a Stink Bomb Step 20
Make a Stink Bomb Step 20

Step 5. Let it sit for a while

Leave the smoke in the jar in direct sunlight. Dry the jar for one week to let the ingredients rot in the bottle.

Make a Stink Bomb Step 21
Make a Stink Bomb Step 21

Step 6. Prepare to test the smell

After a week, open the bottle and smell it to assess the smell. Do not do the test in the house or room. Remember, the longer the bottle is stored, the worse the smell will be. After two weeks, your bomb should be finished. If the stench can be smelled far enough, then your bomb is ready to use.

Make a Stink Bomb Step 22
Make a Stink Bomb Step 22

Step 7. Release

Open or break the bottle where you want to smell it, and watch people react immediately to get away from the super bad smell you're making. You can also pour the liquid from the jar into a spray bottle and spray it at your target. Do not get sprayed because the smell will be very difficult to remove.


Experiment with the environment. Measure the length of time the bomb is left standing and the odor it produces, placing it in various places for best results. You can punch a hole in the egg with a needle and remove the contents a little and expose it to a foul smell. Hydrogen Sulfide is the main chemical in making stink bombs. Then, you can rot an egg, take a little bit of it, mix it with Hydrogen Sulfide, and wrap it in Epoxy


  • Bombs can explode if left too long!
  • Do not get in anyone's eyes.
  • Do not use bombs in locations where there is no foul odor.
  • Don't get hit by other people's belongings. You will get into trouble and may be asked to clean it up as punishment. You don't want to be exposed to bad smells all day, and the item could end up spoiling!
  • Don't mess around at school. You may be expelled.
