Matchbox bombs are very easy and quick to make. These bombs can also be crafted in different ways to have different effects. All you need is a box of matches, masking tape, and scissors to make a small fireball explosive that is fun to look at and can be used at celebrations or festivals. Matchbox bombs must be used as soon as possible because they are easy to ignite with just a slight shock. Be careful and do not set off this bomb near yourself or anyone else. You should always make these bombs outdoors and use them outdoors.
Method 1 of 3: Making a Matchbox Bomb

Step 1. Gather the ingredients to make a matchbox bomb
You will need a box full of matches and tape of your choice. The tape can be paper tape, wide tape, or cable tape and it is recommended to use a new roll of tape as you will be using a lot of tape. Matchbox bombs of this type will detonate and scorch the entire box and its contents. This bomb also requires more power to ignite compared to other versions of the matchbox bomb, such as the guess fireball and explosive fireball.
Glue and scissors are optional

Step 2. Carefully tear off the matchbox igniter pieces
In most matchboxes, the igniter is a layer of different material on top of the box that can be easily torn apart. Make sure the box structure is maintained.
If you decide to cut the igniter or accidentally tear the case open, don't worry. You can tape the box down thickly with tape later. Tear off the igniter is only done for convenience

Step 3. Cut the igniter sheet to fit the width of the matchbox
Measure along the top of your matchbox, or where the ends of the matchsticks touch.
Alternatively, you can fold the igniter section so that it can be loaded

Step 4. Place the igniter in the box
The side of the igniter should be facing or in contact with the head of the matchstick. When friction occurs, such as when you throw a matchbox on a surface, the igniter will ignite all the matches at once.
- If you're worried that the igniter won't stick in place, you can tape it or glue the non-igniting side into the top side of the matchbox.
- Make sure your lighter is facing the right direction (with the head of the match facing the inserted igniter). Align by tapping the square on a surface.

Step 5. Wrap the matchbox with tape
Close the box and wrap the box with tape in all directions; horizontally, vertically and diagonally. Glue until the corners are rounded or when the box feels soft.
- Glue tightly or almost airtight. This will ensure that the lighter stays in place and maximizes its explosive effect.
- You shouldn't be able to hear a creaking sound after you glue it.
- To make the explosion bigger, use a wide band of tape or cable tape. This tape is stronger and helps your box to be more airtight.
- To create a longer burning effect, paper tape or other paper-based tape will increase the flammability of your bomb.

Step 6. Light the matchbox by throwing it against the wall or floor
You can also light it up by hitting it with a tennis racket or bat. The matchbox will light up in one second.
- The match head will rub against the igniter and then ignite. The gas from the fire will have to flow out and since the box is nearly airtight, a small explosion will occur to let the gas out.
- Provide a fire extinguisher or other safety precautions in case of an accident.
Method 2 of 3: Making the Fireball Burn

Step 1. Gather the ingredients to make the fireball burn
You will need a box full of matches, duct tape of your choice, and scissors. This bomb gives a slower explosion with a greater burning effect.

Step 2. Pour all the matches out of the box
Be careful not to rub it against the igniter and ignite it.

Step 3. Cut all the match heads
Cut the matchstick on the head of the igniter. Remove the stem. In the end, you will have round match heads piled up.

Step 4. Cut the igniter from the matchbox
Most boxes will have two pieces on either side of the long box. Get rid of the rest of the box.

Step 5. Place a thin layer of match head on the side of the igniter
Depending on the size of your igniter piece, you will have enough to cover the igniter from end to end. You will have a few match heads left to use.

Step 6. Apply the same size of tape over the head of the match and the sheet of igniter
This will hold the match head in place. The tape will also work to catch the gas when the match head is lit and create an explosion.

Step 7. Roll up the igniter sheet so that the side of the igniter is inside the circle
Glue the two ends together. This completes one of the two igniter sheets.

Step 8. On the second igniter sheet, place a thin layer of match heads and cover the match heads with a piece of tape
Do not use the entire match head. Leave it to be inserted into the center of the structure.

Step 9. Roll the second igniter sheet around the first igniter sheet
The side of the igniter or the side that has been affixed with the match head should face outward. In other words, the non-igniting sides of the two sheets must touch. Glue the two together.

Step 10. Add the rest of your match heads into the center of the circle
Then glue it through the center to keep the match head inside.
Although the remaining match heads will not come into contact with the igniter, they will catch fire from the burning of the other match heads

Step 11. Tape around the igniter sheet and the rolled up match head
Tightly glue the sides of the circle and strengthen the entire structure.
Glue tightly or almost airtight. This will ensure that the lighter stays in place and maximizes its explosive effect

Step 12. Throw it hard on the floor and the bomb will burn
You can also throw it at a wall or any surface to blow it up.
Provide a fire extinguisher or other safety precautions in case of an accident
Method 3 of 3: Making Explosive Fireballs

Step 1. Gather ingredients to make an explosive fireball
You will need a box full of matches, duct tape of your choice, and scissors. This bomb delivers a faster and louder explosion than a burning fireball.

Step 2. Pour all the matches out of the box
Be careful not to rub it against the igniter and ignite it.

Step 3. Cut all the match heads
Cut the matchstick on the head of the igniter. Remove the stem. In the end, you will have round match heads piled up.

Step 4. Cut the igniter from the matchbox
Most boxes will have two pieces on either side of the long box. Get rid of the rest of the box.
For this fireball, only one igniter is needed

Step 5. Roll the igniter sheet into a circle
The igniter side must be inside the circle. Then, glue the two ends together.

Step 6. Fill the inside of the circle with match heads
Glue the end of the igniter sheet through the top so that the match head is wrapped in it.
- Do not shake it too hard or the head of the matchstick may ignite.
- You may not be able to fit all the match heads into the circle. Adjust the igniter sheet to load it or save the match heads for later use.

Step 7. Wrap the bomb with tape, making sure all the gaps are closed
You want it to be an almost airtight ball, but you don't want to wrap it around too much.

Step 8. Throw it hard on the floor and the bomb will burn
You can also throw it at a wall or any surface to blow it up.
Provide a fire extinguisher or other safety precautions in case of an accident
- Make sure you throw it a long enough distance for your safety.
- Use more tape to get a bigger blast.
- Use up the entire contents of the matchbox. The more matches, the greater the explosive effect.
- Use lots of tape if you want a bigger fireball blast. Use less tape for faster combustion and produce a self-igniting fireball.
- You have to throw it hard enough to the floor for the match to ignite and ignite.
- Do not throw it on a wet floor.
- Use it immediately after you create it, because of its unstable state. Bombs can explode accidentally with just a slight shock.
- Do not throw it at other people, pets, or other animals.
- Do not throw it on a flammable surface such as grass, wood or trees.