Shrink-wrapping is one of the best and easiest ways to protect a wide variety of items, especially for storage or for transportation of goods. The size of goods that can be packaged such as compact discs or CDs, to ships. Some of the needs for shrink-wrapping packaging that are common outside of industrial use are from small business owners who package their products in preparation for distribution. Keep reading to learn the steps on how to pack an item using a shrink-wrapping machine or even, using supplies that are easily found around the house.
Method 1 of 2: Using Impulse Sealer and Heat Gun

Step 1. Select the item you want to pack with shrink wrap
Impulse sealer is a packaging sealing device for small-scale production that can be used for shrink wrap. With this tool, you can determine the size and shape of the goods to be packaged. First of all, select the item to be packed with shrink wrap, then only then specify other details.

Step 2. Select the type of plastic for shrink-wrapping
The two most common types of plastic are polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and polyolefin. Polyolefin is more durable when used to package objects that have sharp edges, and can also be used to wrap food because it is less smelly. But this type of plastic is more expensive.
- PVC is the most commonly used plastic for a variety of purposes, including wrapping CDs and Blu-Ray DVDs.
- You can also choose between plastic rolls, pre-made bags of various sizes with all three sides sealed, or plastic sizes ranging from 60-100, depending on your needs.

Step 3. Turn on your impulse sealer
This tool resembles a paper cutter but instead of cutting your plastic, the part of the tool that is brought close to the plastic heats the plastic so that it shrinks and seals. (Some impulse sealers also have cutting blades).
Your impulse sealer should have adjustment knobs for different heat levels. The specific setting you want will depend on the type of plastic and the size you choose for your item. The plastic sheet you purchased may have information on the recommended heat setting. Or, you can try sealing a small sheet of plastic to find the ideal temperature to seal it without burning it

Step 4. Prepare your plastic shrink-wrap
If using roll plastic, fold the plastic so that it wraps around your entire item as if you were measuring wrapping paper to wrap a gift. Cut the plastic with scissors. When sealing with your impulse sealer, leave sufficient space around the three sides of the plastic.
If you order a pre-made bag with a size that matches the items you want to pack, then you can simply place it in the bag

Step 5. Seal your item
One side at a time, place the unsealed plastic side rim on top of your impulse sealer machine and close it. The plastic side will be heated and sealed. Even using the type of machine that doesn't have a cutter, you will be able to easily tear the edges of the plastic more than the sealed side.
- Try to place the item you want to pack close to the machine sealer, but keep a distance so that the item doesn't touch the sealer. The final result of your product will look neat after being heated with a heat gun. In addition, you will also save your plastic.
- If you use the shrink-wrapping process to package a product that the buyer can still smell (such as soap), then you can, using a punch, punch holes in the sealed container before shrinking the plastic (heat shrinking process).

Step 6. Perform the plastic shrinkage process with a heat gun
A heat gun is similar to a hairdryer, but is usually hotter and this heat is spread evenly across the plastic surface. Heat the sealed package from a distance of a few inches. Plastic will react to heat and shrink according to the size of the item in it.
- Make sure you rotate your item while heating the plastic with the heat gun, so that the plastic can be heated evenly.
- Using a heat gun too close to the plastic will warp or even burn the plastic. Therefore make sure you leave a few inches between the plastic packaging and the mouth of your heat gun.
Method 2 of 2: Using Scissors and Hair Dryer

Step 1. Select the goods to be packaged by shrink wrap
As with the method using the impulse sealer tool above, you must choose the appropriate plastic. For most items in the home with scissors and a hairdryer, PVC plastic will work.

Step 2. Pack your stuff
Tuck the item in the plastic as if you were wrapping it for a gift, then cut the plastic wrap from the roll. The sheet of plastic you cut should be one sheet of plastic that is larger than required.

Step 3. Cut off the more plastic parts
Cut off the extra side. The plastic must wrap the item inside tightly without allowing any air or space inside.

Step 4. Use a hairdryer to seal the edges
If your package has edges that need to be sealed before continuing with the shrink wrap process, use a hairdryer to heat up the edges to allow the plastic to adhere.

Step 5. Heat the plastic evenly so that the plastic can shrink and completely wrap the item inside
Spread the heat from the hairdryer evenly around the plastic until the plastic shrinks. If the heat is distributed unevenly, the shrinkage will not look proportional.
- Hair dryers take longer to properly shrink plastic than heat guns. Spread the heat as evenly as possible.
- It takes a lot of practice to produce a packaging finish that is similar to that of a shrink-wrapping equipment package.
- Recycle plastic shrink wrap that has been used for reuse.
- Package sealing devices such as sealers and heat guns can cause burns. Therefore always operate the machine with care.