Clean and tidy is not just a matter of putting everything in its place. It is a reflection of habits, routines and mindsets. When busy and immersed in work, sometimes the house becomes a mess. A neat and clean place is not only livable, but also more comfortable. In fact, you'll probably function better in a cleaner space.
Method 1 of 5: House Cleaning

Step 1. Clean the kitchen
Maintenance is mandatory if you want your home to be clean and tidy, and the kitchen is one of those places that should always be kept clean to keep the food preparation area clean and free of insects. Bacteria grows on the table surface if not cleaned, and can spread disease if the table is used to prepare food.
- Put everything back in its place. If there's a bag of chips near the microwave, put it in the cupboard. If there are spices on the table, return them to the rack along with the sugar and flour.
- Wipe the surface of the table and sweep the floor to clean it from crumbs. You certainly do not want the crumb to be covered with ants.
- Wash dirty dishes. Piles of dirty dishes in the sink make the kitchen look messy and unhygienic.
- Dispose and recycle trash. Again, you certainly don't want bad smells or small creatures flying around in the kitchen area.
- Wipe the stove and refrigerator.
- Organize the contents of the refrigerator by placing butter, bread, and eggs on the rack. Place yogurt and leftovers on the top shelf, then milk and juice on the middle shelf. That way, you can find everything easily because they are in their respective places.

Step 2. Use a broom or vacuum cleaner to clean the floors throughout the house
If you wear footwear indoors, dirt will be carried throughout the house. Even if you only wear socks, the dirt that sticks will also still be scattered. Vacuuming and sweeping are also opportunities to remove obstacles in the hallway and notice misplaced items on the floor.
- Vacuum or sweep room by room. Pick up anything that's strewn on the floor and place it in a basket or container.
- When you're done, take the basket to each room and return the items you picked up where they belong. For example, glasses and plates in a basket must be returned to the kitchen. Shoes that you put in the basket should also be returned to the shoe rack.

Step 3. Scrub the bathroom
Dirt, mildew, mold, and even bacteria can accumulate on bathroom and toilet tiles, so the bathroom must be cleaned regularly. Spray toilets, tiles, and tubs with your favorite bathroom cleaner. Then, take a brush and clean all the dirt that sticks.
- Wipe the surface and put all toiletries in the medicine cabinet or drawer.
- Try to group each item by category when placed. For example, group hair styling tools and place them in one place. Put all the toothpaste and toothbrush in one place.

Step 4. Sort and organize items in all rooms
Tidy up the space by picking up scattered objects and putting them back in their place. Pick up items that are out of place on the floor and return them to their original place. Make the bed. Return the shoes to the shoe rack. Pick up a pillow that fell on the floor.

Step 5. Empty all trash cans
Don't let trash pile up at home. Garbage will attract insects, cause unpleasant odors, and of course make the space untidy. Empty all the trash cans in the house and put them in a large trash can. Then, throw it in the trash outside.
Method 2 of 5: Cleaning the House

Step 1. Discard unneeded items
Sort your items and put away the ones you don't want or need, or put them back where they belong. For example, arrange clothes that have been folded or hang in the closet. Make sure dirty clothes are put in the laundry basket. Get rid of damaged or worn out clothes.
- Check the contents of your closet and get rid of clothes that no longer fit. Clothing that is stained, torn, or has holes in it should also be placed in the sorting basket.
- Old toys, old games, broken items, and unwanted objects should also be set aside to give to others or sell. Look for items that only take up space on floors and surfaces. For example, if you have two knife holders, you can give one of them to someone else to make the kitchen table more spacious.
- After removing unwanted items, separate them into piles to be sold and piles to be given away. You may need a separate bag or box for each of these categories.
- For items that are still in good condition, sell them online or give them to charities, family, or friends.

Step 2. Clean up the messy area
The cluttered drawers and cupboards do offer the illusion of a clean and tidy space because all the clutter is hidden behind closed doors. However, as soon as the door is opened, the things inside either fall out, or you can't find what you want in a messy closet. So if your drawer is barely closing, you need to sort its contents.
- Empty the drawer completely and throw away anything that is damaged. Set aside items you may need such as keys, and place objects that get lost in drawers, such as batteries, in the basket for later organization.
- After sorting, place the items again in the drawer neatly. See if you need special dividers or containers to keep things organized.

Step 3. Discard the old letters
You don't have to keep all your bills or letters forever. A pile of letters on a desk or in a drawer will over time fill the space, hidden or not. Sort mail, newspapers, and coupons while sorting new needed mail between expired coupons and old newspapers. Throw away or recycle old papers.
- Like a pile of dirty dishes in the laundry, piles of letters also make the room untidy and messy. Pay bills and receipts need not be kept for longer than one year. ATM receipts can be discarded after a few days. Set aside coupons and letters that need to be saved. Discard the rest.
- After sorting the letters to be saved, put them back where they belong. Notice if you need a mailbox.

Step 4. Hang and fold the clothes
A pile of scattered clothes will make the room messy even though everything else in the room is neatly in place. Sort clean clothes and put them in a drawer or hang them up. Fold clean clothes that have not been folded and store them neatly. Put unwanted clothes in a bag to give or sell.
Shoes that are placed carelessly or piled up in the corner also create a messy impression. Place the shoes on the shelf and put the shoes you no longer want in a “give away” or “sell” bag

Step 5. Make a list of the furniture needed to place everything
When cleaning your house, make a list of things you might need to keep things tidy. For example, maybe you need a shoe rack. Do you need more hangers? How about the divider for the workbench? Do you need more bookshelves?
- Baskets with lids are great for storing and hiding small items. You can store all the little things in it without having to look at everything you own.
- If you don't have a lot of floor space, use wall space. You can attach a shelf or bookcase to the wall, and this will make more space and keep things organized.
Method 3 of 5: Getting Rid of Unnecessary Items

Step 1. Decide what to save
Go through everything you've removed from cupboards and drawers, then sort it into four piles: keep, give away, sell, and throw away. Assess each object with the following questions: Have you used it in the past year? Will you buy the same thing again? Are you just keeping it because you don't want to waste money? Do you keep it for sentimental value?
- Items that do not need to be stored are items that are damaged and have accumulated dust. If you haven't used it in years, then the item should be thrown away unless it has sentimental value in it.
- Keep items you use frequently. Throw away items that are stained, torn, and dusty from not being used. Don't keep something because you think it might be needed even though it hasn't been used in years (don't be a pile-up).
- Sentimental items that are not used can be safely stored elsewhere. Old items such as T-shirts, photographs, books, and dolls that were only preserved for sentimental reasons can be stored in large chests. Keep it separate from items you use frequently so they don't take up space.

Step 2. Give away unwanted items
These are items that didn't pass the “required items question” selection, and you can't sell them for a number of reasons. Examples of items that cannot be sold are items that are outdated, items that are stained, or have been used frequently. After separating unwanted items in the “give away” category, put them in a separate pile from the save and throw pile. Give to friends, family or charities.

Step 3. Sell items at online stores such as Tokopedia or Bukalapak
Electronics, furniture, and appliances that you don't need or want can be sold online. Take a picture of the item, and make a short ad. You can make extra money selling stuff you no longer want, but the site you use is also important. Certain sites are better than others at selling used items.
- For example, overseas, Craigslist is the best choice for selling furniture, tools, and electronics to local buyers.
- Sell old phones, laptops or equipment to international shoppers on Ebay, which allows them to bid on items or buy them in person.

Step 4. Sell used clothes and shoes
Clothes that are rarely worn can be resold if they are trendy, designer designs, or too good to be taken for granted. There are thrift stores who are willing to buy clothes that are still in good condition as long as there are no stains or holes, which they believe can be resold to customers. Remember that the decision to accept your item or not is the shop's decision.
You can also try selling used clothing to local consignment shops and retailers. Study the store's website to determine if your clothing fits their resale criteria

Step 5. Sale your own item
If there are some items that you want to get rid of, it might be quicker if you sell them yourself on the weekends. Advertise by pasting announcements in your neighborhood. Then, put a price tag on each item and be prepared to haggle. Use the money to buy new furniture as a place to organize things in the house.
Method 4 of 5: Finding Places for All Items

Step 1. Specify a place for all items, including those that don't have space
Some items are easy to find, like kitchen scissors. Its place is in the knife holder on the kitchen counter, but where should you keep the batteries rolling in the drawer?
Mentally, decide where all the items should be stored so that they have their own place. Put random items in the locations you think are suitable. For example, insert a screw in the toolbox. Put pens and pencils in a container on the workbench. Place decorative items on the table next to the chair

Step 2. Reorganize the unorganized items
If bookshelves, cabinets, or drawers are not well organized, arrange them again. You don't have to throw things away to keep things tidy. Sometimes you just need to rearrange bookshelves, cupboards, shelves, and the things in them that might be messy because they weren't organized from the start.
- Rearrange the books on the shelves. Unfold and refold clothes and sheets in the wardrobe that makes a mess. Remove all the shoes from the rack and put them back in their original place.
- Determine what you may need to store things properly. Consider boxes, baskets, shelves, and boxes under the bed.
- Take advantage of walls to create more free space in your home. Consider hanging more items on the wall or attaching wall shelves if you don't have a lot of floor space.

Step 3. Buy furniture to store things
You can buy storage furniture at stores such as Carrefour, Transmart, or Ace Hardware. Don't be afraid to get a little creative, and consider a wide variety of materials. Cardboard boxes are great for storing items on open shelves. Baskets, which usually don't have lids, are great for displaying items that deserve display, such as magazines or small blankets.
- To organize the contents of your closet, look for shoe racks and clothes racks. Purchase extra hangers and hooks if necessary. The box under the bed can be used to store things that don't have anywhere else. Use it to store seasonal clothes like sweaters.
- An Ottoman sofa with storage space inside can help hide small items. Also, consider bookshelves, boxes with lids, and baskets to organize things like magazines that otherwise would be scattered on the floor.
- If your drawers or small cupboards are cluttered, consider purchasing a drawer divider. This is a great option for storing scattered items such as pines, coins, and batteries.
- Hooks and small plates are decorative options for storing keys and small items.
- Cable ties and charging stations can make a room more tidy by keeping your charging cords organized.

Step 4. Save the things you keep
Once you've purchased the tools you need, put everything in its new place neatly. Use clear containers so you can see what's inside. You'll thank yourself later when you're looking for something because you don't have to open each box to see what's inside. Store items that are rarely used in a warehouse such as an attic or basement. Store frequently used items under the bed or in a cupboard.
Label the boxes to keep in the closet or under the bed so you don't have to open each box when looking for something
Method 5 of 5: Maintaining a Clean and Tidy Home

Step 1. Set a regular cleaning schedule
If left unchecked, the house will fall apart again in no time. So, set a cleaning schedule to keep the house tidy. A schedule also helps create a new habit of cleaning and tidying the house more often.
- Choose days to vacuum, clean the bathroom, and take out the trash.
- Determine how many dirty dishes you leave in the dishwasher before washing. Or, don't leave any dirty dishes at all. Wash immediately after eating.

Step 2. Put all the objects back in their place
Because looking for things at home takes time, make it a habit to return everything to its original place. The habit of returning used items to their respective places will reduce the possibility of a messy pile of items. The house will stay clean longer.
If you move some items while you live with other people, make sure you tell them where they are so they can return them

Step 3. Divide household tasks
If you live with other people, give everyone weekly or nightly assignments. If everyone in the house is responsible for maintaining cleanliness, the house will always be clean and tidy. The more people who consistently clean the house, the cleaner it will be. In this case, there is an advantage in numbers.
- Assign one person to do the dishes every night or take turns.
- Decide who will vacuum weekly and clean the bathroom. If you live alone, it means you are lucky to do everything yourself.

Step 4. Clean up a little every night
Before going to bed, do a brief cleaning. Put dirty dishes in the sink. Pick up whatever is scattered on the floor. Make it pleasing to the eye so that you wake up in the morning looking at your home happy, not stressed.

Step 5. Hire a cleaning service
If you are very busy, hire a maid who comes every week or month to help. Anyone with a busy schedule won't have time to always clean, and there's nothing wrong with hiring a maid. Search carefully to make sure you find the right person to clean the house.
- Stay calm. If you haven't cleaned in a long time, this job may feel so heavy that you are stressed. Ironically, living in an untidy place actually makes you even more stressed.
- Put a trash can in each room so that you always throw trash in its place.
- A clean house means a clean mind.
- Repeat these steps whenever your home seems cluttered and untidy.
- Store ammonia and bleach separately.
- Make a trash can from a cardboard box and draw a recycling symbol on the side.
- Make sure you clean the carpet and also tidy under the bed.
- Before cleaning, imagine what you want your space to look like. Then, clean or tidy up the room according to your imagination.