Breast girdles are a way to minimize or flatten your chest and are for all types of people and all situations. So it's good if you're making the transition; must minimize chest size to fit in a garment; or tired of unwanted attention to your breasts, chest wraps and doing it in a healthy way can be the solution to your problem.
Method 1 of 4: Using a Neoprene Waist Corset

Step 1. Put the waist corset on your chest
Wrap it so the velcro crease is under one of your arms.
The neoprene waist corset serves as a compression garment to improve blood circulation for people who exercise. These corsets are also worn to give the appearance of a nicer and slimmer waist for people who don't have them

Step 2. Cut the corset to fit your chest
If the corset is too long for your chest, trim the velcro-free ends with scissors to fit your chest. You don't want to have to bandage your chest twice as this can have the opposite effect.
If the corset is poking at your sides or under your arms, cut the corners into a smooth curve with scissors

Step 3. Apply lotion and baby powder to reduce irritation
Neoprene waist corsets can cause blisters and excess moisture to build up on and around your chest. Sprinkle some baby powder before putting on the corset to help absorb excess moisture. Use lotion after you remove the corset regularly to protect your skin from chafing and dryness.
Do not use lotion and baby powder at the same time or when you are already wearing a corset. You can damage the corset. In addition, the combination of lotion and powder can turn into a paste

Step 4. Be safe when using a waist girdle as a chest strap
When tying the chest it is very important to do it safely and protect your body from health problems and permanent damage. A corset that is too tight can cause breathing difficulties, rib fractures, damage to chest tissue over time and cause fluid buildup in your chest.
- Do not wear a waist corset for more than 8 hours. If you wear the corset for a long time, you run the risk of bruising and inhibiting oxygen supply to your body.
- Never sleep in a corset.
- Do not use bandages or duct tape over the corset. Even never ever use duct tape or a bandage to flatten your chest. This tactic blocks the movement and entry of oxygen into your body.
Method 2 of 4: Using Other Methods

Step 1. Layer some T-shirts over your chest wrap
This is especially effective if you have bandaged your chest. It's also an alternative if you don't have any tools to bandage your chest. A tight t-shirt or tank top under a number of loose-fitting shirts or button-down shirts can make your chest appear smaller. You can increase the illusion of having a smaller chest area by:
- Wear patterns or colors that take your eyes off your chest. If you wear a t-shirt with a logo that sits just above your chest, your breasts can stand out more. Try a pattern that covers the entire garment to further even out your entire length. Or wear a shirt in a darker color to make your chest look smaller.
- Wear a scarf, vest and tie. These clothes can help cover or distract others from looking at your chest.
- Wear clothes with pockets on the chest. Instead of looking at your chest, people's eyes will be drawn to the pocket. This illusion is most effective if the shirt you are wearing is loose and hanging.
- Wearing hoodies (a type of sweater or jacket with a hood). Hoodies are usually quite loose on the body. Wearing baggy hoodies over a tight tank top can hide your chest pretty well.

Step 2. Wear body-compressing workout clothes
Sports compression wear is primarily used to increase blood circulation during exercise or to help reduce stress on muscles after exercise. These body-fitting garments are available at your local sportswear stores.
The same effect can be achieved by using a tight swimsuit top. However, the swimsuit may have to be a few sizes smaller than your body for effect and the elastic edges will have to be trimmed to reduce pressure on your hands
Method 3 of 4: Using a Sports Bra

Step 1. Find a good sports bra
A tight-fitting bra can be very helpful for flattening your chest. You can try a sports bra that is one size smaller to flatten your chest even more. However, don't feel pain when wearing it and the bra should not hinder your breathing.
- When you try on a sports bra, take a few deep breaths to make sure it doesn't block your ability to breathe.
- Move around in a sports bra when you try it by crouching, bending, jumping and sitting. This step tells you how your sports bra will fit and feel as you move. The bra may feel and look great when you're standing, but it can feel different when you move around while wearing it all day.
- Look for bras made of spandex. Spandex material stretches easily but also fits the body at the same time.
- Don't wear a sports bra for too long if it's too tight. The general rule for most chest strapping methods is to wear the garment for no more than 8 hours.

Step 2. Put on a second sports bra
If one sports bra doesn't help you, try wearing two to flatten your chest even more. You can try:
- Wearing the first sports bra as usual and the second bra worn upside down.
- A larger size for a second sports bra. If the second bra is too difficult to fit over the first, find a size larger and find out how much it fits and how it feels.

Step 3. Always be safe when bandaging your chest
Safe chest bandaging is always essential for all methods. Strapping too tightly or for long periods of time can cause permanent tissue damage, breathing problems, bruising and rib fractures.
- Do not use an ACE bandage or an elastic band over your sports bra. Chest splinting of any kind using a bandage can be dangerous, causing damage to the chest, lung and rib tissues.
- Never wear your sports bra to bed.
- Bandage your chest only for a maximum of 8 hours.
- Find a sports bra that really fits you. A professional can help you find a bra that fits you better and flattens your chest effectively.
Method 4 of 4: Using Professional Binders

Step 1. Find out where to buy chest binders
There are several online companies that design binders specifically for transsexual men. There are also transsexual men who sell binders that no longer fit or are no longer used.
- Binders are not only used by transsexual men, but also by men with gynecomastia. You can find binders made specifically to help men with gynecomastia.
- If you can't afford a binder, there are many programs you can follow to get binders cheap or free. However, most of these exchange programs are aimed at helping low-income transsexual men as they go through a transitional period.

Step 2. Choose the right size of binder to wear
If you know your bra size, most sellers will be able to help convert your bra size to a binder size. If you purchased it online, a listing or online converter tool is usually available on the seller's website.
- Alternatively, you can measure yourself to get the right binder size. Start by measuring the most prominent part of your chest strictly in a fully clothed state. Then measure the bottom of your chest, where the chest crease is. Finally, add the two numbers together and divide the result by 2 to get your binder size.
- Getting the right size for your binder is very important. A binder doesn't always have to be comfortable to wear, but it should always allow you to breathe when you put it on. You shouldn't be so tight that you can't breathe.

Step 3. Decide whether you want a long or short binder
The short binder ends right at your waist or below your bust. The long binder reaches several centimeters below the waist and one centimeter before the navel (depending on body type).
- Short binders tend to roll up frequently and may require adjustment, while long binders can remain unrolled for longer periods of time. Rolled binders can cause unsightly lines to show through your clothes. One way to work around this problem is to make the fold rise 2.5 cm from the bottom of the binder to stop it from curling.
- Choose a long or short binder based on your body type and comfort in your body. If you have a larger body shape, you may find it better to use a long binder because it won't roll up easily.

Step 4. Put on your binder
Binders are worn in a different way than a regular bra or sports bra. Start with:
- Lay your binder with the inside out and the top down.
- Step inside the binder and pull the bottom part up toward your head until it reaches your waist.
- Use your shoulder arm to pull the binder out.
- Insert both of your arms into the armholes.
- Pull out the bottom of the binder so that it rests flat against the body. Some people will leave it in the folded position to prevent the binder from rolling up while on the move.

Step 5. Adjust your chest to fit the binder
After wearing the binder for the first time, you may notice that your breasts look like they are fused together. There are several ways to adjust the binder for a better fit on your body:
- Make your chest appear flatter by separating your breasts from each other. Put your hands in the binder and push your breasts apart towards your arms.
- Press your breasts for a more even look. Put your hands in the binder and press your breasts to make them appear flat.
- Cut or alter parts of the binder so they don't look bulging or chafing. The binder may be too long or stick too close to your armpit. With scissors, needle and thread, you can modify the binder to better fit your body.
- Modify it by adding velcro, spandex or other materials to your binder. Maybe the bottom of the binder is too tight but everything else fits perfectly or maybe the bottom always rolls up. You can add velcro or spandex on the bottom of the binder to help you.

Step 6. Use tips and tricks to make the process of wearing a binder more effective and comfortable
For some people, a binder alone may not be enough, especially if you have large breasts. Or the binder is too uncomfortable or difficult to wear. Some tips to improve your experience with binders include:
- Wear a t-shirt under your binder. This step makes using the binder more comfortable and reduces the possibility of the binder moving.
- Wear several layers of clothing for a more even look. Loose or baggy clothing can help disguise the appearance of your breasts.
- Look in the mirror for a clearer view of your chest. Maybe your chest looks bigger if you look at it from above. Then adjust your appearance based on what you see in the mirror.
- Move, bend, sit, and jump when you try a binder. The binder may look good when you're standing, but it may feel or look different when you start to move.
- Sprinkle cornstarch or baby powder on your body before applying the binder to absorb moisture or sweat. Some binders may not circulate air and cause you to sweat in hot weather or when you are physically active. Cornstarch and baby powder can help prevent skin irritation from tight binders.

Step 7. Take safety precautions when wearing a binder
Wearing a binder safely is very important to protect your body from health problems and permanent damage. A binder that is too tight can cause difficulty breathing, fracture ribs, damage chest tissue over time and lead to a buildup of fluid in your chest.
- Do not wear your binder for more than 8 to 12 hours. If you wear it for a long time, you run the risk of bruising and blocking the oxygen supply to your body.
- The use of chest binders is only a short term solution. Long-term use of chest binders can cause permanent tissue damage. If you plan to bandage your chest daily for any reason, consider looking for safer, longer-term options.
- Never sleep with a binder on. Wearing a binder at night can affect breathing and/or cause skin irritation.
- Do not use bandages or duct tape over the binder. Rather, never ever use duct tape or a bandage to flatten your chest. Tactics like this hinder movement and the entry of oxygen into the body.
You can wear a binder while swimming. However, you may find that the effectiveness or tightness of the binder diminishes after swimming. Don't worry, your binder will return to normal after washing and drying
- Do not sleep while using any type of binder. While gynecomastia binders and binders made specifically for transsexuals are much safer than ACE bandages, you shouldn't sleep with them on. You won't be able to feel if the binder starts to feel uncomfortable or it can move while you sleep and block your breathing.
- Most people find the fact that using a binder will reduce the density of breast tissue when done regularly. This makes the breasts smaller and sagging. Consider seeking a safe, long-term solution by consulting a healthcare professional or an LGBTQ+ mentor if you are making a sexual transition. Even using a binder every day for no more than a few months can permanently change the shape of your breasts.
- Never bandage your chest with an elastic bandage. The bandage material stretches due to the natural expansion of your ribs when you breathe. This causes the bandage to lose its elasticity over time. Each time you bandage it, the bandage becomes tighter and can cause severe muscle damage and affect lung function.
- Although there is no concrete research linking this activity to breast cancer, chest splinting can lead to lumps that, although benign, can cause costly, uncomfortable and completely unnecessary health problems.