Due to the popularity and high price of Prada bags, there are many cheaper copy versions on the market. You can tell the difference between a genuine Prada bag and a fake using the guidelines below.

Step 1. Look at the seams on the bag
The stitching of the Prada bag is very neat. The stitching of a genuine Prada bag is bound to be small and nothing will unravel.

Step 2. Check the metal parts on the Prada bag
All metal parts of Prada bags are made of antique brass. If the metal parts of the bag look rusty, old, or worn, it's probably not a Prada. Check the color, size, and condition of the metal parts of the bag.

Step 3. Check the bag logo
The lining of the bag should have the black Prada logo printed slightly protruding. Fake Prada bags usually misspelt Prada's words or include other words. The size and spacing of the letters also indicate the authenticity of the bag.

Step 4. Look at the inner lining of the bag
The inner lining of the original Prada bag is black. If there is a pattern on the lining, it means the bag is fake. The lining material in the bag must be of high quality. The original Prada bag also has the word "Prada" running horizontally across the inside. All genuine Prada bags have the unique Prada logo embroidered over and over again on the inner lining of the bag, regardless of the material.

Step 5. Locate the metal label
Genuine Prada bags have a metal label that says "Prada Made in Italy". If the bag label is made of plastic or cloth, it means the bag is fake. All genuine Prada bags have a serial number and an authenticity label. You can also look for misspellings on the bag to determine its authenticity.

Step 6. Look for a Prada bag dustbag
Fake bags usually don't have dustbags. The original Prada bag has a white dustbag with a black logo. There should be a label sewn onto the dustbag that says “Prada” or “Cotton Made in Italy”.

Step 7. Look for the Authenticity Card
This card is usually wrapped in a black envelope. Each card has the model information and serial number of the bag.

Step 8. Pay close attention to the letter 'R'
The letter 'R' in the Prada logo has a notch on the right leg. This feature is usually missed by fake Prada bag makers.

Step 9. Get to know the shop you are visiting
Usually, genuine bags are sold in luxury shops or malls.

Step 10. Look for other signs
The color of the buttons and zippers of the bag must match the color of the bag and fit neatly into the bag and its inner lining. High quality zipper can be opened and closed easily.
- If the nameplate of the bag is rectangular, the corners of the plate should be rounded/curved.
- Words on fake bags are usually misspelled.
- Detailed pictures or photos will help you when shopping on the internet.
- A used Prada bag may not have a proof of authenticity card or bag pocket because it has been lost or stored by the previous owner.
- Beware of fake bags sold on the internet.