3 Ways to Know the Authenticity of "Cameo"

3 Ways to Know the Authenticity of "Cameo"
3 Ways to Know the Authenticity of "Cameo"

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The cameo is a very elegant piece of jewelry, which has recently been making a comeback. However, because of this popularity, there are more and more imitation cameos. Distinguishing a real cameo that is authentic ancient jewelry from a fake cameo that is an imitation of modern times can be difficult. Here are some instructions you can follow.


Method 1 of 3: Part One: General Identification

Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 1
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 1

Step 1. Understand which materials are the most authentic

Authentic carved cameos can be made of natural stone or seashells, while painted faux cameos are usually made of porcelain.

  • As a general rule, all carved cameos made from natural materials can be considered authentic. Some of these materials include seashells, agate, carnelian, onyx, ivory, lava, coral, jet, bone, pure pearl, and various other gemstones.
  • A cameo is considered inauthentic or fake if it is made of plastic or resin.
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 2
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 2

Step 2. Look for cracks in the cameo

Bring the cameo closer to the light source. Regardless of the material and age, there should be no cracks in the cameo foundation material.

  • Plastic that is not strong will crack more easily than shells, porcelain, and stone. However, a strong resin is quite crack-resistant.
  • This says more about the value of a cameo than its authenticity. A cracked cameo might be genuine, but signs of damage like this would lower its market price.
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 3
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 3

Step 3. Look at the direction of his face

Most vintage cameos will have a figure facing to the right. After that, the figure facing the left is the most common, as well as the figure facing the front.

  • Since figures in authentic vintage cameos can face in any of these three directions, this characteristic is not a definite indication of the authenticity of a cameo.
  • However, if you have other reasons to doubt the authenticity of a cameo, then the fact that the figure is facing left or forward rather than to the right, as is most often found, can strengthen your doubts.
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 4
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 4

Step 4. Pay attention to her facial features

An authentic cameo will have high quality figures engraved on it. The natural curves of the chin and mouth of these figures will be shown in the design, and the figures also usually have round cheeks.

  • Portrait cameos with straight noses usually date back to the Victorian era.
  • Portraits with strong Roman noses usually date back to the 1860s.
  • A nose that looks "cute" or is small like buttons is usually indicative of a new cameo made in the 21st century. If the nose is pointing up and the features are flat, then this could be a sign that a cameo is modern enough and was probably laser made so that it means the cameo is not authentic.
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 5
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 5

Step 5. Pay attention to the type of clasps

Turn the cameo over and look at the clips on the back. An antique or vintage cameo will usually have a "c-clasp" type clasp.

On a "c-clasp," a brooch clip is coiled under a crescent-shaped metal piece. There is no holder to keep these clips from falling off

Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 6
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 6

Step 6. Consider the details

While some authentic cameos are not patterned, many other valuable antique cameos will have fine details in the carving or painting. These features usually include earrings, pearl necklaces, hair curls, and flowers.

  • Be aware that some details can actually indicate that a cameo is a fake. For example, many faux cameos have a white band around the outer layer.
  • Some authentic cameos will have a 14 or 18 ct gold frame. Silver frames and metal frames filled with gold are also common. However, it is not always like this. Many cameos have no frame at all.
  • These frames could also be further embellished with various precious stones, but, again, this is not a certainty.
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 7
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 7

Step 7. Weigh the cameo in your hand

Plastic and glass cameos usually use a heavy metal base. As a result, these cameos are usually heavier than porcelain and seashell cameos.

  • However, this is not always true, so weight is not the only indication of cameo authentication.
  • Many stone cameos are also usually heavier in nature than porcelain or seashell cameos.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Carving Cameo Quality

Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 8
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 8

Step 1. See the final layer

Turn the cameo over in your hand and observe the way the light hits it. A clam shell cameo will have a dull appearance instead of a glossy finish.

  • This is true for most cameo measurements, as many natural materials are difficult to beautify once engraved.
  • Some authentic stone cameos may shine more, so this is not the only test of authenticity.
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 9
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 9

Step 2. Check the back

Hold the cameo face down and rub the back of it with your index finger. If the cameo is made from real shells, you will feel a slight dip or curve.

  • A clamshell has a naturally curved surface, so a cameo carved from a clam shell will also have this curve. However, the curve may not be large.
  • Be aware that this may not apply to naturally carved cameos made of stone or other objects.
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 10
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 10

Step 3. Examine the cameo under a bright light

With the back facing you, hold the cameo in the sun on a very bright day, or under very strong artificial light. You should be able to see the entire silhouette if your cameo is made of seashells.

  • Be aware that this does not apply to most rock cameos.
  • While rare, some plastic cameos are also very thin and may reveal their silhouette. As a result, this test is not a 100% correct test when performed alone.
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 11
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 11

Step 4. Use a strong magnifying glass to look for signs

Examine the front of the cameo with a very strong magnifying glass or jeweler's glasses. You should be able to see the fine markings made by the engraving tool around the cameo engraving.

  • This usually applies to all natural carved cameos.
  • Carved markings will usually follow the lines and curves of the design. Scratches that don't follow these lines are just normal strokes and should not be taken as an indication of a cameo's authenticity.
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 12
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 12

Step 5. Feel the temperature

Hold the cameo in your hand for about 30 seconds. A real stone or seashell will make the cameo feel quite cool, but a plastic cameo will quickly warm up from the room temperature and the heat from your skin.

You can also attach a cameo to your waist or chin. These areas are usually slightly cooler than the palm of your hand and can give a more accurate indication

Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 13
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 13

Step 6. Check the hardness

Gently knock the cameo into your teeth and listen to the sound it makes. If the sound is low or not thick, then this cameo is most likely made of plastic.

  • In contrast, cameos that produce a solid sound are usually made of stone or other natural materials.
  • Be careful when performing this test. Don't hit the cameo too hard against your teeth, as doing so could cause damage to your teeth or cameo.
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 14
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 14

Step 7. Pierce the cameo with a hot needle

Heat the sewing needle over low heat or under hot water from the faucet, then stick the needle into the cameo. The needle will melt the plastic easily but won't damage the shells or rocks.

  • Be aware that many modern resins are too hard and will not melt easily, so this test may not be as effective.
  • Take care to prevent burns when handling hot needles. Wear heat-resistant gloves or hold the needle with plastic tongs.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Cameo Cat Quality

Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 15
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 15

Step 1. Examine the cameo for surface paint or bits of enamel

Check this paint or enamel on the decorated cameo front. Deep scratches and scrapes should be minimal.

  • The quality of paints and enamels used by vintage artists are usually much longer than those used by fake cameo manufacturers today. The original Cameo is built to last, so the design should be pretty sturdy.
  • It can also be an indication of the cameo's value. Designs with strokes can lower the cameo's value.
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 16
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 16

Step 2. Think how new it looks

While the cameo damage should be minimal, an authentic cameo won't look new. You will almost certainly find faded colors, some light scratches on the paint, and other signs of use.

As a general rule, if the paint and cameo itself looks shiny and new, then the cameo is probably brand new

Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 17
Tell if a Cameo Is Authentic Step 17

Step 3. Examine the cameo under a magnifying glass

Use a magnifying glass or jeweler's glasses to inspect the front and back for less obvious signs of damage.

While there should only be a few scratches visible to the naked eye, you should still be able to find some fine scratches around the surface of the cameo with this magnifying glass


  • Consider taking the cameo to a professional jeweler to have it checked. An amateur is almost impossible to determine the true market value of a cameo, so if you want to know the price, ask a professional for help. Do this only after you are sure that the cameo is authentic, to save time and money.
  • When buying a cameo, buy it from a seller with a good reputation. Specifically, look for a seller who guarantees accountability for the authenticity and value of the item. Sources like these usually inspect their goods before they are sold and only market genuine cameos of high quality.
