Counterfeit shoes are increasingly being produced. Some people are happy that these fake shoes are cheap, while companies like Converse are paying the price. Counterfeiting shoes are now increasingly sophisticated, many counterfeit experts have difficulty determining which products are truly genuine. However, there are several ways to spot fake Converse shoes that you can try.
Method 1 of 2: Checking Shoes

Step 1. Check the packaging
One easy way to spot fake shoes is when the All Stars are not in the Converse box. The contents of the new shoe packaging are also accompanied by tissue. Sometimes, converse shoes are also filled with paper. If you don't see any common signs of new shoes, you should be suspicious.

Step 2. Check the Chuck Taylor patch
The original patch has a navy blue star, while the fake shoe has a distinct blue color. In addition, the original shoe will be stamped with only one star along with Taylor's signature. Observe the obscure emblem. Many fake shoes have vague emblems and other design elements or words.
- All Stars is also available in a wide variety of colors and styles. The logo is not always blue and sometimes the patches are made of rubber.
- Check the asterisk and make sure the print is clean.

Step 3. Look at the shoe trademark
Shoes made before 2008 will have the ® symbol under the All Star logo. If you see this symbol on shoes made over 2008, be careful. Also check the stitched logo. Even if it looks authentic, if you find a logo that is patchy or unclear, you should be suspicious.

Step 4. Pay attention to the tongue of the shoe
The All Stars logo will be printed very clearly on the top of the tongue. Fake shoes have faded print or loose thread around the print area. Traditional shoe tongues are made of canvas. Pay attention to the seams around the edge of the tongue.
As a general rule, if the seams are loose or uneven, you should be suspicious

Step 5. Check the inside of the shoe sole
On the original shoe, the Converse insole will have a sharp, clear print of the word Converse. Be careful if you are buying used shoes, because the print will be more blurred than new shoes. However, that does not mean you should be suspicious.

Step 6. Check the pinstripe
The pinstripe is the painted upper edge of the sole. On the original shoes the color is smooth and perfect. If the paint is a bit rough or uneven, you should be suspicious.

Step 7. Have a pair of All Stars
The best way to understand genuine Converse shoes is to have an authentic item. If you've never had one, buy it at a trusted store. Once you have Converse All Stars shoes, you will know the uniqueness and attributes of these shoes.
Save the location where you bought the original item. Even the original items will need to be replaced as well. That way, you don't have to look around for new places anymore
Method 2 of 2: Checking the Shoe Seller

Step 1. Compare prices
If the price of the shoes is too low, you should examine the shoes more carefully or just ignore them. Fake shoes are usually cheaper than the original Converse. The quality of the shoes is adjusted to the price. If you want to save money, be prepared to see your shoes spoil quickly. The quality of materials and workmanship of cheap Converse shoes can never be compared to the original.
Standard All Star prices usually range from IDR 500,000 to IDR 1,000,000, depending on the type

Step 2. Be careful with the payment method. If you are aware of fake Converse shoes, be careful when paying for them. Usually suppliers who only accept cash are suspect. When buying shoes on the internet, check the website. Have you shopped there before, or do you even recognize the site? Make sure your browser says the site is safe (https://) when you check.
- Many browsers have a lock symbol in the right corner which means that your personal information cannot be stolen.
- A confirmation email will come when you buy an item from a dubious site.

Step 3. Consider the source
Always be vigilant when shopping at flea markets or any kind of supplier. Sometimes suppliers will lead you to strange and potentially dangerous locations to buy counterfeit goods. This supplier carries out illegal operations. Raise your defenses and remember, you can shop a lot safer at a store you trust.
Ask yourself is the low price worth the poor quality and the dangers of buying fake shoes?

Step 4. Ask
Even in seemingly trusted stores, you can find fake shoes. Ask when you see shoes that are too tempting. You can see a lot by the seller's movements. If you think the seller is lying, you should be suspicious.
To think that all open markets sell counterfeit goods is unfair

Step 5. Be careful when shopping abroad
If you plan to shop overseas, review the State Department's travel report before heading to the point of sale. They have information about the location of the counterfeit seller.