Hugging is an intimate way to be close to another person (or yourself) physically and emotionally. When the atmosphere is right, find a comfortable position, relax, and enjoy the moment
While it's not a scientific thing, cuddling can be a little stressful if you've never done it before. Luckily, there's not much you need to know. By feeling comfortable and prepared, you can start and find a comfortable position then enjoy time with your partner or yourself!
Method 1 of 3: Preparing to hug

Step 1. Make sure you smell good
One of the most important things you have to make sure in preparation for cuddling is your personal hygiene. Nobody wants to cuddle with someone who hasn't showered for three days.
- Get yourself ready for a cuddle with a hot shower before your boyfriend arrives. Wash your hair with a scented shampoo and shave off the fine hairs that need to be shaved!
- Apply deodorant and spray a little perfume or apply aftershave on your pulse points, such as behind your ears, on the inside of your wrists, in the crook of your elbows and at the base of your throat.
- Also remember to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with mouthwash. Hugging is often followed by kissing!

Step 2. Set the mood
The second thing you need is to set the scene for a more intimate hug.
- Try to get as much privacy as possible – make sure your parents/family/friends/roommates aren't home, or at least make sure they're out of the room.
- Dim the lights. Close the main light in the room and use a few small lights will make the atmosphere more romantic and suitable for cuddling. Try lighting some scented candles if you really want to level up the romance.
- Make sure the temperature in the room is warm, not too hot. You don't want your partner to shiver, but you also don't want them to get too hot when they approach you. In other words, lighting a small fire can be very romantic.

Step 3. Get Comfortable
Comfort is very important when it comes to cuddling, so make sure you and your partner are not sitting on the floor.
- Choose a place to cuddle such as a comfortable sofa, a place to sit for two or on a bed. Pile up with lots of pillows or cushions - this can be useful when you have awkward elbows or hipbones while cuddling
- Take a warm blanket (which is big enough to cover both of you) and hang it over the back of the sofa. Then you will find it easier to reach for the blanket once a good cuddling position is established. Make sure the blanket is soft, not scratchy like a wool blanket.
Method 2 of 3: Entering the Hug

Step 1. Invite your partner to sit down
When your partner has arrived, gently guide them to your chosen cuddle location and ask them to sit down.
- Ask them if they'd like something to drink or eat – you need to make sure all their needs are taken care of in advance so something silly like "needing a glass of water" doesn't bother you while you're cuddling.
- Tell them they can take off their shoes and cuddle under the covers-you want them to be as comfortable as possible
- Play a movie or TV show or game or any other activity you have planned for the evening.

Step 2. Do your first step
Sit next to your partner – As close as you can to feel comfortable – you can plan a cuddle movement.
- Try to rest your arms behind the couch just behind your partner's head (this works well for men, may feel unnatural for women). When your guts have grown, you can move your arm to your partner's shoulder
- Try to hold your partner's hand. You can just hold or play with his hands, stroking his fingers and massaging his palms.
- You can start playing with your partner's hair (male or female), twirling their hair or stroking them (without pulling). Or, you can try massaging their neck or gently tugging on their earlobe.
- It doesn't matter what you're doing as long as you're touching your partner -- the point is to initiate physical contact so you can easily embrace the maximum.

Step 3. Start cuddling
Once you get past the hurdles of touching and start to feel confident, you can move smoothly into the perfect cuddle.
- Men can do this by placing their arm on their partner's shoulder and pulling him closer. This will allow his partner to rest his head on his chest or shoulder.
- Women can hold his man's arm and sort of hug his arm, resting their head on his shoulder or chest. If you want to be really comfortable, you can also rest your feet on your guy's lap (make sure this won't make them uncomfortable).
- Congratulations - - you're hugging!

Step 4. Try a few different positions
Now that the cuddling has begun, there's no stopping you! Try some of these cuddling ideas:
- Try the sitting spoon position, where you both sit facing the same direction, where the woman sits between the man's legs and lies on the man's chest. Men can then place their hands around the women's shoulders.
- Try resting your head on your partner's lap, or allow them to rest their head on your lap. So that the couple who is sitting can play with the hair or hands of their partner who is lying down.
- If you end up losing interest in whatever you were watching or doing before, you can try some more intimate cuddling styles where you are both required to lie down. Try lying face to face, allowing your foreheads to touch each other and your feet to be on top. This position is perfect for deeper conversations.
- Another horizontal style is to allow one person to lie on their back, while the other lies facing the first person and rests his head on his partner's chest. This is a good position for sleeping.
Method 3 of 3: Hugging Solo

Step 1. Make a hot drink and grab some snacks for yourself
Solo cuddling can be a little boring, so make sure to treat yourself well to keep yourself entertained. And, drinking a hot drink like tea or hot chocolate is like getting a hug from the inside out!

Step 2. Take a blanket
If you cuddle alone, you will not get another body beside you for comfort and warmth, so take the biggest blanket, Take the most comfortable blanket and wrap yourself in a blanket.

Step 3. Surround yourself with pillows
Make a little pillow fort for yourself out of all the pillows you can find around the house. Place a few behind your back and head, pressing one against your stomach and holding the other song between your legs (this one is great!).

Step 4. Bring your pet to come and join you
Ok, so here's a bit of cheating on the "solo" part, but there's no denying that cats and dogs (or bunnies, chinchillas and other little furry critters) make perfect cuddle buddies. Having a pet to cuddle with you will take your cuddling to a whole new level.
Step 5.