There is an ordinary hug, there is an affectionate hug. Sometimes your partner or lover just wants a hug, but you can give them a more meaningful hug. For a romantic hug, follow these steps.
Method 1 of 2: Face-to-face Hugs

Step 1. Place your arm so that your body is close to it
In a romantic embrace, your upper body -- your chest and stomach -- will touch each other. This is a very warm and intimate position, and emphasizes the intimacy between the two of you.
Generally, the taller hugger will put his arm around the shorter person's waist, while the shorter person will put their arm around the taller person's neck or shoulders. The opposite can also happen, especially if there's a huge difference in height: the taller person puts his arm around the shorter person's shoulders (and pulls up to his chest), while the shorter person wraps his arm around his waist.
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Step 2. Look at each other
Turning your head to someone is a sign of intimacy. Move your head to the side as you lean back for a romantic hug (in the US, most people will automatically switch to their right side). But don't move it too far -- touch your cheek to his. For an added romantic touch, touch, or rub your head or even your face against his head or neck (or his chest, if you're much shorter than the person you're hugging).

Step 3. Drag and hold
A romantic hug lasts longer than a regular hug. Pull the body closer for two or three seconds. Take a deep breath and let it out; relax the body in the arms and enjoy. Remember to pull hard enough for him to feel it, but not so hard that it makes it difficult for him to breathe normally. It's not romantic to make the partner you're hugging pass out because they're out of breath.

Step 4. Use your hands
Run one of your hands on his back or arm a few times. Or if you have your hands on her head, gently stroke her hair or the back of her neck. A gentle caress is something romantic. A quick caress is cute, unless it's very cold outside, and you're trying to warm up the partner you're hugging.

Step 5. Release slowly
When you step back after you're done hugging, keep your hands in contact with each other. This is the perfect time to look at each other, smile, and have a heart-to-heart talk.
Method 2 of 2: Hugging from behind

Step 1. Approach him from behind
One way to show spontaneity is to surprise your boyfriend by hugging him from behind. As long as he's not doing anything too important, wrapping your arms around his waist and leaning your head can be a very sweet surprise.

Step 2. Stand behind the person you are going to hug
Press your body into his back, and wrap your arms around his body. Your height doesn't matter much in this step, except for the position of your hands.
Generally, people who hug with a taller body will relax the upper arms, and embrace with the lower arms. People who hug with a shorter body can straighten their arms, and don't have to bend their elbows.
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Step 3. Place your arms in front
You can "stack" one arm on top of the other, place one arm in front of the other, or even reach through your chest and grab the shoulder of the person you're hugging; In determining the best place to place your arms, it all depends on the size of your arms and the size of the person you're hugging.

Step 4. Touch each other's heads
Like a face-to-face hug, leaning your head against someone's body is a sign of intimacy. If you are tall or taller than the person being hugged, you can stroke their face or neck. But if you're shorter, you can lean your head sideways on his back.

Step 5. Drag and hold
A romantic hug lasts longer than a regular hug. Gently squeeze your body closer for two or three seconds. Take a deep breath, and let it out; relax in the arms, and enjoy.

Step 6. Use your hands
For the cuddled person, stroking the cuddler is a sweet and natural touch. You can also reach back and stroke his face or hair. For people who hug, caresses can be done intimately without needing much effort. If you're in the same mood as the person you're hugging, this is a fun way to start an intimate relationship. If not, proceed with caution. This kind of caress can bring you closer or farther away from him. Still, a gentle caress is a romantic thing.

Step 7. Twist the body of the person you are hugging
Enjoy hugging each other while enjoying intimacy with your partner. If you need further guidance, start reading from the top again. Enjoy!
- Embrace his waist, and pull him closer so he feels warm and safe.
- Hugs can bring you closer to someone's body, so watch out for your body odor. At the same time, remember that perfume, cologne, and breath mints can make a romantic hug even more enjoyable if used sparingly. There's nothing more disturbing at a moment like this than a bad smell from your body or your partner, and this could also be from excessive perfume.
- Make sure you smell good, not everyone wants to cuddle with someone who doesn't smell good. Also, don't rush into a hug, give it time, and relax. Don't try to make hugs an exercise. Follow your feelings.
- Hugging is like dancing and kissing; requires a response from both parties. You give the other person energy, and you can't force a response from them.
- If you like wearing cologne, spritz a little. As he approaches, he will smell a light scent from your body. Not a strong pungent scent from spraying too much on it.
- Do everything slowly. Hugs and quick smiles are for people you aren't very close with or family members you don't really like; a slow hug for the person whose presence makes you happy. Also, because a romantic hug is such a very intimate interaction, you also need to give the other person plenty of time to break your hug if he or she feels uncomfortable. Don't move too slowly, but approach slowly so the person knows what you're doing.
- Try natural perfumes like fruity scents.
- Try hugging each other face to face under the stars, and when you're done, stand in the same position and kiss them goodnight.
- Hug a woman from behind, she will love it!