If you have turtles or sea turtles, the tank will need to be cleaned more than once a month. You must keep the water for drinking and swimming clean for the health of your pet. Maintenance of the tank is done by removing all objects, scrubbing and rinsing all the contents, then returning everything to the tank after adjusting the temperature and chemical content of the water. Once you get used to keeping your aquarium tank clean, it's not difficult to provide a clean habitat for your turtle or turtle so that it can live a happy and healthy life.
Method 1 of 3: Preparing the Tank for Cleaning

Step 1. Move the turtle or sea turtle
Gently remove the animal from the tank, and transfer it to a pail, bowl, or pet container when you buy it from the pet store. Put enough water so the animal can swim and climbable objects such as rocks or wood into this container. For reasons of hygiene, do not use this container other than as a temporary home for turtles or turtles.
Use a container large enough for your pet to spin around while swimming. Try to choose a transparent container

Step 2. Remove the filter and heater
Disconnect the power cord, then remove the tank electronics. Transfer to a sink or bucket to clean up later. Remember the position of the device so that it is not mistaken when reinserted. Placing everything as it should be will prevent the pet from being disoriented.

Step 3. Take out the big object
Remove any plastic or live plants, boulders, or lumps of wood one at a time. Place in containers that will only be used for this purpose, for sanitary reasons. If you're going to clean the tank in the tub, just set it aside in the tub.

Step 4. Move the tank to the cleaning area
Depending on how far you can carry the tank, move it to a grassy area outside, or a bathtub. Never carry a tank alone; You have to ask someone else for help, preferably an adult to lift the tank. Position yourself on each of the wide sides of the tank, and carefully slide it to the edge of the table. Then, hold the aquarium from the bottom with both hands.

Step 5. Empty all water
Lift one end of the tank until the water is completely drained. Ask someone else for help if the tank is too heavy. Lift the tank from a squat position and straighten your legs, instead of trying to lift it with just your arms and back.
If you have small rocky substrate, feel free to leave it in the tank. If the substrate is organic, such as peat or peanut shells, remove it and replace it with each cleaning
Method 2 of 3: Scrubbing and Rinsing the Tank and Its Contents

Step 1. Rinse the substrate
Use a garden hose or tub faucet to fill the tank to full, then empty it completely. Repeat five times, until the water in the tank is much clearer than before.
- To empty the tank, slowly lift one end from a squat position, then straighten your legs to lift the tank instead of just using your arms and back muscles. The position of the tank should be almost vertical before all the water is drained from it.
- Ask someone else, preferably an adult, to help lift the tank if it's too heavy

Step 2. Prepare the cleaning solution
Make a cleaning solution with 2 liters of chlorine bleach and 4 liters of water. You can also mix 1 liter of distilled white vinegar with 4 liters of water.
- If you're cleaning a tank in your yard or other area near plants, don't use vinegar or bleach, as these will kill them. Instead, use a biodegradable cleaner that is environmentally friendly and can be purchased at a pet store.
- Never use household cleaners, detergents or disinfecting agents such as hand or dish soap (Sunlight, Dettol, etc.) as the chemical residues are difficult to completely remove.
- If you're bothered by the smell of chlorine or vinegar, look for a turtle-safe cleaner at a pet store. Make sure you also choose one that is safe for plants and biodegradable when cleaning the tank outside the house near the plants.

Step 3. Scrub the tank
Dip a sponge or rough cloth in the cleaning solution. Scrub all sides of the tank, including the bottom. Be sure not to miss the corners and parts of the tank panels meeting. Dirt tends to settle and get trapped in this area.
To avoid disturbing the substrate, tilt the tank to one side so that the gravel falls onto that side. Scrape all the contents of the tank except the gravel substrate, then tilt the tank to the opposite side and repeat the process. Finally, scrub the substrate clean

Step 4. Clean the device and decorations
Remove the filter according to the instructions in the user's manual, and scrub each part with the cleaning solution. Pay special attention to the filter by rinsing it under tap water or a hose. Scrub the outside of the heater, and remove all decorations, rocks, wood, and plastic plants. Rinse everything in a bucket or tub, and air dry.
- Have someone clean the filter if you cut or scratch your hand to prevent infection.
- Change the filter bag once a month.

Step 5. Rinse the tank
Flush water into the tank using a hose or faucet, and make sure there are no residues of cleaning agents and residual dirt left behind. Rinse all sides of the tank until it no longer smells of vinegar or bleach. Dry the outside with a towel.
Method 3 of 3: Refilling the Tank

Step 1. Return the tank
Next, slowly bring the tank to the display area, and make sure you are assisted by one or more people. Then, put everything back in the tank, while being careful about installing electronic devices. Try to arrange the contents of the tank as closely as possible to how it was before cleaning. Thus, the pet is not disoriented and stressed when returned to the tank.
Make sure you dry the tank with a clean towel before transporting it. Thus, the risk of slipping from the hand can be reduced

Step 2. Dechlorinate the new water
Tap water can contain levels of chlorine that are harmful to turtles or sea turtles. However, you can control this with a pet-safe water dechlorinator, which can be purchased at pet stores. This is especially important if you use bleach to clean the tank as the dechlorinator will neutralize any residual chlorine that is harmful to pets.
Refill the tank using a clean bucket and bathtub tap water

Step 3. Check the water temperature
The water temperature in the tank should be between 21-27 degrees Celsius. This temperature is equivalent to the average room temperature so if the water is too warm or cold, wait half an hour before checking the temperature again. If the water is too cold, use a water heater to raise it.

Step 4. Use the test kit to measure the chemical content of the water
Make sure the pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels are within a safe range for your pet. You can get test kits for each component at a pet store. The test is usually carried out by mixing a small amount of tank water into the solution in a test tube, which color will change according to an indication of its chemical content.
- The ideal pH level of tank water is between 7-8 for most turtles or turtles. However, some turtles or sea turtles require a special pH level. Be sure to check with the pet store staff for the specific pH level your pet needs.
- If the water chemistry is not sufficient, you can buy additives that will increase or decrease the levels of each component.

Step 5. Add salt
Mix one teaspoon of non-iodized salt per 4 liters of tank water. This can help you reduce the amount of harmful bacteria in the tank, as well as protect your pet from skin and shell diseases.

Step 6. Return the pet to the tank
Gently place the turtle or turtle back into its favorite spot in the tank. Reward them with treats like worms, lettuce, or their favorite food.
Once everything is back in the tank, wash your hands thoroughly with a strong antibacterial soap
- Try to keep the water level in the tank the same as before cleaning.
- Try to keep the tank clean once every few weeks, or less if it looks dirty before three weeks.
- Make sure you check for turtles or turtles when outside of the tank.
- After you return the turtle or turtle to the tank, give it a treat so it doesn't resent the cleaning session.
- Turtles or turtles may peel their skin off after you change the tank water.
- Keep the tortoise in a wooden box. The glass tank will quickly heat up and endanger his life.