If you want to turn yourself into a good Christian teenager, attending church regularly and reading the Bible every day is not enough even though these activities are very important. To make this wish come true, you must live your life as a good Christian, for example by helping others. This article provides instructions so that you can turn into a Christian teenager who is worthy of imitation.
Part 1 of 3: Behaving Right

Step 1. Be a role model for other youth
As a good Christian teenager, you must set an example through concrete actions according to Christian faith. Everything you do in your daily life should reflect the goodness of God.
- Be positive, smiley, and well-behaved. Don't gossip about other people. Be nice to everyone, including unpopular people. Love others as yourself. Do what has to be done, instead of just talking too much.
- Be a leader. Don't join in on the discussion or joke about a subject that makes you sinful. Stay away from these people, but remind them not to do it again. If a friend is being bullied, try to help them. Be a teenager who refuses to talk rudely or gossip.
- Don't drink alcohol, smoke, party, cheat, gossip, and behave in a negative way. Take time every Friday night to pray, instead of wasting time partying.

Step 2. Be patient and kind
If your actions and words do not reflect that you are a good Christian, then you are doing the wrong thing. Live everyday with the right attitude.
- Love others and try to help even if you have to make sacrifices. This is the commandment of Jesus that He conveyed while living life as a human. This means you must love others as you love yourself. Don't behave badly to other people because they are concerned with ego and status. Treat others well if you want to get the same treatment.
- Open insight. Love all people regardless of religion, race, sexual orientation, and creed. Do not insult others by saying inappropriate words or making intolerant statements. You can't make a positive difference when you say swearing and porn jokes. Be a teenager who is able to respect others, deserve respect, and live in holiness.
- When you are active at school or in other communities, prove that you are a Christian who deserves to be followed by being humble, friendly, patient, and showing respect when interacting with followers of other religions.

Step 3. Interact with excluded people
Jesus still loved those who were mistreated or looked down upon by society. In joy and sorrow, never ignore other people. What's more, never leave God.
- You will meet private individuals at school or while socializing. They interact only with certain people because they are difficult to get along with so they don't have many friends. Be the middleman by inviting them to interact even if you have to leave your comfort zone. In this way, they can make new friends.
- If someone is sitting alone at lunch, approach them and get to know them. Be a good listener to friends who are having problems. Making friends is a very appropriate first step to invite others to know Christ. Sowing seeds of goodness with concrete actions is the best and most effective way to spread the word of Jesus. Next, let the Holy Spirit work to cultivate Christian faith in them.
- In addition to making friends, share God's love and blessings with others by encouraging, praying, and living daily according to the Bible. Treat everyone as a fellow human being. Remember that everyone is God's creation and deserves the same opportunity to be understood, regardless of their status and profession.

Step 4. Learn to accept rejection or disappointment with a big soul
Be happy for the good you have done. However, remember that being positive in the face of rejection or negativity in everyday life is not easy.
- Don't be afraid to face confrontation when it comes to beliefs. Remember that everyone has a different background so they became Christians, perhaps through a dramatic conversion or by being baptized from birth. Either way, you have the right to decide what you believe to have faith in Jesus. If someone mocks your beliefs, explain why you decided to become a Christian.
- Turn the other cheek. If someone has wronged you or been rude to you, forgive and keep loving them. One of the attributes of Christ is to forgive others. We are all born as human beings who are sinful, weak, and not free from mistakes. Do not give up easily. If someone hurts your feelings, try to forgive them.
- If you fail, forgive yourself, get up again, then fight again because the most important thing for God is not how many times you fall, but how many times you get up again. Live life and develop yourself positively. You are a unique person with your own abilities, talents, strengths, weaknesses, interests and preferences. Work on developing the positive aspects of your personality.
Part 2 of 3: Expanding Knowledge of the Christian Faith

Step 1. Continue to study Christianity and the Christian faith
Do not stop learning and deepening your knowledge of Christian teachings as you get older. Even adults are still trying to find answers to things that are difficult to understand.
- Join a group of young people who have a desire to learn. Others will notice a change in your group. Dare to answer questions and leave your comfort zone for others to do the same.
- It's good to say Bible verses, but being able to understand the true meaning and relevance of each verse to the overall Bible text is much more important. You can say "God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son…" (John 3:16), but your faith doesn't change anything if you don't love your neighbor.

Step 2. Read the Bible
Start reading the Bible one verse per day. The word of God is a guide for life so it plays a very important role in everyday life. You can read the Bible by downloading an app to listen to recorded Bible verses or watching YouTube videos showing knowledge about the Christian faith.
- Ask questions to expand knowledge. Many Christians dedicate their lives to studying Christianity, but there are still things that are not understood. Remember that the writing history, language, translation, context, and meaning of each word play an important role when reading the Bible and Christian studies.
- Meet people who can guide you, such as a pastor, pastor, or Sunday school teacher and show high respect for them. Ask if they are willing to guide you to study Christianity. Take regular Bible courses, especially those your age. This method is much more beneficial than attending regular worship services.

Step 3. Pray often and come to church for worship
Begin praying by saying, "Lord, I don't know what to do, but I really want to change." Instead of paying attention to the words you say, God just wants to hear you talk to Him.
- Keep a journal after each prayer to remember what you prayed for and find out the answered prayer. Don't forget to pray for others, instead of just praying for yourself.
- Ask your parents to take you to church for regular worship. Memorize some important prayers and then say them at bedtime and before eating. Take time to calm down and reflect on God's goodness, be grateful, regret mistakes, and think about things that need improvement.
- When praying, ask God what you should do because He knows your abilities, strengths, weaknesses, and the best way to make changes. Don't let age or comfort keep you from doing what God wants you to do.
Part 3 of 3: Doing Good to Others

Step 1. Raise funds to help people in need
Start charity by collecting change or setting aside pocket money. Find a useful reason and then raise funds or use your savings to donate.
- Make a donation via the website or join a volunteer in a community that helps others know God and understand His word. Many organizations serve needy people around the world and teach about Jesus Christ.
- You can raise funds by washing your car, opening a lemonade stand, or selling books you've read. Willingness to give is what matters to God, not how much is donated.

Step 2. Join a youth group or activity according to the church's mission
Another way to help others is to join a church community. Get involved in the journey to realize the mission of the church at home or abroad. If there is no such activity in your church, submit a suggestion to the congregation.
- Tithe (give 10% of the money you receive to the church) or donate items that are no longer used. Invite friends to worship at church or join a youth group.
- Distinguish between school activities and youth activities at church and don't get bored quickly. Dedicate yourself to God and show this by being a person who is always cheerful, enthusiastic, and puts all efforts for the good of the group. If possible, form/join youth groups in schools.
- Remember that you don't have to travel between islands or between continents. Join church activities with some friends to help church staff visit various campuses or schools in the city and spread the word of Jesus to students who are ready to hear God's word.

Step 3. Express your faith and life principles honestly
Sometimes, this is very difficult to do. Maybe you feel like the only Christian teenager to be open about faith. Keep your stand. Deepen your relationship with Jesus. Start activities outside the home to interact and establish relationships with other people.
- Christian youth are ambassadors, not secret agents. In order to move the other person's heart, start interacting by inviting them to chat. Share your beliefs honestly. Wear simple clothes and open up a conversation.
- Convey and defend the moral values you believe in with positive words. Never be negative towards other people. Keep your faith. Tell me what God has done for you as a follower of Christ. Many youths have little or no faith in God. Show that you have changed by giving testimony about the things you have experienced because of living according to the words of Jesus.

Step 4. Help others by donating time
Volunteer to provide assistance to the homeless, elderly, disabled, or at an animal shelter. Show concern for others at church, at school, and at home.
- Give help in simpler ways, for example by moving other people in your environment. For example, help a schoolmate with homework, organize a community service to clean the garden, or invite people to donate blood.
- Provide assistance by volunteering at the church, for example by opening doors for congregants who will attend services or cleaning the church after worship.

Step 5. Share your faith only if it benefits others
However, don't force your beliefs on others. If someone asks why you are able to face problems, tell them that you believe in God and leave all problems/fears/sufferings to God. That way, you can help other people solve their problems.
- Don't hesitate to testify to God's goodness in your life. Ask the pastor/pastor if you can testify and volunteer at the church. One effective way to show Christianity is to be cheerful and friendly. What's more, never force your beliefs on others.
- Spread the good news that God always helps us, especially to those who are having difficulties and want to listen to God's word. Remember that following Jesus doesn't mean you have to attack other religions. Christianity is a religion that teaches peace and love. Be a teenager who is able to love others for who they are and remember that you can't change anyone by fiddling with Bible verses. In order to prove that the Christian faith can change you into a better person, be kind to other people regardless of their beliefs.
- Don't be easily influenced by what other people say. Hold on to your beliefs.
- Try to change yourself before changing others. The desire to change is difficult to realize if you do not live a God-centered life and do not understand the teachings of your own religion.
- Listen to Christian music and read Christian books.
- If you don't know how to pray, just tell God about your problems.