The nature of a person is an intangible form of life. Why stay silent when you have such an extraordinary ability that it can take the world by surprise? Don't be silent. Although being the best takes time, and also requires determination and practice, being the best is an incomparable feeling. Here are some suggestions on how you can be the best from now on.
Part 1 of 3: Be Yourself

Step 1. Know yourself
The most important thing in life is to always be yourself. When you're not being yourself, it eventually disappears and you're back to being who you are. These are things that will exploit you, so know who you are! You'll feel more comfortable when you're just yourself -- you'll be a better person, a better friend, a better boyfriend, a better employee, and you'll be better at everything. You will feel less stressed and you will become more confident. Will you find out what is controlling you and how to stop it?
Know that who you are is not determined by what other people think of you. This has absolutely nothing to do with you. You will not be happy if you try to make a good impression on the world around you, not on yourself. If you became the best soprano in Vienna, would it be a big deal if you wanted to be the next John Lennon? No. So don't care about anyone. Find yourself and control yourself

Step 2. Be yourself
There is only one "you" in this world. You are the best. However, if you try to be someone else, “you are the best” doesn't apply anymore. You will be the 2nd person to anyone or anything you match. No matter who you are, accept it and live it. Being yourself is something you have to deal with. You won't "win" if you don't try to be yourself.
To be the best, you can't turn your wheel back. You must not imitate others and must do something new, also innovate. You need to study biology if you want to become a computer scientist. Likewise with you, you need to be yourself so you don't become someone else. Very clear?

Step 3. Start thinking positively
You are the one who will always be the toughest obstacle in your life. You will be the reason why you don't want to be a sexy man/woman, and you will be the reason whether you can be successful or not. Positive thinking will open the door for many opportunities to enter your life. When you have expertise at something, then give it a try. When you think of life as shooting a fish from a gun, aim exactly at the fish and shoot. When you get a negative response, put down the gun, put the gun away, sleep and cover your head. No one can aim it precisely but you.
If positive thinking can't just come to you, try to make positive things within yourself. Get up in the morning, look in the mirror and say out loud, "I'm so amazing. Today is going to be an amazing day and I'm getting closer to my life's purpose." And when negative thoughts start to appear, stop them from continuing to appear in your mind because you are the one who determines your thoughts

Step 4. Be happy
You can be the best at anything because you alone determine what field you want to master. If you are not happy, then what can make you happy? So be happy! When you are happy, the things you wish for can happen because in a happy state your mind will be full of inspiration and creativity.
Your success in this world is actually related to what you want. Remember the time when you submitted an English assignment that you didn't take seriously but got an A because your classmates did it worse than you? You finally feel satisfied and stop caring. Lose your joy. Remember: Life is not like that. You will feel happy if you submit assignments that you believe deserve an A. Actually in this world there are also many people who submit assignments that deserve an A

Step 5. Be open and flexible
There is no other way to success. You shouldn't say, "I'm going to go to school, get a job, fall in love, buy a house, have kids, and live happily ever after." For most people including us, these things will not really work and become a reality. If you want to have the ability or expertise at something, you have to realize that there are many roads ahead of you. If you close your mind, you may not see a straight path to achieving your life goals.
So the next time you sit down with your team and you're working on a project on how to get Lindsay Lohan in your school documentary, don't laugh at Yoon's comments trying to push Lindsay Lohan into the pool in her uncle's backyard. Do you remember when people thought Galileo was crazy?

Step 6. Be a competitive person
If you don't have competitors, you won't be the best. You need competitors to be the best. How else can you know that you are the best if you don't compare yourself? Compare yourself with them and then become a winner.
If you're not comfortable with things like competitions, contests, or competitions, then that's bad news for you: they need to change. And the only way to change that is to immerse yourself. If you know who are experts in your field, they will change you little by little. After that, you will get used to it.
Do not exaggerate. If you're someone who turns anything into a competition, you won't have many friends. Turn a competition into a competition meant only to make you better at your skills -- not life in general
Part 2 of 3: Unleash Your Potential

Step 1. Choose something you like
If you don't know what you like, you can't be better than anyone else. Even if you are the best person on earth, you can't be the best, i.e. win and lose. So instead of making yourself weak, you better choose something you like. What was the first thing you wanted to master and love? It will pop into your head for about 3 seconds.
Remember to be realistic. Don't want to climb Mount Everest if you don't have legs. When your mother said, "You can be anything you think you can be," your mother covered it up a bit. If you can do it, it will definitely happen. Remember it

Step 2. Find a mentor
You need direction to be the best. No baby learns on their own how to walk, talk, and play without being shown them. People around you will help you to continue to grow. So when you want to master something, find someone who can do it. Your teacher or mentor doesn't need to be a very skilled person, but they should be better than you, at least for now. Having someone to guide you is much easier -- and faster -- than learning it yourself.
When Bobby Fischer was 3 years old, he didn't choose a professional chess book and started taking notes. He was previously given a chessboard and shown how to play it. He played with competitors to develop his chess playing skills. He competed with his friends in order to think of what strategy he should use to beat his competitors. He studied under the guidance of an expert in the game of chess. Two heads are better than one, remember?

Step 3. Try to be uncomfortable
You know what's scary? That is to try something. You know what's scarier? That is to try something new where you might fail. And this will affect you. To be on top, all those scary things can happen and will make you uncomfortable. But when you're not comfortable, you'll put yourself out there, take risks, accept challenges, and thrive. If you continue to be comfortable, you will not thrive.
Henry Ford had failed to run his company twice before he was successful. Steve Jobs had many failures before he was truly successful. There will be trials and temptations; there will be failure; There will be times when you feel unsure. But you can definitely get through it

Step 4. Decide
It's good to want to be the best, but it's not enough. You have to decide, so decide what you want to do. If you have a plan B, you can use it. What does Plan B consist of? To be slightly above average? No, thank you.
"Being the best" is not an idea, nor is it a goal. You are yourself. You are being yourself. Finished. Please accept. No need to waste time and be shy. Go for it. You have decided. It takes time to be the best

Step 5. Create an idea
You know what you like? What would you do? If you already know what you love, there are thousands of ways to do it, what path would you like to take? Start thinking. List six things that can push you to be extraordinary. Six things to get you on the right path.
If you already have six ideas, pick one. Do it today too. Just say you want to be a famous actress, okay? The six things are taking drama class, contacting your friends who are in drama class, contacting the theater/drama agency in your area, saving money on moving, planning a rehearsal routine, and checking out an advertising site or other advertisements in your area. How easy is it to do any of the six things above? If you've already done one thing, move on. You should always have these six things on your list

Step 6. Get yourself balanced
If you spend 14 hours in a dungeon, only eat Ramen noodles and drink Kool Aid, don't shower and blow your hair, you can't be the best. Make sure you pay attention to other aspects of life too. You want to be the best at everything, right? It means look at the part, act as the part, be the part, and feel the part. In other words, take care of yourself!
It's hard to be the best when you feel you're not the best. So take a shower, do your hair, throw your clothes and say, "Here I am, O world!" and start being someone extraordinary. Start exercising, eat right, and get some sleep
Part 3 of 3: Make It Come True

Step 1. Practice
In Malcolm Gladwell's book, "Outliers," he talks about the 10,000 hour rule. You didn't really notice it before, but it actually consumes your time until you finally try to practice using the 10,000 hour rule. He talks about how the Beatles weren't famous enough that they ended up spending 10,000 hours practicing playing a German instrument. He also talked about how Bill Gates spent every night in the computer lab for years before anyone else thought about it. To be great at something, you do need time.
This is also another way of saying "be patient." You can't be Paul McCartney or Bill Gates overnight. Even they are not like that! You'll spend 1,000 hours on a bad day, the next 3,000 on good times, the next 4,000 on slightly better times, and 1,999 hours on a period where you end up being really awesome. so you can measure your own abilities. Then you'll realize -- you don't have to manage your own time

Step 2. Learn as you do it
You may have already studied a foreign language. You may have read the book, done the exercises, watched the video, etc. This is indeed the beginning that you need to do, but what you have done you can quickly forget as time goes by. If you want to be fluent in a foreign language, you need to move and live in the country. You need to do it. This is the same as the previous idea. You don't just watch videos. You don't just observe. You don't just learn it over the years. You need to go and do it.
- If someone offers you an opportunity and you're not sure whether to take it or not, don't listen to yourself and take the offer. It doesn't matter if you are unprepared or unsure or doubting your abilities. Just do it. Turn your inner voice; You will get a loss more than a profit.
- Try whatever you can. You want to be an astronaut? Don't just read books. Go to the nearest planetarium and stay there until you are asked to leave and do this every day until they know your name and offer you to look around the office space at the planetarium. Ask your professor until he shows you a special telescope just for you. Act.

Step 3. Make sacrifices
Here's a fact of life for you: One day is not enough for you to make a cake and eat it at the same time. If you want to make all of your Organic Chemistry test results really good, you shouldn't be spending every night at the bar with your friends. You need to have priorities. You need to prioritize your time doing what you need to do, not doing what you want to do. You need hours to develop your skills, you can't develop your skills if you are doing other things at the same time.
There will be times when instead of exercising, you will prefer to work part time. You will spend your weekends in the library. There will be times when you can't go out with your friends when they only have one day in your city. Things like this need to happen to make you a better person. You still need to think about these things because you also need fun

Step 4. Fail
Make a truly fatal mistake. Make people hate you. Do something so different that people think you're crazy. Miserable failures on the other hand let you know what you shouldn't do. Be proud of the mistakes you made. It means you are doing something.
The only way to avoid criticism and failure is to do nothing. Making yourself a target means you are doing something, it also means that you are alive. Failure is a good and natural thing. When you have ten possibilities and you know nine out of ten things won't work, guess what will happen?

Step 5. Try to analyze yourself
At the end of the day, you need to sit down and think about what happened today. What worked? And what didn't work? What can you do to make it better? Are you happy when something works and are you unhappy when it doesn't work? If you don't think about this, don't think about where you are, you will never know where you are going and how.
While analyzing your success is an important thing to do, it is also important for you to analyze your failures. This can frustrate you and get you down, but analyzing failures is what you need to do. Don't let it haunt you! Remember: Failure is a process. Becoming the best is a process where you need to develop your abilities

Step 6. Let other people be your advantage
You don't live alone. You have thousands of people around you who want to help you. This can help. Everyone you know knows something you don't necessarily know. Therefore, they can help you -- even if it is the smallest help. Use their knowledge to make you faster to be the best.
No one can walk alone without the help of others. Not only do they avoid doing what they've done, they can also tell you what things they've done that didn't work. When you ask them for help, it automatically makes it easier for you to think about what you need to do to make yourself the best you can be. You can't be the best just because of your own efforts

Step 7. Stay on the right path and keep moving forward
"Even if you are on the right path, you will not succeed if you just sit there," is a quote from Will Rogers. This quote has a very deep meaning. To be the best, you need constant progress, for example, regular practice, regular self-analysis, fixed groups, and constant determination.
- If you do what you love, you will be happy. You will know that you are on the right path. If you keep learning and challenging yourself, you realize that you are making progress. With time and effort, you will get better and better. Failure may happen, failure can also cause sadness, but eventually you will master your abilities very well.
- If you've been practicing 10,000 hours, that doesn't mean you've stopped doing it! Did Steve Jobs quit when he made the iPod nano? NO. HE DOESN'T STOP. If that happens, your hard work will only pay off in 10,000 hours. Wouldn't you like to know what area you are good at?

Step 8. Be humble
When you are at the peak of success, it is very easy to see people below you. You could be someone who is arrogant. Do not do it! Think of the people who helped you get to where you are now. How would you like to be treated?