Fortune-telling is the ability to “see” the future, but real divination does not require crystal balls and elaborate divination rituals. Before developing fortune-telling, develop your intuitive abilities/instincts. Once your instincts are well honed, practice your mind's ability to tap into the sights, sounds, feelings, and all the energy that moves around you. Keep reading to find out more about the fortune-telling process.
Part 1 of 4: Exercises to Develop Intuition and Perception

Step 1. Practice with direct intuition
Direct intuition, which is also called literal intuition, is the kind of intuition you use when asking yourself questions about certain situations.
- Make yourself comfortable. Sit in a quiet place and focus on breathing until you feel relaxed.
- Know the situation you want to see through the forecast. Focus on the situation for a few minutes.
- Ask aloud or silently for an intuitive experience that is immediate in the future.
- Take it off. You'll need to do this a few times before something pops up, but by focusing your energy on one particular situation, your intuition is more likely to pick up on cues in that situation than anything else.

Step 2. Practice with indirect intuition
Indirect intuition, which is also called symbolic intuition, focuses the mind's natural ability to perceive things of great importance by developing the ability to see and interpret symbols.
- Take a pencil and a piece of paper.
- Ask yourself, "What does my life need right now?" Repeat this question three times, pausing between each question while imagining yourself moving on to a more meaningful answer each time.
- After asking the question three times, take the pencil and draw the first symbol that comes to mind.
- Interpret the symbol. Find out what you think the symbol represents and how the concept has impacted your life.

Step 3. Listen to the dream
The human mind enters the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) stage every 90 minutes, and during this stage, the mind is dreaming. Dreams can be a powerful tool in your journey to interpret cues from external stimuli that have been analyzed by the subconscious.
- Before going to bed, place a pad of paper and a pen by the bed. Ask yourself questions and focus on certain situations in life that require intuitive answers. Repeat as often as possible before falling asleep.
- When you wake up, write down whatever you dream of. If you don't dream of anything, write down or draw whatever comes into your mind.
- Repeat until you get an answer to your question or situation.

Step 4. Try reading "blind"
Reading "blind" uses a card system that helps focus energy and subconsciously answer questions based on intuition.
- Sit behind the table with three blank cards.
- Think about a question or situation that requires intuition to help you. Write three different solutions to the question, assigning one solution to each card.
- Turn the card over so the answer is face down. Shuffle and place the cards face down on the table.
- Move hands on the cards. Relax, relax, take a deep breath.
- Turn the card over. The card you find most attractive is the correct solution.
Part 2 of 4: Developing Divinity

Step 1. Let go of fear
Most instructors who teach developing psychic powers think that the biggest obstacle you need to overcome when you become a fortune teller is the fear of being able to see the future.
- Identify the source of your fear. Oftentimes, the fear is as simple as worrying about your silly appearance, but sometimes you're afraid of the shadows of youth that kill your fortune-telling.
- Get rid of fear by saying your expression of approval slowly or loudly. Try phrases like, "I'm willing to let go of all my fears to see my future."

Step 2. Increase your visual imagination
Before you can use divination to answer direct, specific questions, you need to improve your ability to see clear images in your mind. You need to do this with a simple visualization exercise.
- Imagine that you are holding seven balloons. Each balloon has a different color.
- Let the balloons fly one by one. Watch each balloon float up into the blue sky until it disappears before you let go of the next balloon and imagine the same thing.
- Practice until you can clearly see each balloon completing its journey.

Step 3. Create a specific question
When the time comes, use your predictive power on certain questions, making sure to say your questions specifically so that you can really understand the essence of the problem at hand.
Stay away from broad questions like, "Will I have a birthday this year?". At this point, think about what your exact birthday would be like, and ask yourself more specific questions like, "Will my friends or family take me out to do something special for my birthday this year?"

Step 4. Open your third eye
After asking this question, take three deep breaths. Focus on the area between the eyes. This point is the chakra known as the "third eye", which according to metaphysics is thought to play a role in the ability to visually predict.
Continue to breathe while focusing on this section. Look for an oval shape that is horizontal between the eyes. This is your "third eye". Ask the "eyes" to open, repeating the request until they are fully open and you feel a warm feeling throughout your body

Step 5. Let the image/shadow appear on you naturally
Let the images come to your mind naturally. Do not force it. If it looks blurry or indistinct, tell it, loudly or quietly, so that its size and strength immediately increases.
- The shadow of the fortune teller will usually appear as an image in the mind's eye, an image seen outside the mind's eye, a film in the mind, or a film outside the mind.
- The image that appears may be black and white or color. In addition, it may appear lively or cartoon-like.
- If you can't understand what the prophecy pictures mean, ask loudly or quietly "What do these pictures mean?"
- You will receive the answer as a feeling, thought, or sound.
- If this doesn't work, repeat the exercise until you actually get an answer. When you're just starting out, the answers may be cloudy or unclear, but it's important to believe in yourself no matter what.
Part 3 of 4: Clairaudience, Clairsentience, and Claircognizance

Step 1. Know the differences between each type
When people think about metaphysical abilities and predict the future, they only think about clairvoyance (divination). Clairvoyance is the practice of "seeing" the future but there are other senses you can use to anticipate the future.
- Clairaudience is the ability to "hear" metaphysical energy.
- Clairvoyance is the ability to "feel" energy. Common forms of clairsentience include hunch and empathy.
- Claircognizance is the ability to "know" things without being told. If you have a grandmother or aunt who knows when and anyone else is sick at home without being told beforehand, she probably has that claircognizance ability.

Step 2. Develop clairaudience skills by focusing sound in imagination
To develop clairaudience, you need to learn how to fine-tune your sensitivity to the sounds around and within you.
- While lying in bed at night, mindfully, listen to sounds you would normally ignore. Separate and identify each sound that is heard. Take as many sounds as possible before falling asleep, and do this for about a week.
- Listen to the clairaudient's instructions. Imagine that you turn on the radio yourself and tune in to the clairaudient channel. Start asking questions, and listen for the words you get in response. The words may be soft or loud, reasonable or confusing, but once you get a reply, you need to analyze their meaning.

Step 3. Practice clairsentience by focusing on other energies
One of the most helpful ways to develop clairsentience is to read other people's energies and feelings. You can practice in several ways.
- Ask a friend to show you a photo of someone you don't know but who knows them well. Look into the eyes of the person in the photo and try to determine how the person felt at the time the photo was taken. Also ask yourself if the person can be trusted, and if there is anything else that stands out about him or her. Check with your friends to determine how accurate your senses are.
- Ask a friend to give you an item that belongs to someone you don't know but knows well. The object must be an object that the person is used to, because such objects tend to absorb energy. Hold the object and estimate whether more positive or negative energy is absorbed by it.

Step 4. Develop claircognizance with automated writing exercises
Developing claircognizance is the same as developing intuition. You need to focus on exercises that help organize your thoughts and understanding, such as automatic writing.
- Sit holding pen and paper. Ask yourself questions and write down whatever comes to mind as an answer, even if it seems completely unrelated.
- Force the mind to be a spectator in this exercise. Don't let your mind wander to the information you're getting or try to direct it. Just write down your thoughts as they arise until they stop.
- Reread what you wrote. If something suddenly pops into your mind, highlight it and analyze it after you've read through the whole thought process.
Part 4 of 4: Enhancing Experience

Step 1. Keep a diary
Whether you're trying to develop intuition, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, or claircognizance, keeping track of your metaphysical experiences in a diary can help develop your skills further.
Keeping a diary helps you understand your most powerful metaphysical and intuitive abilities. Also helps check accuracy and assess how valuable your answer is

Step 2. Find an intuitive friend
Even if you don't have any friends and relatives trying to develop your sense of foresight, you at least have a friend to share your thoughts with openly. Sharing experiences can help sharpen your understanding of those experiences.
- Share intuition diaries and discuss interpretations of them.
- Discuss similar experiences your intuitive friend has had and help her analyze dreams or experiences that are a mystery to her.