4 Ways to Talk to Ghosts

4 Ways to Talk to Ghosts
4 Ways to Talk to Ghosts

Table of contents:


The world of spirits and ghosts is all around you. Knowing the right way to enter the other side with an Ouija board, with recording technology, or in other different ways, allows you to communicate freely and openly with the deceased. It can be a thrilling and scary experience. The door is there. Are you brave enough to open it? See Step 1 for more information.


Method 1 of 4: Using an Ouija Board

Talk to Ghosts Step 1
Talk to Ghosts Step 1

Step 1. Get or make a Ouija board

Also known as a spirit board, this Ouija board is generally just a flat surface with all the letters of the alphabet, the numbers from 1-10, Yes/No, and "Goodbye" written on it.

  • You'll also need a "wooden board" or some kind of movable indicator used to point to letters. Glasses are a common substitute, but any amulet that fits in your hand is also good for pointing at letters.
  • There's nothing magical about the Ouija board itself, so you're free to choose to make one out of simple paper or buy a nicer one if you prefer.
Talk to Ghosts Step 2
Talk to Ghosts Step 2

Step 2. Find a group of people who want to participate or at least someone

You need more than one person to use the Ouija board. It's best if you can get a small group with similar interests to communicate with the spirit world.

  • Appoint only one person to intercede. This person will ask questions aloud and be a specialist in communicating with ghosts, although both (or all) will place their hands on a wooden plank.
  • It may also be more helpful to designate one person to record the communication. If it moves too fast, it will be quite difficult to keep up with the ghost spelling that is going on. Having someone who writes can guarantee that all can follow well.
Talk to Ghosts Step 3
Talk to Ghosts Step 3

Step 3. Set the mood

Go to a quiet, comfortable part of the house where you communicate at a convenient time. Light the room a little with candles and consider cleaning it by burning some kind of fragrant plant or performing a short cleansing prayer or other ritual of your choice.

  • The spirit world is most active between 9 p.m. and 6 a.m., so you might consider communicating during this time or some other meaningful time.
  • In some cultures, providing a small amount of alcohol as an offering to spirits can be useful in attracting their attention.
Talk to Ghosts Step 4
Talk to Ghosts Step 4

Step 4. Summon the spirits by asking questions

Gently place your finger on the pointer in the center of the board. Usually the letter "G" is a good starting place, equidistant from all points. Generally, a good opening question would be something like: "Are there any kind spirits here who would like to communicate?"

Introduce yourself and explain what you mean. Say your names out loud and reassure them about their curiosity and your point: "We want to hear what you have to say."

Talk to Ghosts Step 5
Talk to Ghosts Step 5

Step 5. Focus your energies on the communication

  • Some Ouija board users like to close their eyes, both as a way to focus their energies on communicating and feeling the presence of spirits, and also to ensure that no participant is "manipulating" the board by moving and spelling out the answers the other person wants to hear.
  • In general, "manipulating the boards" by intentionally moving the wooden planks is a big no-no and has no respect for the other users nor the spirits present or absent.
Talk to Ghosts Step 6
Talk to Ghosts Step 6

Step 6. Be patient and be polite

Once your question is known and introduced yourself, sit down and wait. You may try asking a different question, but be aware that the spirit world is under no obligation to communicate with you and this may take some time.

  • If and when the wooden plank starts to move, stay calm and make sure the person taking notes starts writing the letters.
  • Treat this like a normal conversation. Ask follow-up questions that you really want to know. Don't treat them like they need to "prove" you, forcing them to answer trivial or other "testing" questions. Treat it like the person is present. Be polite and respectful.
Talk to Ghosts Step 7
Talk to Ghosts Step 7

Step 7. Close the conversation when appropriate

You can move the pointer over the "Goodbye" section of the board to let it know that you want to end the conversation, but it's better to say a few words out loud: "Thanks for taking the time to talk to us. Goodbye."

Close the board and remove it when it's finished to ensure the communication stops

Method 2 of 4: Recording of Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)

Talk to Ghosts Step 8
Talk to Ghosts Step 8

Step 1. Get a good quality voice recorder

The basic principle of EVP recording is that you record yourself asking questions such as when using a Ouija board and then listen back to voice cues that the spirits answer. Listening back to recordings of these sessions can be a very great experience.

  • The H1 Zoom mic is a professional-quality handheld recorder that musicians and others want to use to record spontaneous sound that sounds clear and clean. Recorders from mobile phones are also suitable for this type of recording.
  • You need to make sure that you can raise the recording sensitivity level to a very high level. EVP is best suited for recording something below the ear for us to hear in the moment, capturing sounds we might otherwise have missed when we were around. A recorder that has an ultra-sensitive recording controller would be more suitable.
Talk to Ghosts Step 9
Talk to Ghosts Step 9

Step 2. Go to the right environment

Looking for a place with lots of leftover stuff that has psychic powers is a good place to try recording EVP. New buildings and locations such as malls or housing developments will be of little use to this activity, as these places do not have the history of old churches, hospitals or libraries.

If you live in a house that is over 50 years old, give it a try. If not, it might be worth trying to hold the EVP session elsewhere

Talk to Ghosts Step 10
Talk to Ghosts Step 10

Step 3. Start recording and explain what you mean

You have to go through the same process you go through all the time trying to connect with the other world: get rid of all distractions, unplug the clock, make the place as quiet as possible to get the best quality recordings. Once you hit record, start talking:

Are there any good spirits here who might be interested in speaking?

Talk to Ghosts Step 11
Talk to Ghosts Step 11

Step 4. Ask some questions

If you know about haunting facts in the area being researched or anything about the history of the area, you can ask specific questions or more general questions about the spirit world you are trying to contact. You can ask:

  • "What do you want?"
  • "Why are you here?"
  • "What do you want us to know?"
  • "Who are you?"
  • "Is there anything we can do for you?"
Talk to Ghosts Step 12
Talk to Ghosts Step 12

Step 5. Pay close attention to any other forms of communication you are experiencing

While you are in the middle of recording, try and pay attention to any possible sensations, emotional or physical. Make notes on the recording to compare afterward. Pay special attention to:

  • Hot and cold areas
  • Itching or prickling in the back of your neck
  • Feeling scared
  • The voices or whispers you hear
Talk to Ghosts Step 13
Talk to Ghosts Step 13

Step 6. Listen carefully to your recording afterwards

Leave the location by closing the conversation the way you want when you're communicating, with a short greeting and thank you. Immediately leave the location and go to a more comfortable location or return home. Turn on the lights and make it as comfortable and as non-scary as possible to start listening.

Turn up the sound as loud as you can in the silence and listen carefully. If you can view the footage on a computer, pay close attention to any sharp edges you see to know which areas to look more closely. Break those parts up in the recording and try and decipher what they say

Method 3 of 4: Communicating in Other Ways

Talk to Ghosts Step 14
Talk to Ghosts Step 14

Step 1. Try channeling with an experienced healer

If you want to take that communication to the next level, perhaps you can find an experienced shaman and go through a channeling session, where one of the people in the group (perhaps the shaman) allows themselves to be "occupied" by the spirit during hypnosis, who will then speak. with the group.

  • Depending on the shaman visited, the communication may involve writing, speaking, or other forms of communication.
  • It is very important that you find someone who is experienced in afterlife communication. Don't try this alone.

    Talk to Ghosts Step 15
    Talk to Ghosts Step 15

    Step 2. Try snooping

    Spying refers to any basic method of using a material or an object to communicate with the other world. It is often crystal, wax, smoke, stone, bone, or glass. Like channeling, staking is more effective when performed by a skilled and experienced shaman who is in frequent contact with the spiritual world. For example, it's very difficult to know how to "read" smoke and it's also a dangerous thing to try.

    Talk to Ghosts Step 16
    Talk to Ghosts Step 16

    Step 3. Try looking in a mirror

    Many of the well-known children's games revolve around the legend of Bloody Mary, where you lock yourself in a dark bathroom and invite Bloody Mary to appear in the mirror. Staring in the mirror and trying to communicate with the spirit world after cleaning the area and creating a safe and benevolent space for spirits to congregate can be a powerful and mystical experience.

    Talk to Ghosts Step 17
    Talk to Ghosts Step 17

    Step 4. Use your car to communicate

    In many places, notably North America, legends revolve around the use of cars parked in specific locations in neutral, allowing spirits to "push" the car to alert them of their presence. In some legends, drivers are instructed to go to a special place in the middle of the night and sprinkle baby powder or flour over the bumper of the car, to reveal the imprint of the hand of the dead person who pushed it.

    If there is a legend like this in your area, give it a try. Drive the car to a special place, bridge, or causeway and turn off your car. Shift the car into neutral and invite a ghost or spirit to give you a boost. Look what happened

    Method 4 of 4: Stay Safe

    Talk to Ghosts Step 18
    Talk to Ghosts Step 18

    Step 1. Never try to communicate with a ghost alone

    Whatever you believe, inviting other interested people to participate is best for your spiritual well-being and psychological health. This is not something to be joked about.

    It's best if you let more experienced communicators and healers show you the way. Adventure in conversation with evil spirits is something no one wants to experience

    Talk to Ghosts Step 19
    Talk to Ghosts Step 19

    Step 2. Keep your intentions and thoughts pure

    Make your goals known by saying them out loud and only trying to communicate if you come from a place with reasonable curiosity and kindness at heart. Doing an Ouija session as a prank to impress a friend is a great way to attract evil ghosts into your home. They may not want to leave after that.

    Talk to Ghosts Step 20
    Talk to Ghosts Step 20

    Step 3. Always be polite and calm when communicating

    Take some time to focus and calm your mind any time you want to communicate. The experience will be even more great and wonderful if you can focus on the task at hand and pay attention to your surroundings without distractions. Turn off the scary music and close the curtains, take the battery out of the phone and shut down the computer. It is time for something else.

    Talk to Ghosts Step 21
    Talk to Ghosts Step 21

    Step 4. End the communication appropriately

    Never let the conversation hang without making it clear that you are returning to your own world and encouraging the spirit to return to its own. Professional shamans and ghost seekers take this step seriously, especially if they are in a household space and want to stay safe from evil spirit activity. If you are smart, you will also do the same.


    • Do not panic!
    • Be brave.
    • Don't be afraid to talk to them.
    • Be patient.
    • Go with friends.
    • Don't run from them.
    • Just listening to yourself, you can feel more things than anything else.
    • Use something or wear something dangling.
    • Use all the lucky items.


    • Don't be cunning, spirits were once human too.
    • Make sure you don't do this alone!
    • Be careful when using the Ouija board. Some people believe that there is danger involved when we want to reach the spirits in this way.
