Not everyone believes in ghosts, but for those who do, supernatural events can be very scary. This article provides some pointers on how to know what to decide if your house is haunted, how to rule out common (and non-paranormal) causes of invisible visitors and how to get rid of ghosts if they do exist.
Method 1 of 3: Ruling out Non-Paranormal Possibilities

Step 1. Make sure the occult event is not caused by infrared sound
This low-frequency hum can cause dizziness, feelings of dread and even cast shadows in the corners of your vision. This is caused by the vibration of infrared sound, depending on the intensity of the sound wave. Robot researcher from France, Vladimir Gavreau, allegedly produces this effect on himself and his research colleagues through infrared sound.
- Animals can pick up infrared sound in ways that humans cannot. Scientists believe that this may be why so many animals can predict natural disasters.
- Build an infrasonic microphone. The antennas themselves have to be purchased, but they are easy to find at electronics stores and relatively affordable. Once you get the microphone, take a glass bottle with a diameter of 5.7 cm. Extend 30.5 cm of balloon around it. Cut off the part of the balloon you used to inflate it, and tape the other part tightly and without crimping the bottle. Tape a 1.3 cm NdFeB magnet and attach it to a 2.5 cm diameter magnet with a strength of 5000 gauss or more (you can get this at any supermarket). You will need an oscilloscope to convert electrical signals into waveform patterns. It's more expensive, but can be found for $45 on eBay.
- As another option, contact the science department of your local university and see if they have any recommendations for building an infrasound microphone.

Step 2. Get rid of other non-supernatural factors
Check the location of the house. Is there a trash can nearby? Sometimes methane gas can seep through the surface of the ground, producing the smell of sulfur and bursts of fire.
Often ghost sightings are simply light bouncing off surfaces reflecting light in an unusual way. Human eyes and senses are prone to error, so it can be hard to believe what your eyes might see without serious further investigation

Step 3. Get an evaluation from a psychiatrist
Often people who see "ghosts" are most likely like that because of their mental health. Before you do strange things to your home, seek the help of a professional. This doesn't mean there aren't ghosts in your house, but just a way to rule out the possibility outside of it.
As above, try asking someone to confirm your experience. If you're the only one seeing or feeling something, now is a good time to get an occult evaluation. If other people experience occult events as well, first look for natural causes
Method 2 of 3: Evaluating the Potential for Ghosts

Step 1. Record your experience
Once you've eliminated the natural causes, you need to take note of the supernatural events in your home to better understand how to deal with them.
- Use a recording device to try to communicate with the wandering spirit. Ask questions and record them to see if the ghost answers. This doesn't always work, but you may be given some kind of message that can help get rid of it. You'll want to ask easy questions with simple answers, usually yes or no. This is easiest to do if you are trying to communicate with the ghost by asking a question and making it answer by tapping. Ask him to use one tap for yes and two taps for no.
- Take photos of the areas where you experience the occult to see if anything shows up in the resulting image. Use flashes when you are in a dark room, such as a room, otherwise your camera will only capture darkness. Also, it's better to rely on natural light so the lens shine doesn't confuse you. Keep in mind that the spheres that look like ghosts and other phenomena are often just dust on a camera lens, or light deflecting off dust particles in the air.

Step 2. Get someone to justify your findings
Find out if your family members, or friends feel the same way as you. Did they hear footsteps, a knock on the bedroom door or some other manifestation? Try not to influence them with your own inventions.
If you can find a reputable ghost hunter or psychic, talk to them about what you found and get their opinion. If you can afford it, ask them to come to your house and see what they can find out of your experience

Step 3. Don't be disappointed if your occult event turns out to be nothing
As any reputable ghost hunter will tell you, most ghost visits have a natural explanation. But that doesn't mean ghosts aren't real!
Method 3 of 3: Politely Asking the Ghosts to Leave

Step 1. Be confident when dealing with ghosts in your home
Like animals, ghosts seem to react to and take energy from fear. Since there are very few (if any) actual cases where someone has been injured by a ghost, it's likely that what you're going to face is upsetting and possibly uncomfortable.
If you're talking to a ghost, use a serious tone of voice, as if you were talking to a naughty animal. Be firm, but not cruel. Ghosts might just be spirits left behind from other people. The fact that they were already dead was probably enough to traumatize the ghost

Step 2. Perform an exorcism
This is specifically for Christians, because exorcism means casting out demons and their accomplices. If you're not a Christian, this probably won't work for you. Find out specifically within your religion, because all religions have the possibility of dealing with some kind of spirit world. If you are a Christian, do not do this expulsion alone. Instead, contact the church in your area and find out what they recommend.
- In Hinduism, reading the third, seventh and ninth chapters of the Bhagavad Gita and offering the results to the ghost will release them from bondage. As well as chanting mantras, keeping sacred images of the gods or offering incense burned during Puja can help free trapped spirits.
- Jewish rituals help both the possessed and the entering find healing. The ritual may only be performed by a rabbi who has mastered the practice of Kaballah.
- There is a wide variety of extermination rituals for all cultures and religions that you can find one that fits your needs. These rituals take into account different cultural views on ghosts and the afterlife, as there is no one correct doctrine regarding ghosts.

Step 3. Clean the house
After the ghost in your house is gone, you must clean the room so that the ghost does not return and to keep out spirits or spirits. Also, there are as many ways to physically purify a room as there are a number of religions in the world. The things offered below are the most common ways.
- Burn the sage or cedar leaves. It is said that it aims to cleanse negative energy and burning incense is considered a cleansing force in many cultures.
- Ring the bells in every corner of your home. It is said that this aims to break up negative energy and encourage positive energy. It is important to do this more than once because negative energy can come from many different sources.
- Physically clean your home. This will help create a clean atmosphere and to prevent negative energy from returning.