Do you feel shunned by friends or coworkers? Sometimes, they behave this way because someone is behaving in an upsetting manner, especially when interacting in a group. There are a variety of reasons, trivial or basic, that other people might find your behavior annoying. To prevent this, try to maintain an attitude so that the atmosphere feels comfortable for your friends and yourself.

Step 1. Respect other people's personal boundaries
Everyone has limits according to personal preferences that you need to know and respect. Personal boundaries are influenced by cultural backgrounds and individual desires.

Step 2. Don't talk about other people behind their backs, especially if you've never discussed the issue with that person
This step plays an important role when establishing a relationship, for example with a friend or lover.

Step 3. Don't pat someone too often when greeting them
In fact, don't touch him if he doesn't mind. It's different if he is a good friend and feels fine when you pat him. If not, honor his wish.

Step 4. Don't push yourself or come uninvited
Try to control your emotions and don't be too demanding. Respect other people's privacy, for example by not calling them every day.

Step 5. Don't use other people's stuff without permission
Even if it's not private property, other people may feel offended if you touch items that are in private areas. If you want to borrow something, ask permission first and wait for him to give it to you.

Step 6. Don't meddle in other people's business
You don't need to involve yourself in other people's conversations, for example by asking, "What are you talking about?" If you only hear the last sentence when someone is chatting with a friend, don't ask what they're talking about.

Step 7. Be humble
Having confidence does not mean showing arrogance. Don't brag through your actions or words, such as showing off your wealth or telling your success stories. There are people who feel the need to prove that he, and only he, is the greatest. This behavior is known as arrogance. Apart from being very embarrassing, arrogant people will become a laughing stock if they continue to behave like this. Instead of being considered great, arrogance makes you seem pathetic, annoying, and shunned.

Step 8. Don't try to get attention and be the center of attention

Step 9. Don't often correct others for grammatical/wrong wording, wrong speech, or things that aren't right because many people don't like being corrected

Step 10. Don't get used to complaining
Remember that you can't control other people. They will stay away if you complain a lot. Likewise if you continue to criticize yourself. This behavior does not show humility because you only care about yourself. It's natural that you sometimes lack self-confidence and want to express your feelings. However, try to overcome it and be a positive person. For that, read the wikiHow "Being an Optimist" article.

Step 11. Make sure you don't distract others by talking at the door, blocking people from passing (such as a shop, mall, or airport), or letting your child run around in public
Also, don't sing or play songs so loud that they offend others. Consider the impact your actions have on others so that you deserve respect.

Step 12. Be polite and stay healthy
Get in the habit of throwing trash in the trash. Don't spit in public. Cover your nose and mouth with your arm when you sneeze or cough. Brush and/or floss after meals to prevent bad breath. Keep your body clean by bathing and wearing clean clothes every day.

Step 13. Don't be overly supportive
If you're upset, you may want to be alone so no one else is bothering you. When someone is down, don't try to cheer them up by staying close to them (unless they ask for it). Ask if he needs company, but don't push him if he refuses. Discuss issues that make him depressed only if he started them.

Step 14. Don't do repetitive movements that disturb the calm
You don't need to seek attention by doing certain movements over and over again, for example holding your hair too often, making noises that disturb others by tapping the table with a pencil, chewing ice cubes with your mouth open, putting your footwear on the floor repeatedly, and others. Stop if someone asks you to stop. Otherwise, you may lose friends.

Step 15. Don't copy other people
Many people feel irritated and uncomfortable if you imitate their behavior. This habit makes you seem to have no respect for yourself and lack of confidence.

Step 16. Don't send or forward copies of text messages or chain emails to multiple people
Besides being useless, they will feel annoyed and annoyed.

Step 17. Don't argue that is useless
Many people don't like to argue. You can simply say you don't agree without being pretentious about the subject being discussed. People who think they are the smartest are usually annoying. You can argue/discuss with someone/some people if the situation is right and he/they are willing to respond, but do so in a dignified manner. Don't force someone into an argument. If he doesn't want to discuss, respect his wishes.

Step 18. Conversation is a form of two-way communication carried out by two or more people by sending and receiving messages to each other
Conversations are fun when everyone is able to contribute freely and openly about the subject/topic being discussed for the common good. Once one person begins to dominate/dominate the conversation, the other person is forced to shut up. If you continue to talk, the other person will feel irritated and reluctant to continue the conversation. Therefore, try to listen more than talk. Before speaking, think about what you want to say. Don't interrupt when someone is talking even if it's just to remember something they want to say. Remember the quote from the very popular message, "It is better to be silent and be seen as stupid than to speak and sound stupid." Learn to listen actively and understand other people's perspectives. This step will help you come up with new ideas for conversation, so you can become a fun partner to talk to.

Step 19. Don't mumble while speaking
The other person will be annoyed if your voice is barely audible to the point where he needs to repeatedly ask what you just said. If you speak too fast with unclear articulation, the other person may just nod and smile because he doesn't understand, but won't ask you to explain again.

Step 20. Don't joke or discuss only with someone when there is a third person with you because this kind of treatment makes them feel neglected
Instead, explain the topic being discussed or what you want to talk about. Usually, the third person doesn't feel upset when faced with the situation, but if this happens repeatedly during the conversation, he may not want to talk to you anymore because he feels neglected.

Step 21. Don't do something that other people think is bad even if they don't see it

Step 22. Don't ask trivial questions about how to play the game
Instead, pay close attention as you continue to study and ask questions as necessary.

Step 23. Don't overreact or overzealous
Maintaining an attitude is very important. However, you may come across as unfriendly and arrogant if you are critical and unable to empathize. Find a balance between the two extremes.

Step 24. Forgive the person who wronged you and don't hold a grudge so you can bring it up later to retaliate or make him feel guilty
Be a person who is able to understand and forgive others.

Step 25. Don't pretend to be perfect
Apologize if you made the other person feel disappointed or angry. If you are wrong, admit it and humbly apologize. This attitude makes others respect and trust you more.

Step 26. Don't belittle others by mocking or being rude

Step 27. Do not give advice to other people who are driving, for example reminding them to pay attention to traffic signs or to be careful
If he already has a driver's license, he knows how to drive. If not, why would you want to be a passenger?

Step 28. Don't keep reminding someone about things they can't do
For example, if you offer him a meal containing peanuts and he refuses, don't say, "Oh yeah, I forgot, you're allergic to peanuts." Another example, you ask a friend who is afraid of heights, "Why don't you go on a roller coaster ride?" Don't be surprised if he gets really mad at you.

Step 29. Don't interrupt someone who is on fire to tell their story just to point out their mistake
It's okay to give input, but interrupting someone who is talking because you want to correct something wrong is the worst way to listen to a story.

Step 30. Don't insult or mock others
In friendship, teasing each other is normal and is considered normal, but many people do it to excess. Insulting or mocking others is not a way of making friends.

Step 31. Make sure you understand ethics
People who do not have good manners will be shunned because associating with people who ignore rules and ethics is very annoying and unpleasant. Learn to respect the beliefs of others.

Step 32. Know that you are upsetting the other person if you do two of the following:
(a) Acting casually so that he is offended, (b) Being emotional and annoying by exaggerating small matters and being easily offended by very trivial things. Solutions to overcome these problems: (a) Don't act arbitrarily, (b) Don't be too demanding. Remember that you have no right to control other people.

Step 33. Think about the other person's perception of what you say
Even if you say something wise and helpful, the intonation of your voice can express annoyance, anger, ridicule, impudence, arrogance, or any other feeling that creates a negative impression that can hurt the listener. Learn how to understand facial expressions and body language and then take advantage of it by noticing and identifying the reactions of those around you. As soon as the other person looks upset, immediately stop what you are doing or saying.
- Don't pay too much attention to your friends. This step makes them curious and approach you.
- Do not discuss other people's shortcomings, such as eye conditions, ears, or poor memory.
- Don't imitate what your friend is doing because this behavior makes him very upset.
- Don't give negative comments for no apparent reason.
- Do not continue to discuss topics that are not interested in the interlocutor.