How to Practice Yoga Every Day: 9 Steps

How to Practice Yoga Every Day: 9 Steps
How to Practice Yoga Every Day: 9 Steps

Making yoga a part of your daily routine is not easy. However, you will be more enthusiastic about practicing yoga every day after knowing that ten minutes of yoga practice a day is very beneficial for physical and mental health. Get used to practicing yoga regularly every day by setting aside time and varying the practice.


Part 1 of 2: Incorporating Yoga into Your Schedule

Practice Yoga Daily Step 1
Practice Yoga Daily Step 1

Step 1. Prepare equipment for practicing yoga

So that you can practice yoga every day, prepare yoga equipment at home or in the studio. That way, you'll have a hard time finding excuses not to practice every day.

  • Provide yoga mats and other equipment, such as yoga ropes, blocks, blankets, and bolsters. These tools will help you practice better, deeper, and more comfortably. Also prepare a small towel and water in a drinking bottle.
  • You can buy yoga mats and equipment at a sports supply store, yoga studio, or online.
  • You do not need to wear special clothes for yoga, but choose clothes that are not too tight to be comfortable to wear. Women can wear t-shirts, shirts with/without sleeves, and bras for exercise. Men can wear long/short pants and shirts made of t-shirts.
Practice Yoga Daily Step 2
Practice Yoga Daily Step 2

Step 2. Decide when and how long you want to practice

You can practice yoga at any time because this practice does not have to be done at a certain time. However, many people make it a habit to practice at the same time every day. This method can spur you to practice regularly.

  • You can practice yoga in the morning. Besides being more energized, you have no reason to delay your workout. There are also people who prefer to train at night to make it easier for them to sleep.
  • Many people find it very helpful to practice yoga regularly at the same time and place. Your mind and body will associate that time and place with your yoga session so you can motivate yourself. You can practice early in the morning or late at night so that no one interrupts or interferes with your practice.
  • You can set the duration of the exercise yourself. You can practice anything, such as doing a complete 90-minute warm-up session or practicing several times a day so you don't get too tired.
Practice Yoga Daily Step 3
Practice Yoga Daily Step 3

Step 3. Allocate a specific time each day for yourself

Set a specific time to practice yoga each day. Before practicing, turn off all electronic equipment, there are no guests, and everyone in the house is away or busy. Explain to them beforehand that you want to practice yoga alone and cannot be disturbed, except in an emergency.

  • Yoga practice usually lasts 60-95 minutes, but if you don't have that much time, ten minutes of yoga practice a day can still be beneficial.
  • If your child is young, ask someone else to look after him while you practice yoga. You can practice while he's sleeping or take him to yoga with you! Even if you can only practice yoga for ten minutes a day, you can still feel the benefits.
Practice Yoga Daily Step 4
Practice Yoga Daily Step 4

Step 4. Find a comfortable place to practice

You can practice yoga at home or in a professional studio. However, you must determine a specific place so that you can practice comfortably and easily every day.

  • Make sure you choose a quiet, quiet place to practice so that nothing distracts you.
  • You can practice in some yoga studios and groups if you don't want to practice at home.
  • Try practicing at a few studios nearby to find a studio and instructor you like. Don't limit yourself to one studio or instructor. Your practice will get better and less boring by taking various yoga classes.
  • If you want to practice at home, prepare in advance enough space to do the movement and help you focus on yourself.
Practice Yoga Daily Step 5
Practice Yoga Daily Step 5

Step 5. Increase the exercise gradually

Practicing every day will bring about real changes in your life, but not suddenly. At times, you may feel as if you haven't made any progress at all. If you practice diligently, one day you will realize that the daily practice that you have been doing so far has its benefits and has a positive impact on your daily life.

Don't exaggerate the problem because you don't have time to practice. It's a common thing. Start with exercises you haven't had time to do. Our bodies are able to record well. So, let your body train in comfort and don't let your mind poison it with anxiety just because of a delayed workout

Part 2 of 2: Vary the Exercises

Practice Yoga Daily Step 6
Practice Yoga Daily Step 6

Step 1. Practice regularly, not hard

Get into the habit of practicing yoga for a few minutes each day, instead of forcing yourself to practice several hours, but not regularly. Do a posture that you like and perfect it before you do a more difficult posture. Remember that practicing yoga for a while is still better than nothing.

Get rid of negative thinking habits telling yourself that you are “unable” to do certain postures. You can, but it takes time. Practice regularly and deepen the postures that need to be practiced first so that you are ready for more difficult postures

Practice Yoga Daily Step 7
Practice Yoga Daily Step 7

Step 2. Create a series of postures for a balanced daily exercise

“Setting” or determining the order of postures for yoga practice is the most difficult aspect of practicing yoga, especially if you are practicing at home. Make some series that you can do every day according to the guidelines applied in yoga class. Thus, the exercises you do will be very useful and not boring.

  • Start the practice by meditating briefly and chanting a mantra or praying according to your beliefs to calm and focus the mind.
  • Decide what you want from this exercise before you start practicing.
  • Start the exercise with a warm-up session and then do the standing postures. After that, continue with the inversion posture, arch the back, bend forward, and end with the savasana or corpse posture.
  • Close each yoga practice with a final relaxation.
  • You can alternate between easy and difficult sessions or between short and long sessions.
Practice Yoga Daily Step 8
Practice Yoga Daily Step 8

Step 3. Combine several postures

You don't have to do all the yoga postures every day to practice well. Combining and mastering several postures of each type can help you practice well every day without feeling bored or tired.

  • Start with easy postures and then work your way up to more difficult postures once you've mastered the basic techniques.
  • Practice by type of posture in the following order: standing posture, inversion, back arch, and forward bend.
  • Perform twisting postures to neutralize and stretch the spine between arching back and forward bending, if needed.
  • Perform each posture for 3-5 breaths.
  • Perform standing postures, such as tree posture (vrksasana) or a series of warrior postures consisting of virabhadrasana I, II, and III postures. Next, you can do standing postures, such as the triangle posture while straightening your arms (utthita trikonasana) and the triangle posture while twisting (parivrtta trikonasana).
  • Do an inversion posture, such as a standing posture with arms (mukha vrksasana) using a wall for support until you are strong enough to support yourself. Gradually, do balance exercises with your hands and head in a standing posture (salamba sirsasana) as your skills improve.
  • Perform back arching postures, such as grasshopper posture (salabhasana), cobra posture (bhujangasana), or bridge posture (setu bandha sarvangasana). Continue with bow posture (dhanurasana) and full wheel posture (urdhva dhanurasana).
  • Do a twist if you want to balance your back arching and forward bending postures. The twisting posture may be quite difficult for beginners. So, start with easier postures, such as trying the cross-legged twisting posture (bharadvajasana) before doing more difficult postures, such as full twisting posture (ardha matsyendrasana).
  • Perform forward bending postures, such as forward bending while sitting (paschimottanasana), forward bending while bending one leg (janu sirsasana), or star posture (tarasana) for 8-10 regular breaths.
  • End the active exercise with a closing posture, for example with the wax posture (salamba sarvangasana), the fish posture (matsyasana), the posture with the feet leaning against the wall (viparita karani).
  • End your yoga practice in a corpse posture (savasana) to enjoy the benefits of your recent yoga session.
Practice Yoga Daily Step 9
Practice Yoga Daily Step 9

Step 4. Change the spell you say

If you enjoy chanting a mantra before or after your practice, change this mantra to reflect what you want or how you feel at the time. Each mantra has a different vibration. So, choose a spell that suits your liking.

  • Saying a mantra over and over is a way to relieve your stress and keep you focused on what you want.
  • Some of the following spells are considered to have powers:
  • The word “om” or “aum” is the strongest mantra you can say, if it doesn't conflict with your beliefs. This universal mantra will create a strong vibration in the lower abdomen. This mantra is usually combined with the mantra “shanti” which in Sanskrit means peace. The word "aum" can be repeated as many times as you like during the spell.
  • In Hinduism, the Maha mantra which is also called the great Hare Krishna mantra can help you achieve peace of life and peace of mind. This mantra may be repeated as many times as possible: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.
  • Lokah samastha sukhino bhavantu is a mantra about unity and love which means "May all beings in the universe be happy and free from suffering and may my thoughts, words and actions as long as I live bring happiness and freedom to all beings". Repeat this mantra three or more times.
  • Om namah shivaya is a mantra that reminds the divinity within us which will cultivate self-confidence and love. This mantra in Hinduism means "I worship Lord Shiva, the lord of transformation who represents the true self". Repeat this mantra three or more times.


  • For those of you who are just starting to practice yoga, read yoga books aimed at beginners. You need to understand the purpose and reasoning behind each step, posture, and breathing technique to be more inspired than just following instructions.
  • Make notes about your experiences while practicing yoga. Journaling every day or keeping notes in a diary can be a source of motivation and material for later review.
  • Beginners are usually more motivated to practice in class because with other people, you will be inspired to keep practicing.
  • Stay relaxed and calm. A bad mood doesn't help at all. Always keep your goals in mind and work towards accomplishing them. You should always have a goal.


  • Know your limitations.
  • Consult a doctor before you start practicing.

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