Dehydration can occur quickly in deserts. If you're lost in an arid desert, know that you can extract water from the soil or plants through the process of condensation using the techniques described below. Maybe, your life can be saved because of it.
Method 1 of 2: Making Solar Distillation Using Holes

Step 1. Examine desert soil for signs of a dry river
These locations are the most ideal for finding water.

Step 2. Dig some curved holes (the more, the better) about 50 cm deep so that the groundwater is clearly visible
- If conditions are slightly drier, the groundwater may be deeper. Keep digging until you find it.
- Don't dig a hole in the shade. To be successful, this process requires sunlight. Look around you and make sure there are no shadows covering your solar distillation before nightfall.

Step 3. Insert any plant into one or more holes

Step 4. Place an open coffee can, cup, or bottle in the center of each hole
If you have a long plastic tube, try threading one end all the way to the bottom of the can, and the other end through the mouth of the hole. You can use a hose to suck up water without damaging the solar distillation

Step 5. Spread a sheet of clear, tight plastic wrap over each mouth of the hole

Step 6. Pour sand over the plastic rim to hold it in the mouth of the hole
Pour 2.5-5 cm of sand on the edge of the plastic wrap. Make sure the plastic has no cracks or holes. The plastic must seal the hole well in order to condense the water

Step 7. Place a small or medium sized stone in the center of the plastic wrap so that the water droplets will point directly to the top of the can
Try not to touch the plastic can so water can drip into it.

Step 8. Wait for the sun to evaporate the water from the damp soil and plants in each hole
Water will condense on the plastic wrap because it can't get out of the hole and will drip into the can. If you put a plastic hose on, drink from there.

Step 9. After the groundwater in the hole is sun-dried, dig a new hole
Or, you can dig the old hole even deeper.
Method 2 of 2: Using Plant Condensation

Step 1. Use paracord 550 (parachute rope, or similar material) to tie a plastic bag to the end of a plant or small tree branch
Don't use masking tape as the sun's heat will prevent the glue from sticking well.

Step 2. Make sure the plastic bag is sealed as tightly as possible to the tree branch
Plants give off water vapor during the transpiration process.

Step 3. The water vapor will collect and condense in the bag
Make sure the condensation in the bag doesn't drip out.

Step 4. Wait until the evening to maximize the amount of dew collected before removing the plastic bag

Step 5. Switch to another tree branch and repeat

Step 6. Estimate one large bag can get one glass of water
Therefore, you will need several plastic bags to survive.
- Make sure each process is completed to completion. Due to the extreme heat in the desert, it may take up to two hours. If your area doesn't get a lot of sun, the process can take up to half a day.
- The Solar Distillation technique using holes can also be used to purify dirty water and urine. The trick is to replace the container at the bottom of the hole with a container that holds dirty water, and the rest is the same. If you don't have a container, just pour the dirty water down the hole.
- Don't waste water while waiting. It is advisable to increase the number of solar distillates of various designs to increase the amount of water and in case the first solar distillation fails.
- If you are in the Sahara desert, dig a very deep hole before installing any water collection equipment (either home or not).
- Plant condensation methods can extract toxic substances from plants, such as cyanide. If consumed, this water can cause death. Be careful when using this method as some plants can emit cyanide, and some will not.
- You can lose more water from your body when digging a hole, than water from condensation, depending on soil moisture, soil hardness, and the tool for digging.
- Contrary to what is written in many survival guides, water from solar distillation will not be sufficient to survive in the desert, even if it is made in moist soil. Use this method only as a last resort.