Desert Survival: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Desert Survival: 15 Steps (with Pictures)
Desert Survival: 15 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


When driving or walking across the desert, the road seems endless. There's nothing for miles. There was nothing but desert plants, dry sand, and hot temperatures. If your car breaks down, and you find yourself stuck in the desert, learn how to conserve water and survive until it's time for you to be rescued.


Part 1 of 3: Preparing for an Emergency in the Desert

Survive in the Desert Step 1
Survive in the Desert Step 1

Step 1. Wear clothes that minimize sweat loss

The loss of most body fluids is through sweat. Cover as much skin as possible with loose, light clothing. This will trap sweat on the skin, slowing evaporation and loss of fluids. For this reason, it may be a good idea to wear cotton underwear instead of wicking fabrics. Cover all leather with a windbreaker jacket.

  • Wear a broad-leaf hat, sunglasses, and gloves.
  • Bring clothes made of wool or fleece. In case of an emergency, you may need to travel at night, when it can be quite chilly.
  • Lightly colored clothes reflect more heat, but dark clothes will usually provide better protection against UV rays, which can cause sunburn. If possible, look for white clothes that are labeled UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) of 30+.
Survive in the Desert Step 2
Survive in the Desert Step 2

Step 2. Bring plenty of extra drinking water

Whenever you start out in the desert, bring more water than you expect. When walking in the sun and heat with a temperature of 40ºC, the average person loses as much as 900 mL of sweat every hour. In an emergency, you will definitely be grateful for every drinking water you bring.

  • Divide the water you bring into several containers. This will minimize the amount of water that can be lost in the event of a leak.
  • Store excess water in a cool place in the vehicle, away from direct sunlight.
Survive in the Desert Step 3
Survive in the Desert Step 3

Step 3. Bring foods that contain the most nutrients in the smallest size and weight

Energy bars, pemmican, jerky, and trail mix are popular choices. Find out and try first, then be prepared. When a wheeled vehicle breaks down, all you have is your feet and a path to the next town, and you definitely won't want to take anything useless with you.

  • Include some foods that contain salt and potassium, which will be lost in sweat. These foods will help the body avoid heat exhaustion and retain more water. However, if you are dehydrated, excess salt can make you feel worse.
  • Food is not a priority in a desert emergency. If you run out of water, eat as little food as you need just to give your body energy.
Survive in the Desert Step 4
Survive in the Desert Step 4

Step 4. Bring survival gear

Here are the most important items in survival kits:

  • Strong emergency blanket
  • Cable or rope
  • Water purifying tablets
  • First aid kit
  • Lighter
  • Flashlight or powerful head lamp. LEDs last the longest
  • Knife
  • Compass
  • Signal mirror
  • Goggles and a dust mask or bandana (for sandstorms)

Part 2 of 3: Survival Tactics

Survive in the Desert Step 5
Survive in the Desert Step 5

Step 1. Travel at night

In your desert survival state, you won't want to wander around during the day. The cooler night air makes it possible to travel farther and faster with the least danger of heat exhaustion. In hot weather, this decision will save about three liters of body fluids per day.

Survive in the Desert Step 6
Survive in the Desert Step 6

Step 2. Stay in the shelter during the day

If you don't have a shady car for cover, hang the cable between a pair of objects in the shade for most of the day. Hang a strong emergency blanket over the cable. Place a few brushes on top of the blanket, then cover them with another makeshift blanket (this can be a thin sheet of Mylar). The air gap between the two blankets will provide insulation for the shelter, making it cooler.

  • Build this place in the afternoon or evening. If you build it during the day, the heat will be trapped inside.
  • You can take advantage of an existing overhanging rock or cave, but approach it with caution as animals may use it.
Survive in the Desert Step 7
Survive in the Desert Step 7

Step 3. Make a signal for help

Making a fire is a great way to create a signal, producing smoke during the day and light at night. When stopping somewhere, keep the signal mirror within reach to reflect light on passing airplanes or distant cars.

If you plan to stay in one place until rescued, place a rock or object on the surface to write an SOS or similar message, which can be read from the plane

Survive in the Desert Step 8
Survive in the Desert Step 8

Step 4. Decide whether to stay in one place

If you have a supply of drinking water and someone knows where you are, staying in one place can be your best chance of being saved. Traveling for help will tire much more quickly than staying in one place, and the loss of water will cut survival time so much less if you can't find any more water supplies. However, if your water supply is running low, you will still need to find more water. You can't expect to survive more than a few days if you run out of water.

Survive in the Desert Step 9
Survive in the Desert Step 9

Step 5. Find a water source

If there is a thunderstorm around this time, you may find some catchments of water in rock outcrops or flat rock surfaces. More often than not, you will need to look for areas where there may be water on the surface:

  • Follow the trail of animals heading downhill, birds flying around something, or even flying insects.
  • Walk up to the greenest plants you can see, especially the large broadleaf plants.
  • Follow a gorge or river head, and look for descents, especially on the outer edges of indentations.
  • Look for hard rock slopes that are not porous, where rainwater may run off onto the ground. Dig up the sand or soil at the base of this slope.
  • In developed areas, look for buildings or troughs. When the sun is low, the glare will reflect off metal objects and water reservoirs that are far away.
Survive in the Desert Step 10
Survive in the Desert Step 10

Step 6. Dig the ground for water

After finding one of the areas above, dig about 30 cm of soil down. If you feel any moisture, widen the hole about 30 cm in diameter. Wait a few hours for the water to fill the hole.

Purify the water whenever possible. If you don't have that option, just drink it. Even if you do fall ill, it will usually take a few days before symptoms appear, while dehydration will take effect more quickly

Survive in the Desert Step 11
Survive in the Desert Step 11

Step 7. Look elsewhere for water

In addition to groundwater, you can find clusters of dew on plants before dawn. You can also find water in hollow tree trunks. Collect this water source with an absorbent cloth, then squeeze it into the container.

The half-buried rock has a cool bottom in the early morning. Turn it over before dawn to allow some condensation to form

Part 3 of 3: Recognizing Danger

Survive in the Desert Step 12
Survive in the Desert Step 12

Step 1. Watch for signs of dehydration

Many people find it more difficult to travel long distances because they underestimate the need for water. Trying to save water is a mistake that can take a life. If you notice any of the following symptoms, drink more water:

  • Urine that is dark in color or has a strong smell
  • Dry skin
  • Dizzy
  • Faint
Survive in the Desert Step 13
Survive in the Desert Step 13

Step 2. Take a break if you experience heat exhaustion

If you feel dizzy or nauseous, or if your skin feels cold and wet, seek shelter immediately. Rest and take care of yourself in the following ways:

  • Take off or loosen clothes
  • Sip a sports drink or slightly salty water (about 5 mL of salt per 1 liter of water/1 teaspoon per quart).
  • Place a damp cloth on the skin to help cool the evaporation.
  • Warning: if left untreated, this can develop into a heat stroke. This disorder causes muscle cramps, red skin that no longer sweats, and ultimately organ damage or death.
Survive in the Desert Step 14
Survive in the Desert Step 14

Step 3. Stay away from dangerous animals

Most mammals and reptiles will stay away from you, especially if the animal is alone. Follow the same way and be aware of your surroundings to avoid finding anything by accident. If possible, find out about local wildlife beforehand so you know how to respond to certain species.

  • Do not reach into small spaces or the bottom of the rock without poking it with a stick first. Scorpions, spiders or snakes can hide there.
  • In areas where there are killer bees, be aware and stay away from bee hives.
Survive in the Desert Step 15
Survive in the Desert Step 15

Step 4. Stay away from thorny plants

While cacti are easy to touch, you may not know that some cacti spread thorns on the surface to disperse their seeds. While usually not a high priority, staying away from the area is a good idea. In the worst case scenario, you can get injured and suffer an infection.


  • If you can't see any places where you can get water, walk up to the highlands for a better view.
  • Prolonged exposure to desert conditions can make the body and mind less stressed to deal with it. However, this effect won't last long if you leave the desert, and you can't train yourself to survive on less water.


  • Most cacti contain poison. You can eat the fruit, but don't try to open the spines and drink the pulp unless you know what to do.
  • "Snake bite kits" are usually ineffective or even dangerous. There are several techniques that can be used to treat a snakebite yourself.
  • Troughs and water storage facilities often do not stay wet for long. Don't assume a map can guide you to the water.
  • Solar stills (holes with plastic covering them) are almost never useful in deserts. It can take days for enough water to collect to replace the sweat lost while digging.
