As with any relationship, you need to make an effort to keep your friendship alive. If you feel like you're starting to drift away from your friend or simply want to strengthen your friendship, there are several ways to strengthen your relationship with your friend. If you are able to communicate regularly and take the right steps to be a supportive friend, you can overcome conflicts that arise and maintain your friendship in the long run.
Method 1 of 3: Stay Connected

Step 1. Send him messages periodically
When you see or experience something that reminds you of your friend, send him a message to show that you're thinking about him. If you are already close friends, you can message him every day. One thing you can do is submit funny photos or links to interesting articles.
- Include emojis to decorate or liven up your message.
- If he responds to you for a long time, try not to text him too often. Maybe he's busy or not so happy texting, like you do.

Step 2. Call him occasionally
Call your friends when you both have free time to chat. Ask questions about how he is doing and interesting things that might be happening in his life. When determining when and how often you need to contact him, consider how often you see him and how busy he is. If he has a lot of free time and likes to talk on the phone, try to contact him often.
- Don't call during work or school hours, and also consider the time difference if you and your friends live in cities/areas with different time zones.
- When calling, try to pick up a longer, more in-depth conversation than a text message.
- You can ask questions like “How was your school?” or “What are you going to do during the holidays?”

Step 3. Spend time with him if possible
Calling and chatting via text can be a great way to stay in touch with him. However, spending time in person with him can be a more enjoyable way to strengthen the friendship. Call him and make plans to spend some time together. Think about the things you both like. You can also buy show tickets or book a table at the restaurant in advance!
- You can exercise, visit a museum, buy something to enjoy, watch a movie, or attend a concert with your friends.
- If you live far enough from him, but have enough money to pay for transportation (or have your own vehicle), plan a trip so you can meet him in person.

Step 4. Use video chat to “meet up” and spend some time together if you live far enough from him
You can use video chat programs like Facetime and Skype to meet and spend time with them even if you live quite far from them. By looking at him while chatting, you can feel his presence, as if he was really with you.
When chatting via video, you can watch movies, play games, or just chat with them

Step 5. Make sure you stay connected to him via social media and email
If you're quite busy and don't have much time to chat with him regularly, you can stay in touch with him via social media or email. Send him a direct message or share a funny post with him online. This can be a great way to go, especially if you don't have much time to chat on the phone or spend time with him.
Method 2 of 3: Being a Good Friend

Step 1. Tell him that you value and respect him
If you don't prove your appreciation with words, chances are your friends will feel that you're just taking advantage of them. Remember to occasionally show your appreciation for the friendship you have with him.
You can show your appreciation by saying, for example, “I couldn't have done it without you. I really appreciate your presence.”

Step 2. Call him on his birthday and other important dates
Someone certainly wants to be remembered or remembered by his friends. Schedule important dates on your calendar and set reminders on your phone so you remember to call them on those important dates.
- Other important dates include wedding anniversaries, promotions, or the first day of school.
- Knowing the date of the breakup or the departure of a loved one also shows that you care about your friend.

Step 3. Offer help when he needs it
If you hear that he's having a hard time or seems gloomy and depressed, ask how he's doing. Call him or speak directly and ask what kind of help he needs. Even if you can't solve the problem right away, you can still provide support by listening to what he's going through.
For example, you could say, for example, “I heard you lost your job. This must be hard for you. Is there anything I can help you with?”

Step 4. Show your appreciation by doing a favor or giving him a gift
Try to make things easier in his life by trying to do something good or help him, like giving him a ride somewhere or letting him borrow your stuff. Try buying him his favorite candy or something he likes.
- In friendship, you don't have to give gifts. However, it shows him that you still think about him.
- Give him gifts on special occasions, such as his birthday or a special celebration (eg wedding anniversary).
- You can also give him a gift when he is having a hard time.

Step 5. Be honest
Honesty can build mutual trust in friendship. Don't lie when chatting with him. If your friend can depend on you and tell you the truth (or secrets), he or she will be more open and honest with you.
- When giving honest criticism, make sure you package it in a positive way so that his feelings are not hurt.
- For example, you could say, "I'm not sure if red suits you, but that yellow dress looks really cute on you."

Step 6. Show understanding
Think about his personality and try to see things from his point of view. If he does something you don't like, try to understand why he did it. Don't make the worst assumptions about your friends. Try to understand his motivations and emotions.
- For example, if your friend is always late, don't take it too seriously if she comes late to meet you. Realize that this is part of his personality and he may not mean to bother you or hurt your feelings.
- If he did something that hurt your feelings, you could say, "I understand why you feel that it's the best thing to do at the time, but actually what you did hurt my feelings."

Step 7. Don't talk bad things about your friend to other people
If you are a true friend, you will not talk bad things about him and share his personal information with others. Stay friends with him when other people talk bad about him. Don't spread rumors and keep anything personal a secret.
For example, if someone talks badly about your friend, you could say, “I don't agree with you. Selly is a good person and she won't do anything to hurt anyone on purpose."

Step 8. Don't underestimate your friends
Don't assume that your friend will be there for you when you need them if you don't keep in touch with them on a regular basis. Appreciate your friendship and show your presence in good times and bad.
- If your friend is going through a tough time and seems upset or angry, it's important that you stay with her and talk to her instead of avoiding her until she feels better.
- When you see your friend regularly, you can make it a habit and in the end, you won't realize how much you care about them.
Method 3 of 3: Resolving Conflict

Step 1. Apologize when you make a mistake
Show a willingness to contact him and apologize for your behavior. Try to explain your reasoning even if it allows you to get "backlash" or criticism from him. Instead of waiting for him to contact you, try to contact him first.
You could say, for example, “Hey! I'm sorry for forgetting to book a place. Lately I've been so overwhelmed with my work that I completely forgot to order it."

Step 2. Encourage your friends to achieve success even if you feel a little jealous
While petty competition in friendship isn't a bad thing, resenting and holding grudges against your friend isn't a good thing. Always have a positive attitude towards his progress or success, and don't belittle or discourage him.
You could say, for example, “Good job! You looked so cool on the show!"

Step 3. Limit your expectations and don't make assumptions
Everyone makes mistakes and it's important that you manage your expectations so you don't feel disappointed when your friend makes a mistake. If he upsets you, talk to him honestly rather than just yelling at him or getting mad at him.
For example, if he forgot your birthday, you could say, “I was expecting a call from you on my birthday. I'm not angry, but I feel disappointed."

Step 4. Remember the things that made you friends with him
If you start to feel distant from him, think back to the things that made you friends with him. Plan to chat and reminisce about the things you've been through with him. It helps you remember why you liked him in the first place and can strengthen your relationship with him again.
- You could say, for example, “Remember when we used to ride Lightning in the Fantasy World? Susie was so scared! That's so funny!"
- Some of the things that might bring you closer to your friend include certain types of music, movies, or television shows.