Zazen is the basis of Zen meditation, one of the meditation practices practiced only by Zen Buddhists. The word zen in Japanese means meditation. So Zen Buddhists can also be called meditation practitioners. This article will explain how to practice zazen for beginners, which literally means sitting meditation.

Step 1. Prepare a small cushion or cushion
You can sit with a pillow or without a pillow, depending on the sitting position you choose and individual preferences.

Step 2. Choose the sitting position you want
The literal translation of the word zazen is meditation while sitting. So, how to sit is very important. There are several positions to do zazen:
- The Burmese sitting position is the easiest sitting position cross-legged by placing both legs and knees on the floor and one ankle in front of the other, not on top of each other.
- The half lotus sitting position (Hankafuza) is done by placing the sole of the left foot on the right thigh and tucking the right foot under the left thigh.
- The full lotus sitting position (Kekkafuza) is the most stable sitting position. This sitting position is done by placing the sole of the left foot on the right thigh and raising the right foot over the left thigh. At first, this sitting position may be painful, but your leg muscles will become more flexible after a lot of practice. If this position is too difficult and still painful after a week of practicing, consult a doctor or do therapy by placing a bottle of warm water on your thigh. Do not do this position if you have chronic knee pain.
- Sitting in a kneeling position (Seiza) starts from the kneeling position and then sits on the heels.
- Sit on the chair. You can sit in a chair, but try to keep your back straight.
- Stand up. This position is performed by Koreans and Chinese who cannot sit for too long. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. The distance between the two heels should be closer than the distance between the two big toes. Place both palms on the stomach stacked on top of each other, right hand on top of left hand. Don't lock your knees.

Step 3. Position the palms in the cosmic mudra
Place your dominant palm under your other palm in front of your stomach and point your palms up. Gently touch both thumbs.

Step 4. Begin to meditate by calming your mind and focusing only on the breath
You can close your eyes, half-closed, or open your eyes.

Step 5. Inhale for a count of 10 and exhale for a count of 10

Step 6. Repeat counting from one if your mind wanders off
Distracted thoughts are common. Repeat counting from one while focusing your mind on the breath.

Step 7. Meditate for about 15 minutes
Once you can breathe for a count of 10 without being distracted, start counting your inhales and exhales as a whole, instead of counting them separately. Do the exercise regularly until you are able to concentrate on the breath without having to count again. You can achieve this ability if you do zazen every day.

Step 8. Open your eyes and move your arms and legs to allow blood to flow back to normal

Step 9. Meditate for 15 minutes in the first week then add another 5 minutes each week until you can do it for 45 minutes to 1 hour
If you can do zazen regularly and gradually, you will feel very relaxed and experience deep stillness during meditation. Let your breath flow naturally, no need to breathe in a certain way.

Step 10. Find silence
Zazen is not just sitting still to awaken the hidden consciousness within us. This final step can be achieved by creating or finding silence within us through meditation. Observe yourself and your life during and after meditating while activating all the senses. Once you are able to control your thoughts during meditation or in your daily life, observe what unfolds… and you realize.
- During meditation, the position of the hands has an important meaning. One palm represents physical life and the other represents spiritual life. By bringing the two together, meditation practitioners are reminded to harmonize the two sides of life. In addition, the thumb touching each other is a way of controlling the subconscious. If both thumbs are pressing against each other, this means that you are too tense and need to relax. If you let go, you may be asleep. So, touch both thumbs gently.
- Do meditation every day on a regular basis.
- Try to straighten your back so that the diaphragm can move freely so that you can breathe very deeply while doing zazen.
- Do not force yourself to sit in a certain position that causes pain or discomfort. Choose another sitting position.